/** @file
* Definitions of modules and its relations for generating Doxygen documentation.
* @defgroup srvcs HelenOS Services
* @ingroup uspace
* @defgroup ns Naming Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @defgroup kbd Keyboard Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @defgroup fbs Framebuffer Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @defgroup console Console Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @defgroup net Networking Stack
* @ingroup srvcs
* @defgroup netif Network interface drivers
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup lo Loopback Service
* @ingroup netif
* @defgroup dp8390 Generic DP8390 network interface family service
* @ingroup netif
* @defgroup ne2k NE2000 network interface family
* @ingroup dp8390
* @defgroup net_nil Network interface layer
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup eth Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) network interface layer Service
* @ingroup net_nil
* @defgroup nildummy Dummy network interface layer Service
* @ingroup net_nil
* @defgroup net_il Inter-networking layer
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup arp Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Service
* @ingroup net_il
* @defgroup ip Internet Protocol (IP) Service
* @ingroup net_il
* @defgroup net_tl Transport layer
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup icmp Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Service
* @ingroup net_tl
* @defgroup udp User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Service
* @ingroup net_tl
* @defgroup tcp Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Service
* @ingroup net_tl
* @defgroup packet Packet management system
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup net_app Applications
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup echo Echo Service
* @ingroup net_app
* @defgroup ping Ping
* @ingroup net_app
* @defgroup nettest Networking tests
* @ingroup net_app
* @defgroup net_lib Application library
* @ingroup net
* @defgroup socket Sockets
* @ingroup net_lib
* @defgroup netdb Netdb
* @ingroup net_lib
* @cond amd64
* @defgroup pci PCI Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @endcond
* @cond ia32
* @defgroup pci PCI Service
* @ingroup srvcs
* @endcond
* @defgroup emul Emulation Libraries
* @ingroup uspace
* @defgroup sfl Softloat
* @ingroup emul
* @defgroup softint Softint
* @ingroup emul