Subversion Repositories HelenOS-doc

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\Huge{\bf HelenOS project}\\
\LARGE{\it project documentation}
\newcommand{\JJ}{Jakub Jerm\'{a}\v{r}}
\newcommand{\OP}{Ond\v{r}ej Palkovsk\'{y}}
\newcommand{\MD}{Martin D\v{e}ck\'{y}}
\newcommand{\JV}{Jakub V\'{a}\v{n}a}
\newcommand{\JC}{Josef \v{C}ejka}
\newcommand{\SB}{Sergey Bondari}
\bibitem{helenos}\href{}{HelenOS project,}
\bibitem{helenos-spec}\href{}{HelenOS specifications}
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During the development of the HelenOS operating system, we came across
several types of software tools, programs, utilities and libraries.
Some of the tools were used to develop the system itself while other tools
were used to faciliate the development process. In some cases, we had a chance
to try out several versions of the same product. Sometimes the new versions
contained fixes for bugs we had discovered in previous versions thereof.
Another group of software we have used has been integrated into HelenOS
to fill gaps after functionality that the genuine HelenOS code did
not provide itself.
There is simply too much third party software that is somehow related to
HelenOS to be covered all. This chapter attempts to present our experience
with the key softare tools, programs and libraries.
\section{Communication tools}
Although the developers know each other in person, the development, with the
exception of kernel camps, has been pretty much independent as far as locality
and time goes. In order to work effectively, we have established several communication
\item [E-mail] --- We used this basic means of electronic communication for peer-to-peer
discussion in cases when the other person could not have been reached on-line at
the time his advice was needed or his attention was demanded. E-mail was also
used for contacting developers of third party software that we needed to talk to.
\item [Mailing list] --- As almost every open source project before us, also we opened
mailing list for technical discussion. The advantage of having a mailing list is
the fact that it enables multilateral discussions on several topics contemporarily,
without the need for all the participants be on-line or even at one place. We have kept
our first development mailing list closed to public so that it seemed natural to us
to use Czech as our communication language on the list since Czech, with one exception,
is our native language and all of us speak it very well. Besides all the advantages,
there are also disadvantages. First, communication over mailing list tends to be rather
slow, compared for instance to ICQ. Second, because of its implicit collective nature,
it sometimes tends to be so slow that an answer for a given question never comes.
Apart from the internal development mailing list, we have also used another mailing list
for commit log messages which proved handy in keeping developers informed about all changes in
the repository.
Finally, we have also established a public mailing list for communication
about general HelenOS topics in English.
\item [ICQ] --- Because we divided the whole project into smaller subprojects on which
only the maximum of two people out of six would work together, the need for communication
among all six people was significantly smaller than the need to communicate between the two
developers who tightly cooperated on a specific task. For this reason, we made the biggest
use of ICQ.
\section{Concurrent versions systems}
At the very beginning, when the SPARTAN kernel was being developed solely
by \JJ, there was not much sence in using any software for management of
concurrent versions. However, when the number of developers increased to six,
we immediately started to think of available solutions.
We have begun with CVS because it is probably the best known file concurrent
versions system. We have even had repository of HelenOS using CVS for a short time,
but when we learned about its weaknesses we sought another solution. There are two
weaknesses that have prevented us from using CVS:
\item it is merely a file concurrent versions system (i.e. CVS is
good at managing versions of each separate file in the repository
but has no clue about the project's directory tree as a whole;
specifically renaming of a file while preserving its revision history
is next to impossible),
\item it lacks atomic commits (i.e. should your commit conflict with
another recent commit of another developer, CVS would not abort the whole operation
but render the repository inconsistent instead).
Being aware of these limitations, we decided to go with Subversion. Subversion
is, simply put, a redesigned CVS with all the limitations fixed. We were
already familiar with CVS so the switch to Subversion was pretty seamless.
As for Subversion itself, it has worked for us well and has met all our
expectations. Despite all its pros, there was a serious problem that
occurred sometime in the middle of the development process. Because of some locking
issues related to the default database backend (i.e. {\tt Berkeley DB}),
our Subversion repository put itself in a peculiar state in which it became
effectivelly inaccessible by any means of standard usage or administration.
To mitigate this problem, we had to manually delete orphaned file locks
and switch to backend called {\tt fsfs} which doesn't suffer this
Other than that, we are happy users of Subversion. The ability to switch
the entire working copy to particular revision is a great feature
for debugging. Once we tracked a bug three months into the past by
moving through revisions until we found the change that caused the bug.
\section{Web tools}
On our project website\cite{helenos}, we provided links to different
web utilities that either functioned to access our Subversion repository
or mailing list or provided another services:
\item [Chora] is a part of the Horde framework and can be used to comfortably
browse Subversion repository from the web. We altered it a little bit to also
show number of commits per developer on our homepage.
\item [WHUPS] is another component of the Horde framework. It provides
feature request and bug tracking features. However, in the light of being rather
closed group of people, we used this tool only seldomly. On the other hand,
any possible beta tester of our operating system has had a chance to
submit bug reports.
\item [Mailman] is a web interface to the mailing list we utilized. It allows
to control subsriptions and search mailing list archives on-line.
\section{Third party components of HelenOS}
HelenOS itself contains third party software. In the first place, amd64 and ia32 architectures
make use of GNU Grub boot loader. This software replaced the original limited boot loader
after the Kernel Camp 2005 when {\MD} had made HelenOS Multiboot specification compliant. Because of
Grub, HelenOS can be booted from several types of devices. More importantly, we use
Grub to load HelenOS userspace modules as well.
Another third-party piece of the HelenOS operating system is the userspace {\tt malloc()}.
Rather than porting our kernel slab allocator to userspace, we have chosen Doug Lea's public
domain {\tt dlmalloc} instead. This allocator could be easily integrated into our uspace tree
and has proven itself in other projects as well. Its derivative, {\tt ptmalloc}, has been part of the
GNU C library for some time. However, the version we are using is not optimized for SMP and multithreading.
We plan to eventually replace it with another allocator.
\section{Build tools}
Assembler, linker and compiler are by all means the very focal point of attention
of all operating system projects. Quality of these tools influences
operating system performance and, what is more important, stability. HelenOS has
been tailored to build with GNU {\tt binutils} (i.e. the assembler and linker) and GNU~{\tt gcc}
(i.e. the compiler). There is only little chance that it could be compiled and
linked using some other tools unless those tools are compatible with the GNU build tools.
As our project declares support for five different processor architectures,
we needed to have five different flavors of the build utilities installed.
Interestingly, flavors of {\tt binutils} and {\tt gcc} for particular architecture
are not equal from the point of view of cross-binutils and cross-compiler installation.
All platforms except ia64 require only the {\tt binutils} package and the {\tt gcc} package
for the cross-tool to be built. On the other hand, ia64 requires also some excerpts from
the ia64-specific part of {\tt glibc}.
Formerly, the project could be compiled with almost any version of {\tt binutils} starting with 2.15
and {\tt gcc} starting with 2.95, but especially after we added partial thread local storage
support into our userspace layer, some architectures (e.g. mips32) will not compile even with {\tt gcc} 4.0.1
and demand {\tt gcc} 4.1.0. Curiously, ia64 will not link when compiled with {\tt gcc} 4.1.0.
As for the mips32 cross-compiler, {\OP} discovered a bug in {\tt gcc} (ticket \#23824) which caused {\tt gcc} to
incorrectly generate unaligned data access instructions (i.e. {\tt lwl}, {\tt lwr}, {\tt swl} and {\tt swr}).
As for the mips32 cross-binutils\footnote{It remains uninvestigated whether this problem also shows with other cross-tools.},
we observed that undefined symbols are not reported when we don't link using the standard target. We are still not
sure whether this was a bug --- {\tt binutils} developers just told us to use the standard target and then use
{\tt objcopy} to convert the ELF binary into requested output format.
\section{Virtual environments}
After the build tools, simulators, emulators and virtualizers were the second focal point
in our project. These invaluable programs really sped the code-compile-test cycle.
In some cases, they were, and still are, the only option to actually run HelenOS on certain
processor architectures, because real hardware was not available to us. Using virtual environment
for developing our system provided us with deterministic environment on wich it is much easier to do
troubleshooting. Moreover, part of the simulators featured integrated debugging facilities.
Without them, a lot of bugs would remain unresolved or even go unnoticed.
From one point of view, we have tested our system on eight different virtual environments:
\item Bochs,
\item GXemul,
\item msim,
\item PearPC,
\item QEMU,
\item Simics,
\item Ski,
\item VMware.
From the second point of view, we have tested these programs by our operating system.
Because of the scope and uniqueness of this testing and because we did find some issues,
we want to dedicate some more space to what we have found.
Bochs has been used to develop the SPARTAN kernel since its beginning in 2001.
It is capable of emulating ia32 machine and for some time also amd64.
Bochs is an emulator and thus the slowest from virtual environments capable
of simulating the same cathegory of hardware. On the other hand, it is extremely
portable, compared to much faster virtualizers and emulators using dynamic translation
of instructions. Lately, there have been some plans to develop or port dynamic translation
to Bochs brewing in its developer community.
The biggest virtue of Bochs is that it has traditionally supported SMP. For some time, Bochs
has been our only environment on wich we could develop and test SMP code. Unfortunatelly,
the quality of SMP support in Bochs was different from version to version. Because of SMP
breakage in Bochs, we had to avoid some versions thereof. So far, Bochs versions 2.2.1 and 2.2.6
have been best in this regard.
Our project has not only used Bochs. We also helped to identify some SMP related problems
and {\OP} from our team has discovered and also fixed a bug in FXSAVE and FXRSTOR emulation
(patch \#1282033).
Bochs has some debugging facilities but those have been very impractical and broken
in SMP mode.
GXemul is an emulator of several processor architectures. Nevertheless, we have
used it only for mips32 emulation in both little-endian and big-endian modes.
It seems to be pretty featurefull and evolving but we don't use all its functionality.
GXemul is very user friendly and has debugging features. It is more realistic
than msim. However, our newly introduced TLS support triggered a bug in the {\tt rdhwr}
instruction emulation while msim functioned as expected. Fortunatelly, the author
of GXemul is very cooperative and has fixed the problem for future versions as well as
provided a quick hack for the old version.
msim has been our first mips32 simulator. It simulates 32-bit side of R4000 processor.
Its simulated environment is not very realistic, but the processor simulation
is good enough for operating system development. In this regard, the simulator is
comparable to HP's ia64 simulator Ski. Another similar aspect of these two is
relatively strong debugger.
Msim has been developed on the same alma mater as our own project.
All members of our team know this program from operating system courses.
Curiously, this simulator contained the biggest number of defects and inaccuracies
that we have ever discovered in a simulator. Fortunately, all of them have been
eventually fixed.
PearPC is the only emulator on wich we have run ppc32 port of HelenOS. It has
no debugging features, but fortunatelly its sources are available under
an open source license. This enabled {\OP} and {\MD} to alter its sources
in a way that this modified version allowed some basic debugging.
QEMU emulates several processor architectures. We have used it to emulate
ia32 and amd64. It can simulate SMP, but contrary to Bochs, it uses dynamic
translation of emulated instructions and performs much better because of
\section{Authoring tools}
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\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}How to read this document}{3}{section.1.1}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Project}{4}{chapter.2}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Developers}{5}{chapter.3}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Jakub Jerm\'{a}\v {r}}{5}{section.3.1}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}Ond\v {r}ej Palkovsk\'{y}}{5}{section.3.2}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Martin D\v {e}ck\'{y}}{6}{section.3.3}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}Jakub V\'{a}\v {n}a}{6}{section.3.4}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}Josef \v {C}ejka}{6}{section.3.5}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}Sergey Bondari}{7}{section.3.6}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}Software}{8}{chapter.4}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}Communication tools}{8}{section.4.1}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.2}Concurrent versions systems}{9}{section.4.2}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.3}Web tools}{10}{section.4.3}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.4}Third party components of HelenOS}{10}{section.4.4}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.5}Build tools}{11}{section.4.5}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.6}Virtual environments}{11}{section.4.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.1}Bochs}{12}{subsection.4.6.1}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.2}GXemul}{13}{subsection.4.6.2}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.3}msim}{13}{subsection.4.6.3}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.4}PearPC}{13}{subsection.4.6.4}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.5}QEMU}{13}{subsection.4.6.5}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.6}Simics}{14}{subsection.4.6.6}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.7}Ski}{14}{subsection.4.6.7}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.8}VMware}{14}{subsection.4.6.8}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.7}Authoring tools}{14}{section.4.7}
\contentsline {chapter}{References}{15}{chapter*.3}
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\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.3}{Martin Deck\375}{chapter.3}
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}Ond\v {r}ej Palkovsk\'{y}}{5}{section.3.2}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Martin D\v {e}ck\'{y}}{6}{section.3.3}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}Jakub V\'{a}\v {n}a}{6}{section.3.4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}Josef \v {C}ejka}{6}{section.3.5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}Sergey Bondari}{7}{section.3.6}}
0,0 → 1,66
{\JJ} is the original author of the SPARTAN kernel and the initiator of the
idea to start the HelenOS project. During the works on the system, he has
been the most active developer. He also took on the project agenda
and administration and became the project leader.
Before the project officially started, {\JJ} created the SPARTAN kernel
for ia32 and mips32 along with SMP support, scheduler and synchronization\footnote{The
initial SPARTAN kernel did not reach userspace.}.
In the project time proper, he implemented considerable parts
of ia64 code and worked also on mips32 memory management.
On the generic front, {\JJ} designed generic the virtual address
translation interface for the 4-level hierarchical page table translation mechanism
as well as for the global page hash table translation mechanism. He has been involved
in address space management functions and userspace synchronization through futexes.
Other areas of his contribution include the kernel console and the kernel ELF loader.
{\JJ} is also the author of the generic buddy system framework and B+tree implementation.
{\OP} has been very agile HelenOS developer. He is responsible for large areas of the
kernel and userspace and has completely created the amd64 port and completed the mips32
port to the extent that it runs on a real MIPS machine\footnote{SGI Indy}.
Besides the architecture specific involvement, {\OP} programmed the slab allocator
and modified the frame allocator to be self-contained which in turn let the old
and very limited heap manager be removed from the kernel entirely. He also created
architecture independent FPU lazy switching framework. Other example of his
activity is the IPC subsystem and partial TLS\footnote{Thread local storage.} support.
Lastly, {\OP} equipped the kernel console with features found in userspace command shells
(e.g. tab completion of commands and command history through keyboard arrows) and wrote
the kernel configuration software.
Apart from the self development, other members of the team appreciated \OP's excellent
debugging and troubleshooting skills. He has been the person behind discovery of
majority of the compiler and simulator bugs.
{\MD} is a very dedicated HelenOS developer. Right from the beginning, Martin
has cared about project's code purity and readibility. He was the first developer to
start writing Doxygen-style comments. He has promoted the proper use of C language
{\tt const} keywords and extensive typedefing. On the tools front, he has rewritten
the initial build system and created all our toolchain build scripts.
Martin worked and much improved the ia32 and amd64 kernel booting using the Grub bootloader
and Multiboot specification. He also created specialized boot loaders for mips32 and ppc32 --- architectures
that don't provide many other ways to load userspace init tasks. Finally,
{\MD} bacame the sole author of the entire ppc32 port and has encountered
partial success in booting ppc64 port to real hardware\footnote{Apple G5.}.
{\JV} has worked on ia32 and ia64 FPU context switching and passive ia32
and active and passive ia64 console. He has relocated the ia64 kernel to
region 7 (i.e. to the highest addresses) and has first coped with ia64
interrupts. {\JV} has been always prepared to discuss different kernel
issues. His expertise in ia32 is well recognized.
{\JC} has worked on ia32 memory map detection, softfloat and softint libraries
and printf() standards comformance. He also ported several kernel libraries to userspace.
{\SB} implemented sorting library functions and implemented the buddy allocator
interface for the frame allocator. He edited project documentation.
0,0 → 1,2379
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0,0 → 1,29
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}How to read this document}{3}{section.1.1}}
0,0 → 1,30
The HelenOS project\cite{helenos} is an effort to develop
portable and general purpose operating system. Operating systems
in general are very non-trivial pieces of software. It takes many
people, many months and many tools to design and develop even medium size
and feature-limited kernel and userspace layer.
This report aims to document the development process of the HelenOS
operating system as it is specified in \cite{helenos-spec} and as
it has been carried out by the original six developers (i.e. \JJ,
\OP, \MD, \JV, {\JC} and \SB) in their work on Software
project\footnote{Software project is the name of a subject at MFF UK.
It is supposed to last two semesters at least.}
at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in
Prague. Other aspects of the wider HelenOS project (e.g. master theses
related to the topic) are not discussed here.
\section{How to read this document}
Chapter \ref{project} provides an insight into project's timeline,
planning, development. It also presents some statistic data
related to the HelenOS project.
Chapter \ref{developers} evaluates contributions and project dedication of
each individual developer.
Chapter \ref{tools} gives thorough coverage of the third-party
software involved with HelenOS and also experience comming from
using that software.
0,0 → 1,10
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