* Copyright (c) 2009 Lukas Mejdrech
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* - The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
/** @addtogroup ip
* @{
/** @file
* IP module implementation.
* @see arp.h
* \todo
#include <async.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fibril_sync.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ipc/ipc.h>
#include <ipc/services.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "../../err.h"
#include "../../messages.h"
#include "../../modules.h"
#include "../../include/arp_interface.h"
#include "../../include/byteorder.h"
#include "../../include/crc.h"
#include "../../include/device.h"
#include "../../include/icmp_client.h"
#include "../../include/icmp_codes.h"
#include "../../include/icmp_interface.h"
#include "../../include/il_interface.h"
#include "../../include/in.h"
#include "../../include/in6.h"
#include "../../include/inet.h"
#include "../../include/ip_client.h"
#include "../../include/ip_interface.h"
#include "../../include/net_interface.h"
#include "../../include/nil_interface.h"
#include "../../include/tl_interface.h"
#include "../../include/socket_codes.h"
#include "../../include/socket_errno.h"
#include "../../structures/measured_strings.h"
#include "../../structures/module_map.h"
#include "../../structures/packet/packet_client.h"
#include "../../nil/nil_messages.h"
#include "../il_messages.h"
#include "ip.h"
#include "ip_header.h"
#include "ip_messages.h"
#include "ip_module.h"
/** IP version 4.
#define IPV4 4
/** Default network interface IP version.
/** Default network interface IP routing.
/** Minimum IP packet content.
#define IP_MIN_CONTENT 576
/** ARP module name.
#define ARP_NAME "arp"
/** ARP module filename.
#define ARP_FILENAME "/srv/arp"
/** IP packet address length.
#define IP_ADDR sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 )
/** IP packet prefix length.
#define IP_PREFIX sizeof( ip_header_t )
/** IP packet suffix length.
#define IP_SUFFIX 0
/** IP packet maximum content length.
#define IP_MAX_CONTENT 65535
/** Returns the actual IP header length.
* @param header The IP packet header. Input parameter.
#define IP_HEADER_LENGTH( header ) (( header )->ihl * 4u )
/** Returns the actual IP packet total length.
* @param header The IP packet header. Input parameter.
#define IP_TOTAL_LENGTH( header ) ntohs(( header )->total_length )
/** Returns the actual IP packet data length.
* @param header The IP packet header. Input parameter.
#define IP_HEADER_DATA_LENGTH( header ) ( IP_TOTAL_LENGTH( header ) - IP_HEADER_LENGTH( header ))
/** Returns the IP packet header checksum.
* @param header The IP packet header. Input parameter.
#define IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( header ) ( htons( ip_checksum(( uint8_t * )( header ), IP_HEADER_LENGTH( header ))))
/** Returns the fragment offest.
* @param length The prefixed data total length. Input parameter.
#define IP_FRAGMENT_OFFSET( length ) (( length ) / 8 )
/** IP global data.
ip_globals_t ip_globals;
DEVICE_MAP_IMPLEMENT( ip_netifs, ip_netif_t )
INT_MAP_IMPLEMENT( ip_protos, ip_proto_t )
GENERIC_FIELD_IMPLEMENT( ip_routes, ip_route_t )
/** Updates the device content length according to the new MTU value.
* @param device_id The device identifier. Input parameter.
* @param mtu The new mtu value. Input parameter.
* @returns EOK on success.
* @returns ENOENT if device is not found.
int ip_mtu_changed_message( device_id_t device_id, size_t mtu );
/** Updates the device state.
* @param device_id The device identifier. Input parameter.
* @param state The new state value. Input parameter.
* @returns EOK on success.
* @returns ENOENT if device is not found.
int ip_device_state_message( device_id_t device_id, device_state_t state );
int ip_register( int protocol, services_t service, int phone, tl_received_msg_t tl_received_msg );
/** Initializes a new network interface specific data.
* Connects to the network interface layer module, reads the netif configuration, starts an ARP module if needed and sets the netif routing table.
* The device identifier and the nil service has to be set.
* @param ip_netif Network interface specific data. Input/output parameter.
* @returns EOK on success.
* @returns ENOTSUP if DHCP is configured.
* @returns ENOTSUP if IPv6 is configured.
* @returns EINVAL if any of the addresses is invalid.
* @returns EINVAL if the used ARP module is not known.
* @returns ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
* @returns Other error codes as defined for the net_get_device_conf_req() function.
* @returns Other error codes as defined for the bind_service() function.
* @returns Other error codes as defined for the specific arp_device_req() function.
* @returns Other error codes as defined for the nil_packet_size_req() function.
int ip_netif_initialize( ip_netif_ref ip_netif );
int ip_send_route( packet_t packet, ip_netif_ref netif, ip_route_ref route, in_addr_t * src, in_addr_t dest, services_t error );
int ip_prepare_packet( in_addr_t * source, in_addr_t dest, packet_t packet, measured_string_ref destination );
packet_t ip_split_packet( packet_t packet, size_t prefix, size_t content, size_t suffix, socklen_t addr_len, services_t error );
int ip_fragment_packet( packet_t packet, size_t length, size_t prefix, size_t suffix, socklen_t addr_len );
int ip_fragment_packet_data( packet_t packet, packet_t new_packet, ip_header_ref header, ip_header_ref new_header, size_t length, const struct sockaddr * src, const struct sockaddr * dest, socklen_t addrlen );
ip_header_ref ip_create_middle_header( packet_t packet, ip_header_ref last );
void ip_create_last_header( ip_header_ref last, ip_header_ref first );
in_addr_t * ip_netif_address( ip_netif_ref netif );
ip_route_ref ip_find_route( in_addr_t destination );
ip_route_ref ip_netif_find_route( ip_netif_ref netif, in_addr_t destination );
/** Processes the received IP packet.
* @param device_id The source device identifier. Input parameter.
* @param packet The received packet. Input/output parameter.
* @returns EOK on success and the packet is no longer needed.
* @returns EINVAL if the packet is too small to carry the IP packet.
* @returns EINVAL if the received address lengths differs from the registered values.
* @returns ENOENT if the device is not found in the cache.
* @returns ENOENT if the protocol for the device is not found in the cache.
* @returns ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
int ip_receive_message( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet );
int ip_process_packet( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet );
in_addr_t ip_get_destination( ip_header_ref header );
int ip_deliver_local( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header, services_t error );
int ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( services_t error, packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header );
int ip_get_icmp_phone( void );
int ip_prepare_icmp( packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header );
int ip_release_and_return( packet_t packet, int result );
int ip_initialize( async_client_conn_t client_connection ){
fibril_rwlock_initialize( & ip_globals.lock );
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.lock );
fibril_rwlock_initialize( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
fibril_rwlock_initialize( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
ip_globals.packet_counter = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.address.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.netmask.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.netif = NULL;
ERROR_PROPAGATE( ip_netifs_initialize( & ip_globals.netifs ));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( ip_protos_initialize( & ip_globals.protos ));
ip_globals.client_connection = client_connection;
ERROR_PROPAGATE( modules_initialize( & ip_globals.modules ));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( add_module( NULL, & ip_globals.modules, ARP_NAME, ARP_FILENAME, SERVICE_ARP, arp_task_get_id(), arp_connect_module ));
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.lock );
return EOK;
int ip_device_req( int il_phone, device_id_t device_id, services_t netif ){
ip_netif_ref ip_netif;
ip_route_ref route;
int index;
char * data;
= ( ip_netif_ref
) malloc( sizeof( ip_netif_t
if( ! ip_netif ) return ENOMEM;
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_routes_initialize( & ip_netif->routes ))){
return ERROR_CODE;
ip_netif->device_id = device_id;
ip_netif->service = netif;
ip_netif->state = NETIF_STOPPED;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_netif_initialize( ip_netif ))){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
ip_routes_destroy( & ip_netif->routes );
return ERROR_CODE;
if( ip_netif->arp ) ++ ip_netif->arp->usage;
// print the settings
printf( "New device registered:\n\tid\t= %d\n\tphone\t= %d\n\tIPV\t= %d\n", ip_netif
, ip_netif
, ip_netif
printf( "\tconfiguration\t= %s\n", ip_netif
? "dhcp" : "static" );
// TODO ipv6 addresses
= ( char * ) malloc( INET_ADDRSTRLEN
if( data ){
for( index = 0; index < ip_routes_count( & ip_netif->routes ); ++ index ){
route = ip_routes_get_index( & ip_netif->routes, index );
if( route ){
printf( "\tRouting %d:\n", index
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & route->address.s_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\t\taddress\t= %s\n", data
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & route->netmask.s_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\t\tnetmask\t= %s\n", data
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & route->gateway.s_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\t\tgateway\t= %s\n", data
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->broadcast.s_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\tbroadcast\t= %s\n", data
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->dns1, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\tdns1\t= %s\n", data
inet_ntop( AF_INET, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->dns2, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN );
printf( "\tdns2\t= %s\n", data
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return EOK;
int ip_netif_initialize( ip_netif_ref ip_netif ){
measured_string_t names[] = {{ "IPV", 3 }, { "IP_CONFIG", 9 }, { "IP_ADDR", 7 }, { "NETMASK", 7 }, { "GATEWAY", 7 }, { "BROADCAST", 9 }, { "DNS1", 4 }, { "DNS2", 4 }, { "ARP", 3 }, { "IP_ROUTING", 10 }};
measured_string_ref configuration;
size_t count = sizeof( names ) / sizeof( measured_string_t );
char * data;
measured_string_t address;
int index;
ip_route_ref route;
in_addr_t gateway;
ip_netif->arp = NULL;
route = NULL;
ip_netif->ipv = NET_DEFAULT_IPV;
ip_netif->dhcp = false;
ip_netif->routing = NET_DEFAULT_IP_ROUTING;
configuration = & names[ 0 ];
// get configuration
ERROR_PROPAGATE( net_get_device_conf_req( ip_globals.net_phone, ip_netif->device_id, & configuration, count, & data ));
if( configuration ){
if( configuration[ 0 ].value ){
= strtol( configuration
[ 0 ].
value, NULL
, 0 );
ip_netif->dhcp = ! str_lcmp( configuration[ 1 ].value, "dhcp", configuration[ 1 ].length );
if( ip_netif->dhcp ){
// TODO dhcp
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return ENOTSUP;
}else if( ip_netif->ipv == IPV4 ){
= ( ip_route_ref
) malloc( sizeof( ip_route_t
if( ! route ){
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return ENOMEM;
route->address.s_addr = 0;
route->netmask.s_addr = 0;
route->gateway.s_addr = 0;
route->netif = ip_netif;
index = ip_routes_add( & ip_netif->routes, route );
if( index < 0 ){
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return index;
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 2 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & route->address.s_addr ))
|| ERROR_OCCURRED( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 3 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & route->netmask.s_addr ))
|| ( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 4 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & gateway.s_addr ) == EINVAL )
|| ( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 5 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->broadcast.s_addr ) == EINVAL )
|| ( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 6 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->dns1 ) == EINVAL )
|| ( inet_pton( AF_INET, configuration[ 7 ].value, ( uint8_t * ) & ip_netif->dns2 ) == EINVAL )){
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return EINVAL;
// TODO ipv6 in separate module
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return ENOTSUP;
if( configuration[ 8 ].value ){
ip_netif->arp = get_running_module( & ip_globals.modules, configuration[ 8 ].value );
if( ! ip_netif->arp ){
printf( "Failed to start the arp %s\n", configuration
[ 8 ].
value );
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
return EINVAL;
if( configuration[ 9 ].value ){
ip_netif->routing = ( configuration[ 9 ].value[ 0 ] == 'y' );
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
// binds the netif service which also initializes the device
ip_netif->phone = bind_service( ip_netif->service, ( ipcarg_t ) ip_netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, 0, ip_globals.client_connection );
if( ip_netif->phone < 0 ){
printf( "Failed to contact the nil service %d\n", ip_netif
return ip_netif->phone;
// has to be after the device netif module initialization
if( ip_netif->arp ){
if( route ){
address.value = ( char * ) & route->address.s_addr;
address.length = CONVERT_SIZE( in_addr_t, char, 1 );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( arp_device_req( ip_netif->arp->phone, ip_netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, ip_netif->service, & address ));
ip_netif->arp = 0;
// get packet dimensions
ERROR_PROPAGATE( nil_packet_size_req( ip_netif->phone, ip_netif->device_id, & ip_netif->addr_len, & ip_netif->prefix, & ip_netif->content, & ip_netif->suffix ));
if( ip_netif->content < IP_MIN_CONTENT ){
printf( "Maximum transmission unit %d bytes is too small, at least %d bytes are needed\n", ip_netif
ip_netif->content = IP_MIN_CONTENT;
index = ip_netifs_add( & ip_globals.netifs, ip_netif->device_id, ip_netif );
if( index < 0 ) return index;
if( gateway.s_addr ){
// the default gateway
ip_globals.gateway.address.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.netmask.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr = gateway.s_addr;
ip_globals.gateway.netif = ip_netif;
return EOK;
int ip_mtu_changed_message( device_id_t device_id, size_t mtu ){
ip_netif_ref netif;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOENT;
netif->content = mtu;
printf( "ip - device %d changed mtu to %d\n\n", device_id
, mtu
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return EOK;
int ip_device_state_message( device_id_t device_id, device_state_t state ){
/* measured_string_t address;
measured_string_ref translation;
char * data;
/* packet_t packet;
in_addr_t destination;
ip_netif_ref netif;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOENT;
netif->state = state;
// TODO state
printf( "ip - device %d changed state to %d\n\n", device_id
, state
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
// if( netif->arp ){
/* address.value = ( char * ) & ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr;
address.length = CONVERT_SIZE( ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr, char, 1 );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address, & translation, & data ))){
ERROR_PROPAGATE( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address, & translation, & data ));
printf( "\tgateway translated to\t= %X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X\n", data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ], data[ 5 ] );
free( translation );
free( data );
address.value = ( char * ) & ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr;
address.length = CONVERT_SIZE( ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr, char, 1 );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address, & translation, & data ))){
sleep( 2 );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address, & translation, & data ));
printf( "\tgateway translated to\t= %X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X\n", data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2 ], data[ 3 ], data[ 4 ], data[ 5 ] );
free( translation );
free( data );
*//* printf( "IP - testing to send packet:\n" );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( inet_pton( AF_INET, "", ( uint8_t * ) & destination.s_addr ));
packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, 30, netif->addr_len, netif->prefix + sizeof( ip_header_t ), netif->suffix );
if( ! packet ) return ENOMEM;
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, 30, netif->addr_len, netif->prefix + sizeof( ip_header_t ), netif->suffix );
if( ! packet ) return ENOMEM;
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, 30, netif->addr_len, netif->prefix + sizeof( ip_header_t ), netif->suffix );
if( ! packet ) return ENOMEM;
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, 1500, netif->addr_len, netif->prefix + sizeof( ip_header_t ), netif->suffix );
if( ! packet ) return ENOMEM;
// try this long version
// if( ERROR_OCCURRED( packet_copy_data( packet, "Hi, this is IP, wery long version 1, wery long version 2, wery long version 3, wery long version 4, wery long version 5, wery long version 6, wery long version 7, wery long version 8, wery long version 9, wery long version 10, wery long version 11, wery long version 12, wery long version 13, wery long version 14, wery long version 15, wery long version 16, wery long version 17, wery long version 18, wery long version 19, wery long version 20, wery long version 21, wery long version 22, wery long version 23, wery long version 24, wery long version 25, wery long version 26, wery long version 27, wery long version 28, wery long version 29, wery long version 30Hi, this is IP, wery long version 1, wery long version 2, wery long version 3, wery long version 4, wery long version 5, wery long version 6, wery long version 7, wery long version 8, wery long version 9, wery long version 10, wery long version 11, wery long version 12, wery long version 13, wery long version 14, wery long version 15, wery long version 16, wery long version 17, wery long version 18, wery long version 19, wery long version 20, wery long version 21, wery long version 22, wery long version 23, wery long version 24, wery long version 25, wery long version 26, wery long version 27, wery long version 28, wery long version 29, wery long version 30", 1330 ))
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( packet_copy_data( packet, "Hi, this is IP", 14 ))
|| ERROR_OCCURRED( packet_set_addr( packet, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) & destination.s_addr, 4 ))
|| ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_client_prepare_packet( packet, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ))){
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
ERROR_CODE = ip_send_msg( 0, 0, packet, SERVICE_IP );
printf( "send returned %d\n", ERROR_CODE );
*/ return EOK;
int ip_connect_module( services_t service ){
return EOK;
int ip_bind_service( services_t service, int protocol, services_t me, async_client_conn_t receiver, tl_received_msg_t received_msg ){
return ip_register( protocol, me, 0, received_msg );
int ip_register( int protocol, services_t service, int phone, tl_received_msg_t received_msg ){
ip_proto_ref proto;
int index;
if( !( protocol && service && (( phone > 0 ) || ( received_msg )))) return EINVAL;
= ( ip_proto_ref
) malloc( sizeof( ip_protos_t
if( ! proto ) return ENOMEM;
proto->protocol = protocol;
proto->service = service;
proto->phone = phone;
proto->received_msg = received_msg;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
index = ip_protos_add( & ip_globals.protos, proto->protocol, proto );
if( index < 0 ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
return index;
printf( "New protocol registered:\n\tprotocol\t= %d\n\tphone\t= %d\n", proto
, proto
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
return EOK;
int ip_send_msg( int il_phone, device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet, services_t sender, services_t error ){
int addrlen;
ip_netif_ref netif;
ip_route_ref route;
struct sockaddr * addr;
struct sockaddr_in * address_in;
// struct sockaddr_in6 * address_in6;
in_addr_t * dest;
in_addr_t * src;
int phone;
// addresses in the host byte order
// should be the next hop address or the target destination address
addrlen = packet_get_addr( packet, NULL, ( uint8_t ** ) & addr );
if( addrlen < 0 ){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, addrlen );
if( addrlen < sizeof( struct sockaddr )){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EINVAL );
switch( addr->sa_family ){
case AF_INET:
if( addrlen != sizeof( struct sockaddr_in )){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EINVAL );
address_in = ( struct sockaddr_in * ) addr;
dest = & address_in->sin_addr;
// TODO IPv6
/* case AF_INET6:
if( addrlen != sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 )) return EINVAL;
address_in6 = ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) dest;
*/ default:
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EAFNOSUPPORT );
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
// device specified?
if( device_id > 0 ){
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
route = ip_netif_find_route( netif, * dest );
route = ip_find_route( * dest );
netif = route ? route->netif : NULL;
if( !( netif && route )){
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( error, packet, NULL );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// unreachable ICMP if no routing
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_HOST_UNREACH, 0, packet );
return ENOENT;
if( error ){
// do not send for broadcast, anycast packets or network broadcast
if(( ! dest->s_addr )
|| ( !( ~ dest->s_addr ))
|| ( !( ~(( dest->s_addr & ( ~ route->netmask.s_addr )) | route->netmask.s_addr )))
|| ( !( dest->s_addr & ( ~ route->netmask.s_addr )))){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EINVAL );
src = ip_netif_address( netif );
if( ! src ){
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOENT );
ERROR_CODE = ip_send_route( packet, netif, route, src, * dest, error );
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ERROR_CODE;
in_addr_t * ip_netif_address( ip_netif_ref netif ){
ip_route_ref route;
route = ip_routes_get_index( & netif->routes, 0 );
return route ? & route->address : NULL;
int ip_send_route( packet_t packet, ip_netif_ref netif, ip_route_ref route, in_addr_t * src, in_addr_t dest, services_t error ){
measured_string_t destination;
measured_string_ref translation;
char * data;
int phone;
// get destination hardware address
if( netif->arp && ( route->address.s_addr != dest.s_addr )){
destination.value = route->gateway.s_addr ? ( char * ) & route->gateway.s_addr : ( char * ) & dest.s_addr;
destination.length = CONVERT_SIZE( dest.s_addr, char, 1 );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & destination, & translation, & data ))){
// sleep( 1 );
// ERROR_PROPAGATE( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & destination, & translation, & data ));
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
return ERROR_CODE;
if( !( translation && translation->value )){
if( translation ){
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( error, packet, NULL );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// unreachable ICMP if no routing
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_HOST_UNREACH, 0, packet );
return EINVAL;
}else translation = NULL;
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_prepare_packet( src, dest, packet, translation ))){
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
packet = ip_split_packet( packet, netif->prefix, netif->content, netif->suffix, netif->addr_len, error );
if( packet ){
nil_send_msg( netif->phone, netif->device_id, packet, SERVICE_IP );
if( translation ){
return ERROR_CODE;
int ip_prepare_packet( in_addr_t * source, in_addr_t dest, packet_t packet, measured_string_ref destination ){
size_t length;
ip_header_ref header;
ip_header_ref last_header;
ip_header_ref middle_header;
packet_t next;
length = packet_get_data_length( packet );
if(( length < sizeof( ip_header_t )) || ( length > IP_MAX_CONTENT )) return EINVAL;
header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_get_data( packet );
if( destination ){
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( packet, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) destination->value, CONVERT_SIZE( char, uint8_t, destination->length )));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( packet, NULL, NULL, 0 ));
header->version = IPV4;
header->fragment_offset = 0;
header->header_checksum = 0;
if( source ) header->source_address = source->s_addr;
header->destination_address = dest.s_addr;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.lock );
++ ip_globals.packet_counter;
header->identification = htons( ip_globals.packet_counter );
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.lock );
length = packet_get_data_length( packet );
if( pq_next( packet )){
= ( ip_header_ref
( header
if( ! last_header ) return ENOMEM;
ip_create_last_header( last_header, header );
next = pq_next( packet );
while( pq_next( next )){
middle_header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_prefix( next, IP_HEADER_LENGTH( last_header ));
if( ! middle_header ) return ENOMEM;
memcpy( middle_header
, last_header
( last_header
header->flags |= IPFLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS;
middle_header->total_length = htons( packet_get_data_length( next ));
middle_header->fragment_offset = IP_FRAGMENT_OFFSET( length );
middle_header->header_checksum = IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( middle_header );
if( destination ){
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( next, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) destination->value, CONVERT_SIZE( char, uint8_t, destination->length )));
length += packet_get_data_length( next );
next = pq_next( next );
middle_header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_prefix( next, IP_HEADER_LENGTH( last_header ));
if( ! middle_header ) return ENOMEM;
memcpy( middle_header
, last_header
( last_header
middle_header->total_length = htons( packet_get_data_length( next ));
middle_header->fragment_offset = IP_FRAGMENT_OFFSET( length );
middle_header->header_checksum = IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( middle_header );
if( destination ){
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( next, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) destination->value, CONVERT_SIZE( char, uint8_t, destination->length )));
length += packet_get_data_length( next );
header->flags |= IPFLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS;
header->total_length = htons( length );
// unnecessary for all protocols
header->header_checksum = IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( header );
return EOK;
int ip_message( ipc_callid_t callid, ipc_call_t * call, ipc_call_t * answer, int * answer_count ){
packet_t packet;
struct sockaddr * addr;
size_t addrlen;
ip_pseudo_header_ref header;
size_t headerlen;
* answer_count = 0;
switch( IPC_GET_METHOD( * call )){
return EOK;
return ip_device_req( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IPC_GET_SERVICE( call ));
return ip_register( IL_GET_PROTO( call ), IL_GET_SERVICE( call ), IPC_GET_PHONE( call ), NULL );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_translate( ip_globals.net_phone, & packet, IPC_GET_PACKET( call )));
return ip_send_msg( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), packet, 0, IPC_GET_ERROR( call ));
return ip_device_state_message( IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IPC_GET_STATE( call ));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_translate( ip_globals.net_phone, & packet, IPC_GET_PACKET( call )));
return ip_receive_message( IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), packet );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_translate( ip_globals.net_phone, & packet, IPC_GET_PACKET( call )));
return ip_received_error_msg( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), packet, IPC_GET_TARGET( call ), IPC_GET_ERROR( call ));
return ip_add_route_req( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IP_GET_ADDRESS( call ), IP_GET_NETMASK( call ), IP_GET_GATEWAY( call ));
return ip_set_gateway_req( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IP_GET_GATEWAY( call ));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( data_receive(( void ** ) & addr, & addrlen ));
ERROR_PROPAGATE( ip_get_route_req( 0, IP_GET_PROTOCOL( call ), addr, ( socklen_t ) addrlen, IPC_SET_DEVICE( answer ), & header, & headerlen ));
* IP_SET_HEADERLEN( answer ) = headerlen;
if( ! ERROR_OCCURRED( data_reply( & headerlen, sizeof( headerlen )))){
ERROR_CODE = data_reply( header, headerlen );
return ERROR_CODE;
ERROR_PROPAGATE( ip_packet_size_req( 0, IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IPC_SET_ADDR( answer ), IPC_SET_PREFIX( answer ), IPC_SET_CONTENT( answer ), IPC_SET_SUFFIX( answer )));
* answer_count = 3;
return EOK;
return ip_mtu_changed_message( IPC_GET_DEVICE( call ), IPC_GET_MTU( call ));
return ENOTSUP;
int ip_packet_size_req( int ip_phone, device_id_t device_id, size_t * addr_len, size_t * prefix, size_t * content, size_t * suffix ){
ip_netif_ref netif;
int index;
if( !( addr_len && prefix && content && suffix )) return EBADMEM;
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
if( device_id < 0 ){
* addr_len = IP_ADDR;
* prefix = 0;
* suffix = 0;
for( index = ip_netifs_count( & ip_globals.netifs ) - 1; index >= 0; -- index ){
netif = ip_netifs_get_index( & ip_globals.netifs, index );
if( netif ){
if( netif->addr_len > * addr_len ) * addr_len = netif->addr_len;
if( netif->prefix > * prefix ) * prefix = netif->prefix;
if( netif->suffix > * suffix ) * suffix = netif->suffix;
* prefix = * prefix + IP_PREFIX;
* suffix = * suffix + IP_SUFFIX;
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ){
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOENT;
* addr_len = ( netif->addr_len > IP_ADDR ) ? netif->addr_len : IP_ADDR;
* prefix = netif->prefix + IP_PREFIX;
* suffix = netif->suffix + IP_SUFFIX;
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return EOK;
int ip_add_route_req( int ip_phone, device_id_t device_id, in_addr_t address, in_addr_t netmask, in_addr_t gateway ){
ip_route_ref route;
ip_netif_ref netif;
int index;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOENT;
= ( ip_route_ref
) malloc( sizeof( ip_route_t
if( ! route ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOMEM;
route->address.s_addr = address.s_addr;
route->netmask.s_addr = netmask.s_addr;
route->gateway.s_addr = gateway.s_addr;
route->netif = netif;
index = ip_routes_add( & netif->routes, route );
if( index
< 0 ) free( route
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return index;
ip_route_ref ip_find_route( in_addr_t destination ){
int index;
ip_route_ref route;
ip_netif_ref netif;
// start with the last netif - the newest one
index = ip_netifs_count( & ip_globals.netifs ) - 1;
while( index >= 0 ){
netif = ip_netifs_get_index( & ip_globals.netifs, index );
if( netif && ( netif->state == NETIF_ACTIVE )){
route = ip_netif_find_route( netif, destination );
if( route ) return route;
-- index;
return & ip_globals.gateway;
ip_route_ref ip_netif_find_route( ip_netif_ref netif, in_addr_t destination ){
int index;
ip_route_ref route;
if( netif ){
// start with the first one - the direct route
for( index = 0; index < ip_routes_count( & netif->routes ); ++ index ){
route = ip_routes_get_index( & netif->routes, index );
if( route && (( route->address.s_addr & route->netmask.s_addr ) == ( destination.s_addr & route->netmask.s_addr ))){
return route;
return NULL;
int ip_set_gateway_req( int ip_phone, device_id_t device_id, in_addr_t gateway ){
ip_netif_ref netif;
fibril_rwlock_write_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ){
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ENOENT;
ip_globals.gateway.address.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.netmask.s_addr = 0;
ip_globals.gateway.gateway.s_addr = gateway.s_addr;
ip_globals.gateway.netif = netif;
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return EOK;
packet_t ip_split_packet( packet_t packet, size_t prefix, size_t content, size_t suffix, socklen_t addr_len, services_t error ){
size_t length;
packet_t next;
packet_t new_packet;
int result;
int phone;
next = packet;
// check all packets
while( next ){
length = packet_get_data_length( next );
// too long?
if( length > content ){
result = ip_fragment_packet( next, content, prefix, suffix, addr_len );
if( result != EOK ){
new_packet = pq_detach( next );
if( next == packet ){
// the new first packet of the queue
packet = new_packet;
// fragmentation needed?
if( result == EPERM ){
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( error, next, NULL );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// fragmentation necessary ICMP
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED, content, next );
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( next ));
next = new_packet;
next = pq_next( next );
return packet;
int ip_fragment_packet( packet_t packet, size_t length, size_t prefix, size_t suffix, socklen_t addr_len ){
packet_t new_packet;
ip_header_ref header;
ip_header_ref middle_header;
ip_header_ref last_header;
struct sockaddr * src;
struct sockaddr * dest;
socklen_t addrlen;
int result;
result = packet_get_addr( packet, ( uint8_t ** ) & src, ( uint8_t ** ) & dest );
if( result <= 0 ) return EINVAL;
addrlen = ( socklen_t ) result;
if( packet_get_data_length( packet ) <= sizeof( ip_header_t )) return ENOMEM;
// get header
header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_get_data( packet );
if( ! header ) return EINVAL;
// fragmentation forbidden?
if( header->flags & IPFLAG_DONT_FRAGMENT ){
return EPERM;
// create the last fragment
new_packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, prefix, length, suffix, (( addrlen > addr_len ) ? addrlen : addr_len ));
if( ! new_packet ) return ENOMEM;
// allocate as much as originally
last_header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_suffix( new_packet, IP_HEADER_LENGTH( header ));
if( ! last_header ){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
ip_create_last_header( last_header, header );
// trim the unused space
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( packet_trim( new_packet, 0, IP_HEADER_LENGTH( header ) - IP_HEADER_LENGTH( last_header )))){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ERROR_CODE );
// biggest multiple of 8 lower than content
// TODO even fragmentation?
length = length & ( ~ 0x7 );// ( content / 8 ) * 8
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_fragment_packet_data( packet, new_packet, header, last_header, (( IP_TOTAL_LENGTH( header ) - length ) % ( length - IP_HEADER_LENGTH( last_header ))), src, dest, addrlen ))){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ERROR_CODE );
// mark the first as fragmented
header->flags |= IPFLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS;
// create middle framgents
while( IP_TOTAL_LENGTH( header ) > length ){
new_packet = packet_get_4( ip_globals.net_phone, prefix, length, suffix, (( addrlen >= addr_len ) ? addrlen : addr_len ));
if( ! new_packet ) return ENOMEM;
middle_header = ip_create_middle_header( new_packet, last_header );
if( ! middle_header ){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_fragment_packet_data( packet, new_packet, header, middle_header, length - IP_HEADER_LENGTH( middle_header ), src, dest, addrlen ))){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ERROR_CODE );
// finish the first fragment
header->header_checksum = IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( header );
return EOK;
int ip_fragment_packet_data( packet_t packet, packet_t new_packet, ip_header_ref header, ip_header_ref new_header, size_t length, const struct sockaddr * src, const struct sockaddr * dest, socklen_t addrlen ){
void * data;
data = packet_suffix( new_packet, length );
if( ! data ) return ENOMEM;
memcpy( data
, (( void * ) header
( header
) - length
, length
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_trim( packet, 0, length ));
header->total_length = htons( IP_TOTAL_LENGTH( header ) - length );
new_header->total_length = htons( IP_HEADER_LENGTH( new_header ) + length );
new_header->fragment_offset = header->fragment_offset + IP_HEADER_DATA_LENGTH( header ) / 8;
new_header->header_checksum = IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( new_header );
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( new_packet, ( const uint8_t * ) src, ( const uint8_t * ) dest, addrlen ));
return pq_insert_after( packet, new_packet );
ip_header_ref ip_create_middle_header( packet_t packet, ip_header_ref last ){
ip_header_ref middle;
middle = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_suffix( packet, IP_HEADER_LENGTH( last ));
if( ! middle ) return NULL;
memcpy( middle
, last
( last
middle->flags |= IPFLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS;
return middle;
void ip_create_last_header( ip_header_ref last, ip_header_ref first ){
ip_option_ref option;
size_t next;
size_t length;
// copy first itself
memcpy( last
, first
, sizeof( ip_header_t
length = sizeof( ip_header_t );
next = sizeof( ip_header_t );
// process all ip options
while( next < first->ihl ){
option = ( ip_option_ref ) ((( uint8_t * ) first ) + next );
// skip end or noop
if(( option->type == IPOPT_END ) || ( option->type == IPOPT_NOOP )){
++ next;
// copy if said so or skip
if( IPOPT_COPIED( option->type )){
memcpy((( uint8_t * ) last
) + length
, (( uint8_t * ) first
) + next
, option
length += option->length;
// next option
next += option->length;
// align 4 byte boundary
if( length % 4 ){
bzero((( uint8_t * ) last ) + length, 4 - ( length % 4 ));
last->ihl = length / 4 + 1;
last->ihl = length / 4;
last->header_checksum = 0;
int ip_receive_message( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet ){
packet_t next;
next = pq_detach( packet );
ip_process_packet( device_id, packet );
packet = next;
}while( packet );
return EOK;
int ip_process_packet( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet ){
ip_header_ref header;
in_addr_t dest;
ip_route_ref route;
int phone;
struct sockaddr * addr;
struct sockaddr_in addr_in;
// struct sockaddr_in addr_in6;
socklen_t addrlen;
header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_get_data( packet );
if( ! header ){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
// checksum
if(( header->header_checksum ) && ( IP_HEADER_CHECKSUM( header ))){
// TODO checksum error ICMP?
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EINVAL );
if( header->ttl <= 1 ){
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( 0, packet, header );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// ttl oxceeded ICMP
icmp_time_exceeded_msg( phone, ICMP_EXC_TTL, packet );
return EINVAL;
// process ipopt and get destination
dest = ip_get_destination( header );
// set the addrination address
switch( header->version ){
addrlen = sizeof( addr_in );
bzero( & addr_in, addrlen );
addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy( & addr_in.
s_addr, & dest
, sizeof( dest
addr = ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr_in;
/* case IPv6VERSION:
addrlen = sizeof( dest_in6 );
bzero( & dest_in6, addrlen );
dest_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
memcpy( & dest_in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, );
dest = ( struct sockaddr * ) & dest_in;
*/ default:
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( packet, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) & addr, addrlen ));
route = ip_find_route( dest );
if( ! route ){
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( 0, packet, header );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// unreachable ICMP
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_HOST_UNREACH, 0, packet );
return ENOENT;
if( route->address.s_addr == dest.s_addr ){
// local delivery
return ip_deliver_local( device_id, packet, header, 0 );
// only if routing enabled
if( route->netif->routing ){
-- header->ttl;
return ip_send_route( packet, route->netif, route, NULL, dest, 0 );
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( 0, packet, header );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// unreachable ICMP if no routing
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_HOST_UNREACH, 0, packet );
return ENOENT;
int ip_received_error_msg( int ip_phone, device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet, services_t target, services_t error ){
uint8_t * data;
int offset;
icmp_type_t type;
icmp_code_t code;
ip_netif_ref netif;
measured_string_t address;
ip_route_ref route;
ip_header_ref header;
switch( error ){
offset = icmp_client_process_packet( packet, & type, & code, NULL, NULL );
if( offset < 0 ){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
data = packet_get_data( packet );
header = ( ip_header_ref )( data + offset );
// destination host unreachable?
if(( type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH ) && ( code == ICMP_HOST_UNREACH )){
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( netif && netif->arp ){
route = ip_routes_get_index( & netif->routes, 0 );
// from the same network?
if( route && (( route->address.s_addr & route->netmask.s_addr ) == ( header->destination_address & route->netmask.s_addr ))){
// clear the ARP mapping if any
address.value = ( char * ) & header->destination_address;
address.length = CONVERT_SIZE( uint8_t, char, sizeof( header->destination_address ));
arp_clear_address_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address );
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.netifs_lock );
return ip_release_and_return( packet, ENOTSUP );
return ip_deliver_local( device_id, packet, header, error );
int ip_deliver_local( device_id_t device_id, packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header, services_t error ){
ip_proto_ref proto;
int phone;
services_t service;
tl_received_msg_t received_msg;
struct sockaddr * src;
struct sockaddr * dest;
struct sockaddr_in src_in;
struct sockaddr_in dest_in;
// struct sockaddr_in src_in6;
// struct sockaddr_in dest_in6;
socklen_t addrlen;
if(( header->flags & IPFLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS ) || header->fragment_offset ){
// TODO fragmented
return ENOTSUP;
switch( header->version ){
addrlen = sizeof( src_in );
bzero( & src_in, addrlen );
src_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy( & dest_in
, & src_in
, addrlen
memcpy( & src_in.
s_addr, & header
, sizeof( header
memcpy( & dest_in.
s_addr, & header
, sizeof( header
src = ( struct sockaddr * ) & src_in;
dest = ( struct sockaddr * ) & dest_in;
/* case IPv6VERSION:
addrlen = sizeof( src_in6 );
bzero( & src_in6, addrlen );
src_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
memcpy( & dest_in6, & src_in6, addrlen );
memcpy( & src_in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, );
memcpy( & dest_in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, );
src = ( struct sockaddr * ) & src_in;
dest = ( struct sockaddr * ) & dest_in;
*/ default:
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_set_addr( packet, ( uint8_t * ) src, ( uint8_t * ) dest, addrlen ));
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
proto = ip_protos_find( & ip_globals.protos, header->protocol );
if( ! proto ){
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
phone = ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( error, packet, header );
if( phone >= 0 ){
// unreachable ICMP
icmp_destination_unreachable_msg( phone, ICMP_PROT_UNREACH, 0, packet );
return ENOENT;
if( proto->received_msg ){
service = proto->service;
received_msg = proto->received_msg;
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
ERROR_CODE = received_msg( device_id, packet, service, error );
ERROR_CODE = tl_received_msg( proto->phone, device_id, packet, proto->service, error );
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
return ERROR_CODE;
in_addr_t ip_get_destination( ip_header_ref header ){
in_addr_t destination;
// TODO search set ipopt route?
destination.s_addr = header->destination_address;
return destination;
int ip_prepare_icmp( packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header ){
packet_t next;
struct sockaddr * dest;
struct sockaddr_in dest_in;
// struct sockaddr_in dest_in6;
socklen_t addrlen;
// detach the first packet and release the others
next = pq_detach( packet );
if( next ){
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( next ));
if( ! header ){
if( packet_get_data_length( packet ) <= sizeof( ip_header_t )) return ENOMEM;
// get header
header = ( ip_header_ref ) packet_get_data( packet );
if( ! header ) return EINVAL;
// only for the first fragment
if( header->fragment_offset ) return EINVAL;
// set the destination address
switch( header->version ){
addrlen = sizeof( dest_in );
bzero( & dest_in, addrlen );
dest_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
memcpy( & dest_in.
s_addr, & header
, sizeof( header
dest = ( struct sockaddr * ) & dest_in;
/* case IPv6VERSION:
addrlen = sizeof( dest_in6 );
bzero( & dest_in6, addrlen );
dest_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
memcpy( & dest_in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, );
dest = ( struct sockaddr * ) & dest_in;
*/ default:
return packet_set_addr( packet, NULL, ( uint8_t * ) dest, addrlen );
int ip_get_icmp_phone( void ){
ip_proto_ref proto;
int phone;
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
proto = ip_protos_find( & ip_globals.protos, IPPROTO_ICMP );
phone = proto ? proto->phone : ENOENT;
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.protos_lock );
return phone;
int ip_prepare_icmp_and_get_phone( services_t error, packet_t packet, ip_header_ref header ){
int phone;
phone = ip_get_icmp_phone();
if( error || ( phone < 0 ) || ip_prepare_icmp( packet, header )){
return ip_release_and_return( packet, EINVAL );
return phone;
int ip_release_and_return( packet_t packet, int result ){
pq_release( ip_globals.net_phone, packet_get_id( packet ));
return result;
int ip_get_route_req( int ip_phone, ip_protocol_t protocol, const struct sockaddr * destination, socklen_t addrlen, device_id_t * device_id, ip_pseudo_header_ref * header, size_t * headerlen ){
struct sockaddr_in * address_in;
// struct sockaddr_in6 * address_in6;
in_addr_t * dest;
in_addr_t * src;
ip_route_ref route;
ipv4_pseudo_header_ref header_in;
if( !( destination && ( addrlen > 0 ))) return EINVAL;
if( !( device_id && header && headerlen )) return EBADMEM;
if( addrlen < sizeof( struct sockaddr )){
return EINVAL;
switch( destination->sa_family ){
case AF_INET:
if( addrlen != sizeof( struct sockaddr_in )){
return EINVAL;
address_in = ( struct sockaddr_in * ) destination;
dest = & address_in->sin_addr;
// TODO IPv6
/* case AF_INET6:
if( addrlen != sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 )) return EINVAL;
address_in6 = ( struct sockaddr_in6 * ) dest;
*/ default:
fibril_rwlock_read_lock( & ip_globals.lock );
route = ip_find_route( * dest );
if( !( route && route->netif )){
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.lock );
return ENOENT;
* device_id = route->netif->device_id;
src = ip_netif_address( route->netif );
fibril_rwlock_read_unlock( & ip_globals.lock );
* headerlen = sizeof( * header_in );
= ( ipv4_pseudo_header_ref
) malloc( * headerlen
if( ! header_in ) return ENOMEM;
bzero( header_in, * headerlen );
header_in->destination_address = dest->s_addr;
header_in->source_address = src->s_addr;
header_in->protocol = protocol;
header_in->data_length = 0;
* header = ( ip_pseudo_header_ref ) header_in;
return EOK;
/** @}