Subversion Repositories HelenOS

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Regard whitespace Rev 2105 → Rev 2106

44,14 → 44,16
typedef struct {
link_t link; /**< Link to the list of active timeouts on THE->cpu */
uint64_t ticks; /**< Timeout will be activated in this amount of clock() ticks. */
timeout_handler_t handler; /**< Function that will be called on timeout activation. */
void *arg; /**< Argument to be passed to handler() function. */
cpu_t *cpu; /**< On which processor is this timeout registered. */
/** Link to the list of active timeouts on THE->cpu */
link_t link;
/** Timeout will be activated in this amount of clock() ticks. */
uint64_t ticks;
/** Function that will be called on timeout activation. */
timeout_handler_t handler;
/** Argument to be passed to handler() function. */
void *arg;
/** On which processor is this timeout registered. */
cpu_t *cpu;
} timeout_t;
#define us2ticks(us) ((uint64_t) (((uint32_t) (us) / (1000000 / HZ))))
59,7 → 61,8
extern void timeout_init(void);
extern void timeout_initialize(timeout_t *t);
extern void timeout_reinitialize(timeout_t *t);
extern void timeout_register(timeout_t *t, uint64_t usec, timeout_handler_t f, void *arg);
extern void timeout_register(timeout_t *t, uint64_t usec, timeout_handler_t f,
void *arg);
extern bool timeout_unregister(timeout_t *t);
58,32 → 58,42
typedef struct task {
/** Task lock.
* Must be acquired before threads_lock and thread lock of any of its threads.
* Must be acquired before threads_lock and thread lock of any of its
* threads.
char *name;
struct thread *main_thread; /**< Pointer to the main thread. */
link_t th_head; /**< List of threads contained in this task. */
as_t *as; /**< Address space. */
task_id_t taskid; /**< Unique identity of task */
context_id_t context; /**< Task security context */
/** Pointer to the main thread. */
struct thread *main_thread;
/** List of threads contained in this task. */
link_t th_head;
/** Address space. */
as_t *as;
/** Unique identity of task. */
task_id_t taskid;
/** Task security context. */
context_id_t context;
/** If this is true, new threads can become part of the task. */
bool accept_new_threads;
/** Number of references (i.e. threads). */
count_t refcount;
count_t refcount; /**< Number of references (i.e. threads). */
/** Task capabilities. */
cap_t capabilities;
cap_t capabilities; /**< Task capabilities. */
/* IPC stuff */
answerbox_t answerbox; /**< Communication endpoint */
phone_t phones[IPC_MAX_PHONES];
atomic_t active_calls; /**< Active asynchronous messages.
* It is used for limiting uspace to
* certain extent. */
* Active asynchronous messages. It is used for limiting uspace to
* certain extent.
atomic_t active_calls;
task_arch_t arch; /**< Architecture specific task data. */
/** Architecture specific task data. */
task_arch_t arch;
* Serializes access to the B+tree of task's futexes. This mutex is
90,9 → 100,11
* independent on the task spinlock.
mutex_t futexes_lock;
btree_t futexes; /**< B+tree of futexes referenced by this task. */
/** B+tree of futexes referenced by this task. */
btree_t futexes;
uint64_t cycles; /**< Accumulated accounting. */
/** Accumulated accounting. */
uint64_t cycles;
} task_t;
52,19 → 52,30
extern char *thread_states[];
/* Thread flags */
#define THREAD_FLAG_WIRED (1 << 0) /**< Thread cannot be migrated to another CPU. */
#define THREAD_FLAG_STOLEN (1 << 1) /**< Thread was migrated to another CPU and has not run yet. */
#define THREAD_FLAG_USPACE (1 << 2) /**< Thread executes in userspace. */
/** Thread cannot be migrated to another CPU. */
#define THREAD_FLAG_WIRED (1 << 0)
/** Thread was migrated to another CPU and has not run yet. */
#define THREAD_FLAG_STOLEN (1 << 1)
/** Thread executes in userspace. */
#define THREAD_FLAG_USPACE (1 << 2)
/** Thread states. */
typedef enum {
Invalid, /**< It is an error, if thread is found in this state. */
Running, /**< State of a thread that is currently executing on some CPU. */
Sleeping, /**< Thread in this state is waiting for an event. */
Ready, /**< State of threads in a run queue. */
Entering, /**< Threads are in this state before they are first readied. */
Exiting, /**< After a thread calls thread_exit(), it is put into Exiting state. */
Undead /**< Threads that were not detached but exited are in the Undead state. */
/** It is an error, if thread is found in this state. */
/** State of a thread that is currently executing on some CPU. */
/** Thread in this state is waiting for an event. */
/** State of threads in a run queue. */
/** Threads are in this state before they are first readied. */
/** After a thread calls thread_exit(), it is put into Exiting state. */
/** Threads that were not detached but exited are in the Undead state. */
} state_t;
/** Join types. */
88,35 → 99,59
void (* thread_code)(void *); /**< Function implementing the thread. */
void *thread_arg; /**< Argument passed to thread_code() function. */
/** Function implementing the thread. */
void (* thread_code)(void *);
/** Argument passed to thread_code() function. */
void *thread_arg;
/** From here, the stored context is restored when the thread is scheduled. */
* From here, the stored context is restored when the thread is
* scheduled.
context_t saved_context;
/** From here, the stored timeout context is restored when sleep times out. */
* From here, the stored timeout context is restored when sleep times
* out.
context_t sleep_timeout_context;
/** From here, the stored interruption context is restored when sleep is interrupted. */
* From here, the stored interruption context is restored when sleep is
* interrupted.
context_t sleep_interruption_context;
bool sleep_interruptible; /**< If true, the thread can be interrupted from sleep. */
waitq_t *sleep_queue; /**< Wait queue in which this thread sleeps. */
timeout_t sleep_timeout; /**< Timeout used for timeoutable sleeping. */
volatile int timeout_pending; /**< Flag signalling sleep timeout in progress. */
/** If true, the thread can be interrupted from sleep. */
bool sleep_interruptible;
/** Wait queue in which this thread sleeps. */
waitq_t *sleep_queue;
/** Timeout used for timeoutable sleeping. */
timeout_t sleep_timeout;
/** Flag signalling sleep timeout in progress. */
volatile int timeout_pending;
/** True if this thread is executing copy_from_uspace(). False otherwise. */
* True if this thread is executing copy_from_uspace().
* False otherwise.
bool in_copy_from_uspace;
/** True if this thread is executing copy_to_uspace(). False otherwise. */
* True if this thread is executing copy_to_uspace().
* False otherwise.
bool in_copy_to_uspace;
* If true, the thread will not go to sleep at all and will
* call thread_exit() before returning to userspace.
* If true, the thread will not go to sleep at all and will call
* thread_exit() before returning to userspace.
bool interrupted;
thread_join_type_t join_type; /**< Who joinins the thread. */
bool detached; /**< If true, thread_join_timeout() cannot be used on this thread. */
waitq_t join_wq; /**< Waitq for thread_join_timeout(). */
/** Who joinins the thread. */
thread_join_type_t join_type;
/** If true, thread_join_timeout() cannot be used on this thread. */
bool detached;
/** Waitq for thread_join_timeout(). */
waitq_t join_wq;
fpu_context_t *saved_fpu_context;
int fpu_context_exists;
123,34 → 158,48
* Defined only if thread doesn't run.
* It means that fpu context is in CPU that last time executes this thread.
* This disables migration.
* It means that fpu context is in CPU that last time executes this
* thread. This disables migration.
int fpu_context_engaged;
rwlock_type_t rwlock_holder_type;
void (* call_me)(void *); /**< Funtion to be called in scheduler before the thread is put asleep. */
void *call_me_with; /**< Argument passed to call_me(). */
/** Callback fired in scheduler before the thread is put asleep. */
void (* call_me)(void *);
/** Argument passed to call_me(). */
void *call_me_with;
state_t state; /**< Thread's state. */
int flags; /**< Thread's flags. */
/** Thread's state. */
state_t state;
/** Thread's flags. */
int flags;
cpu_t *cpu; /**< Thread's CPU. */
task_t *task; /**< Containing task. */
/** Thread's CPU. */
cpu_t *cpu;
/** Containing task. */
task_t *task;
uint64_t ticks; /**< Ticks before preemption. */
/** Ticks before preemption. */
uint64_t ticks;
uint64_t cycles; /**< Thread accounting. */
uint64_t last_cycle; /**< Last sampled cycle. */
bool uncounted; /**< Thread doesn't affect accumulated accounting. */
/** Thread accounting. */
uint64_t cycles;
/** Last sampled cycle. */
uint64_t last_cycle;
/** Thread doesn't affect accumulated accounting. */
bool uncounted;
int priority; /**< Thread's priority. Implemented as index to CPU->rq */
uint32_t tid; /**< Thread ID. */
/** Thread's priority. Implemented as index to CPU->rq */
int priority;
/** Thread ID. */
uint32_t tid;
thread_arch_t arch; /**< Architecture-specific data. */
/** Architecture-specific data. */
thread_arch_t arch;
uint8_t *kstack; /**< Thread's kernel stack. */
/** Thread's kernel stack. */
uint8_t *kstack;
} thread_t;
/** Thread list lock.
161,10 → 210,12
extern btree_t threads_btree; /**< B+tree containing all threads. */
/** B+tree containing all threads. */
extern btree_t threads_btree;
extern void thread_init(void);
extern thread_t *thread_create(void (* func)(void *), void *arg, task_t *task, int flags, char *name, bool uncounted);
extern thread_t *thread_create(void (* func)(void *), void *arg, task_t *task,
int flags, char *name, bool uncounted);
extern void thread_ready(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_exit(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
181,11 → 232,13
extern void thread_sleep(uint32_t sec);
extern void thread_usleep(uint32_t usec);
#define thread_join(t) thread_join_timeout((t), SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT, SYNCH_FLAGS_NONE)
#define thread_join(t) \
thread_join_timeout((t), SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT, SYNCH_FLAGS_NONE)
extern int thread_join_timeout(thread_t *t, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void thread_detach(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_register_call_me(void (* call_me)(void *), void *call_me_with);
extern void thread_register_call_me(void (* call_me)(void *),
void *call_me_with);
extern void thread_print_list(void);
extern void thread_destroy(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_update_accounting(void);
192,10 → 245,10
extern bool thread_exists(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_interrupt_sleep(thread_t *t);
/* Fpu context slab cache */
/** Fpu context slab cache. */
extern slab_cache_t *fpu_context_slab;
/** Thread syscall prototypes. */
/* Thread syscall prototypes. */
unative_t sys_thread_create(uspace_arg_t *uspace_uarg, char *uspace_name);
unative_t sys_thread_exit(int uspace_status);
42,14 → 42,19
/** Kernel-side futex structure. */
typedef struct {
uintptr_t paddr; /**< Physical address of the status variable. */
waitq_t wq; /**< Wait queue for threads waiting for futex availability. */
link_t ht_link; /**< Futex hash table link. */
count_t refcount; /**< Number of tasks that reference this futex. */
/** Physical address of the status variable. */
uintptr_t paddr;
/** Wait queue for threads waiting for futex availability. */
waitq_t wq;
/** Futex hash table link. */
link_t ht_link;
/** Number of tasks that reference this futex. */
count_t refcount;
} futex_t;
extern void futex_init(void);
extern unative_t sys_futex_sleep_timeout(uintptr_t uaddr, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern unative_t sys_futex_sleep_timeout(uintptr_t uaddr, uint32_t usec,
int flags);
extern unative_t sys_futex_wakeup(uintptr_t uaddr);
extern void futex_cleanup(void);
52,7 → 52,8
extern void condvar_initialize(condvar_t *cv);
extern void condvar_signal(condvar_t *cv);
extern void condvar_broadcast(condvar_t *cv);
extern int _condvar_wait_timeout(condvar_t *cv, mutex_t *mtx, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern int _condvar_wait_timeout(condvar_t *cv, mutex_t *mtx, uint32_t usec,
int flags);
48,8 → 48,12
typedef struct {
mutex_t exclusive; /**< Mutex for writers, readers can bypass it if readers_in is positive. */
count_t readers_in; /**< Number of readers in critical section. */
* Mutex for writers, readers can bypass it if readers_in is positive.
mutex_t exclusive;
/** Number of readers in critical section. */
count_t readers_in;
} rwlock_t;
#define rwlock_write_lock(rwl) \
57,9 → 61,11
#define rwlock_read_lock(rwl) \
#define rwlock_write_trylock(rwl) \
_rwlock_write_lock_timeout((rwl), SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT, \
#define rwlock_read_trylock(rwl) \
_rwlock_read_lock_timeout((rwl), SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT, \
#define rwlock_write_lock_timeout(rwl,usec) \
#define rwlock_read_lock_timeout(rwl,usec) \
35,20 → 35,31
#ifndef KERN_SYNCH_H_
#define KERN_SYNCH_H_
#define SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT 0 /**< Request with no timeout. */
/** Request with no timeout. */
#define SYNCH_FLAGS_NONE 0 /**< No flags specified. */
#define SYNCH_FLAGS_NON_BLOCKING (1<<0) /**< Non-blocking operation request. */
#define SYNCH_FLAGS_INTERRUPTIBLE (1<<1) /**< Interruptible operation. */
/** No flags specified. */
/** Non-blocking operation request. */
/** Interruptible operation. */
#define ESYNCH_WOULD_BLOCK 1 /**< Could not satisfy the request without going to sleep. */
#define ESYNCH_TIMEOUT 2 /**< Timeout occurred. */
#define ESYNCH_INTERRUPTED 4 /**< Sleep was interrupted. */
#define ESYNCH_OK_ATOMIC 8 /**< Operation succeeded without sleeping. */
#define ESYNCH_OK_BLOCKED 16 /**< Operation succeeded and did sleep. */
/** Could not satisfy the request without going to sleep. */
/** Timeout occurred. */
/** Sleep was interrupted. */
/** Operation succeeded without sleeping. */
/** Operation succeeded and did sleep. */
#define SYNCH_FAILED(rc) \
#define SYNCH_OK(rc) \
52,8 → 52,12
int missed_wakeups; /**< Number of waitq_wakeup() calls that didn't find a thread to wake up. */
link_t head; /**< List of sleeping threads for wich there was no missed_wakeup. */
* Number of waitq_wakeup() calls that didn't find a thread to wake up.
int missed_wakeups;
/** List of sleeping threads for wich there was no missed_wakeup. */
link_t head;
} waitq_t;
#define waitq_sleep(wq) \
37,18 → 37,23
/** Structure encapsulating arguments for SYS_PHYSMEM_MAP syscall. */
typedef struct {
unsigned long long task_id; /** ID of the destination task. */
void *phys_base; /** Physical address of starting frame. */
void *virt_base; /** Virtual address of starting page. */
unsigned long pages; /** Number of pages to map. */
int flags; /** Address space area flags for the mapping. */
/** ID of the destination task. */
unsigned long long task_id;
/** Physical address of starting frame. */
void *phys_base;
/** Virtual address of starting page. */
void *virt_base;
/** Number of pages to map. */
unsigned long pages;
/** Address space area flags for the mapping. */
int flags;
} ddi_memarg_t;
/** Structure encapsulating arguments for SYS_ENABLE_IOSPACE syscall. */
typedef struct {
unsigned long long task_id; /** ID of the destination task. */
void *ioaddr; /** Starting I/O space address. */
unsigned long size; /** Number of bytes. */
unsigned long long task_id; /**< ID of the destination task. */
void *ioaddr; /**< Starting I/O space address. */
unsigned long size; /**< Number of bytes. */
} ddi_ioarg_t;
91,21 → 91,27
* It is protected by irq_t::lock.
typedef struct {
bool notify; /**< When false, notifications are not sent. */
answerbox_t *answerbox; /**< Answerbox for notifications. */
unative_t method; /**< Method to be used for the notification. */
irq_code_t *code; /**< Top-half pseudocode. */
count_t counter; /**< Counter. */
link_t link; /**< Link between IRQs that are notifying the
same answerbox. The list is protected by
the answerbox irq_lock. */
/** When false, notifications are not sent. */
bool notify;
/** Answerbox for notifications. */
answerbox_t *answerbox;
/** Method to be used for the notification. */
unative_t method;
/** Top-half pseudocode. */
irq_code_t *code;
/** Counter. */
count_t counter;
* Link between IRQs that are notifying the same answerbox. The list is
* protected by the answerbox irq_lock.
link_t link;
} ipc_notif_cfg_t;
/** Structure representing one device IRQ.
* If one device has multiple interrupts, there will
* be multiple irq_t instantions with the same
* devno.
* If one device has multiple interrupts, there will be multiple irq_t
* instantions with the same devno.
typedef struct irq {
/** Hash table link. */
45,10 → 45,13
/* Character device operations interface. */
typedef struct {
void (* suspend)(struct chardev *); /**< Suspend pushing characters. */
void (* resume)(struct chardev *); /**< Resume pushing characters. */
void (* write)(struct chardev *, char c); /**< Write character to stream. */
/** Read character directly from device, assume interrupts disabled */
/** Suspend pushing characters. */
void (* suspend)(struct chardev *);
/** Resume pushing characters. */
void (* resume)(struct chardev *);
/** Write character to stream. */
void (* write)(struct chardev *, char c);
/** Read character directly from device, assume interrupts disabled. */
char (* read)(struct chardev *);
} chardev_operations_t;
57,16 → 60,17
char *name;
waitq_t wq;
SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock); /**< Protects everything below. */
/** Protects everything below. */
uint8_t buffer[CHARDEV_BUFLEN];
count_t counter;
chardev_operations_t *op; /**< Implementation of chardev operations. */
/** Implementation of chardev operations. */
chardev_operations_t *op;
index_t index;
void *data;
} chardev_t;
extern void chardev_initialize(char *name,
chardev_t *chardev,
extern void chardev_initialize(char *name, chardev_t *chardev,
chardev_operations_t *op);
extern void chardev_push_character(chardev_t *chardev, uint8_t ch);
45,28 → 45,42
ARG_TYPE_VAR /**< Variable type - either symbol or string */
/** Variable type - either symbol or string. */
} cmd_arg_type_t;
/** Structure representing one argument of kconsole command line. */
typedef struct {
cmd_arg_type_t type; /**< Type descriptor. */
void *buffer; /**< Buffer where to store data. */
size_t len; /**< Size of the buffer. */
unative_t intval; /**< Integer value */
cmd_arg_type_t vartype; /**< Resulting type of variable arg */
/** Type descriptor. */
cmd_arg_type_t type;
/** Buffer where to store data. */
void *buffer;
/** Size of the buffer. */
size_t len;
/** Integer value. */
unative_t intval;
/** Resulting type of variable arg */
cmd_arg_type_t vartype;
} cmd_arg_t;
/** Structure representing one kconsole command. */
typedef struct {
link_t link; /**< Command list link. */
SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock); /**< This lock protects everything below. */
const char *name; /**< Command name. */
const char *description; /**< Textual description. */
int (* func)(cmd_arg_t *); /**< Function implementing the command. */
count_t argc; /**< Number of arguments. */
cmd_arg_t *argv; /**< Argument vector. */
void (* help)(void); /**< Function for printing detailed help. */
/** Command list link. */
link_t link;
/** This lock protects everything below. */
/** Command name. */
const char *name;
/** Textual description. */
const char *description;
/** Function implementing the command. */
int (* func)(cmd_arg_t *);
/** Number of arguments. */
count_t argc;
/** Argument vector. */
cmd_arg_t *argv;
/** Function for printing detailed help. */
void (* help)(void);
} cmd_info_t;
42,7 → 42,8
typedef struct {
/** Hash function.
* @param key Array of keys needed to compute hash index. All keys must be passed.
* @param key Array of keys needed to compute hash index. All keys must
* be passed.
* @return Index into hash table.
50,7 → 51,8
/** Hash table item comparison function.
* @param key Array of keys that will be compared with item. It is not necessary to pass all keys.
* @param key Array of keys that will be compared with item. It is not
* necessary to pass all keys.
* @return true if the keys match, false otherwise.
71,9 → 73,11
hash_table_operations_t *op;
} hash_table_t;
#define hash_table_get_instance(item, type, member) list_get_instance((item), type, member)
#define hash_table_get_instance(item, type, member) \
list_get_instance((item), type, member)
extern void hash_table_create(hash_table_t *h, count_t m, count_t max_keys, hash_table_operations_t *op);
extern void hash_table_create(hash_table_t *h, count_t m, count_t max_keys,
hash_table_operations_t *op);
extern void hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[], link_t *item);
extern link_t *hash_table_find(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[]);
extern void hash_table_remove(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[], count_t keys);
47,7 → 47,8
* @param name Name of the new statically allocated list.
#define LIST_INITIALIZE(name) link_t name = { .prev = &name, .next = &name }
#define LIST_INITIALIZE(name) \
link_t name = { .prev = &name, .next = &name }
/** Initialize doubly-linked circular list link
107,7 → 108,8
* Remove item from doubly-linked circular list.
* @param link Pointer to link_t structure to be removed from the list it is contained in.
* @param link Pointer to link_t structure to be removed from the list it is
* contained in.
static inline void list_remove(link_t *link)
135,8 → 137,10
* Note that the algorithm works both directions:
* concatenates splitted lists and splits concatenated lists.
* @param part1 Pointer to link_t structure leading the first (half of the headless) list.
* @param part2 Pointer to link_t structure leading the second (half of the headless) list.
* @param part1 Pointer to link_t structure leading the first (half of the
* headless) list.
* @param part2 Pointer to link_t structure leading the second (half of the
* headless) list.
static inline void headless_list_split_or_concat(link_t *part1, link_t *part2)
154,8 → 158,10
* Split headless doubly-linked circular list.
* @param part1 Pointer to link_t structure leading the first half of the headless list.
* @param part2 Pointer to link_t structure leading the second half of the headless list.
* @param part1 Pointer to link_t structure leading the first half of the
* headless list.
* @param part2 Pointer to link_t structure leading the second half of the
* headless list.
static inline void headless_list_split(link_t *part1, link_t *part2)
174,7 → 180,8
headless_list_split_or_concat(part1, part2);
#define list_get_instance(link,type,member) (type *)(((uint8_t*)(link))-((uint8_t*)&(((type *)NULL)->member)))
#define list_get_instance(link,type,member) \
((type *)(((uint8_t *)(link)) - ((uint8_t *)&(((type *)NULL)->member))))
extern bool list_member(const link_t *link, const link_t *head);
extern void list_concat(link_t *head1, link_t *head2);
48,19 → 48,25
/** Number of keys. */
count_t keys;
/** Keys. We currently support only single keys. Additional room for one extra key is provided. */
* Keys. We currently support only single keys. Additional room for one
* extra key is provided.
btree_key_t key[BTREE_MAX_KEYS + 1];
* Pointers to values. Sorted according to the key array. Defined only in leaf-level.
* There is room for storing value for the extra key.
* Pointers to values. Sorted according to the key array. Defined only in
* leaf-level. There is room for storing value for the extra key.
void *value[BTREE_MAX_KEYS + 1];
* Pointers to descendants of this node sorted according to the key array.
* Pointers to descendants of this node sorted according to the key
* array.
* subtree[0] points to subtree with keys lesser than to key[0].
* subtree[1] points to subtree with keys greater than or equal to key[0] and lesser than key[1].
* subtree[1] points to subtree with keys greater than or equal to
* key[0] and lesser than key[1].
* ...
* There is room for storing a subtree pointer for the extra key.
69,10 → 75,12
/** Pointer to parent node. Root node has NULL parent. */
struct btree_node *parent;
/** Link connecting leaf-level nodes. Defined only when this node is a leaf. */
* Link connecting leaf-level nodes. Defined only when this node is a
* leaf. */
link_t leaf_link;
/** Variables needed by btree_print(). */
/* Variables needed by btree_print(). */
link_t bfs_link;
int depth;
} btree_node_t;
88,12 → 96,15
extern void btree_create(btree_t *t);
extern void btree_destroy(btree_t *t);
extern void btree_insert(btree_t *t, btree_key_t key, void *value, btree_node_t *leaf_node);
extern void btree_insert(btree_t *t, btree_key_t key, void *value,
btree_node_t *leaf_node);
extern void btree_remove(btree_t *t, btree_key_t key, btree_node_t *leaf_node);
extern void *btree_search(btree_t *t, btree_key_t key, btree_node_t **leaf_node);
extern btree_node_t *btree_leaf_node_left_neighbour(btree_t *t, btree_node_t *node);
extern btree_node_t *btree_leaf_node_right_neighbour(btree_t *t, btree_node_t *node);
extern btree_node_t *btree_leaf_node_left_neighbour(btree_t *t,
btree_node_t *node);
extern btree_node_t *btree_leaf_node_right_neighbour(btree_t *t,
btree_node_t *node);
extern void btree_print(btree_t *t);
106,7 → 106,8
#define fifo_push(name, value) \
name.fifo[name.tail = (name.tail + 1) < name.items ? (name.tail + 1) : 0] = (value)
name.fifo[name.tail = \
(name.tail + 1) < name.items ? (name.tail + 1) : 0] = (value)
/** Allocate memory for dynamic FIFO.
56,13 → 56,19
#define SLAB_MAX_BADNESS(cache) ((PAGE_SIZE << (cache)->order) >> 2)
/* slab_reclaim constants */
#define SLAB_RECLAIM_ALL 0x1 /**< Reclaim all possible memory, because we are in memory stress */
/** Reclaim all possible memory, because we are in memory stress */
#define SLAB_RECLAIM_ALL 0x1
/* cache_create flags */
#define SLAB_CACHE_NOMAGAZINE 0x1 /**< Do not use per-cpu cache */
#define SLAB_CACHE_SLINSIDE 0x2 /**< Have control structure inside SLAB */
#define SLAB_CACHE_MAGDEFERRED (0x4 | SLAB_CACHE_NOMAGAZINE) /**< We add magazine cache later, if we have this flag */
/** Do not use per-cpu cache */
/** Have control structure inside SLAB */
/** We add magazine cache later, if we have this flag */
typedef struct {
link_t link;
count_t busy; /**< Count of full slots in magazine */
81,12 → 87,17
char *name;
link_t link;
/* Configuration */
size_t size; /**< Size of slab position - align_up(sizeof(obj)) */
/** Size of slab position - align_up(sizeof(obj)) */
size_t size;
int (*constructor)(void *obj, int kmflag);
int (*destructor)(void *obj);
int flags; /**< Flags changing behaviour of cache */
/** Flags changing behaviour of cache */
int flags;
/* Computed values */
uint8_t order; /**< Order of frames to be allocated */
int objects; /**< Number of objects that fit in */
95,7 → 106,8
atomic_t allocated_slabs;
atomic_t allocated_objs;
atomic_t cached_objs;
atomic_t magazine_counter; /**< How many magazines in magazines list */
/** How many magazines in magazines list */
atomic_t magazine_counter;
/* Slabs */
link_t full_slabs; /**< List of full slabs */
109,11 → 121,8
slab_mag_cache_t *mag_cache;
} slab_cache_t;
extern slab_cache_t * slab_cache_create(char *name,
size_t size,
size_t align,
int (*constructor)(void *obj, int kmflag),
int (*destructor)(void *obj),
extern slab_cache_t * slab_cache_create(char *name, size_t size, size_t align,
int (*constructor)(void *obj, int kmflag), int (*destructor)(void *obj),
int flags);
extern void slab_cache_destroy(slab_cache_t *cache);
121,7 → 130,7
extern void slab_free(slab_cache_t *cache, void *obj);
extern count_t slab_reclaim(int flags);
/** Initialize slab subsytem */
/* slab subsytem initialization */
extern void slab_cache_init(void);
extern void slab_enable_cpucache(void);
39,17 → 39,21
#include <arch/types.h>
* Number of TLB shootdown messages that can be queued in processor
* tlb_messages queue.
* Number of TLB shootdown messages that can be queued in processor tlb_messages
* queue.
/** Type of TLB shootdown message. */
typedef enum {
TLB_INVL_INVALID = 0, /**< Invalid type. */
TLB_INVL_ALL, /**< Invalidate all entries in TLB. */
TLB_INVL_ASID, /**< Invalidate all entries belonging to one address space. */
TLB_INVL_PAGES /**< Invalidate specified page range belonging to one address space. */
/** Invalid type. */
/** Invalidate all entries in TLB. */
/** Invalidate all entries belonging to one address space. */
/** Invalidate specified page range belonging to one address space. */
} tlb_invalidate_type_t;
/** TLB shootdown message. */
63,7 → 67,8
extern void tlb_init(void);
extern void tlb_shootdown_start(tlb_invalidate_type_t type, asid_t asid, uintptr_t page, count_t count);
extern void tlb_shootdown_start(tlb_invalidate_type_t type, asid_t asid,
uintptr_t page, count_t count);
extern void tlb_shootdown_finalize(void);
extern void tlb_shootdown_ipi_recv(void);
53,7 → 53,10
#include <adt/btree.h>
#include <lib/elf.h>
/** Defined to be true if user address space and kernel address space shadow each other. */
* Defined to be true if user address space and kernel address space shadow each
* other.
63,16 → 66,55
#define FLAG_AS_KERNEL (1 << 0) /**< Kernel address space. */
/** Kernel address space. */
#define FLAG_AS_KERNEL (1 << 0)
/** Address space area attributes. */
/* Address space area attributes. */
#define AS_AREA_ATTR_PARTIAL 1 /**< Not fully initialized area. */
#define AS_PF_FAULT 0 /**< The page fault was not resolved by as_page_fault(). */
#define AS_PF_OK 1 /**< The page fault was resolved by as_page_fault(). */
#define AS_PF_DEFER 2 /**< The page fault was caused by memcpy_from_uspace() or memcpy_to_uspace(). */
/** The page fault was not resolved by as_page_fault(). */
#define AS_PF_FAULT 0
/** The page fault was resolved by as_page_fault(). */
#define AS_PF_OK 1
/** The page fault was caused by memcpy_from_uspace() or memcpy_to_uspace(). */
#define AS_PF_DEFER 2
/** Address space structure.
* as_t contains the list of as_areas of userspace accessible
* pages for one or more tasks. Ranges of kernel memory pages are not
* supposed to figure in the list as they are shared by all tasks and
* set up during system initialization.
typedef struct as {
/** Protected by asidlock. */
link_t inactive_as_with_asid_link;
mutex_t lock;
/** Number of references (i.e tasks that reference this as). */
count_t refcount;
/** Number of processors on wich is this address space active. */
count_t cpu_refcount;
/** B+tree of address space areas. */
btree_t as_area_btree;
* Address space identifier.
* Constant on architectures that do not support ASIDs.
asid_t asid;
/** Non-generic content. */
as_genarch_t genarch;
/** Architecture specific content. */
as_arch_t arch;
} as_t;
typedef struct {
pte_t *(* page_table_create)(int flags);
void (* page_table_destroy)(pte_t *page_table);
80,11 → 122,19
void (* page_table_unlock)(as_t *as, bool unlock);
} as_operations_t;
/** This structure contains information associated with the shared address space area. */
* This structure contains information associated with the shared address space
* area.
typedef struct {
mutex_t lock; /**< This lock must be acquired only when the as_area lock is held. */
count_t refcount; /**< This structure can be deallocated if refcount drops to 0. */
btree_t pagemap; /**< B+tree containing complete map of anonymous pages of the shared area. */
/** This lock must be acquired only when the as_area lock is held. */
mutex_t lock;
/** This structure can be deallocated if refcount drops to 0. */
count_t refcount;
* B+tree containing complete map of anonymous pages of the shared area.
btree_t pagemap;
} share_info_t;
/** Page fault access type. */
115,16 → 165,28
typedef struct {
mutex_t lock;
as_t *as; /**< Containing address space. */
int flags; /**< Flags related to the memory represented by the address space area. */
int attributes; /**< Attributes related to the address space area itself. */
count_t pages; /**< Size of this area in multiples of PAGE_SIZE. */
uintptr_t base; /**< Base address of this area. */
btree_t used_space; /**< Map of used space. */
share_info_t *sh_info; /**< If the address space area has been shared, this pointer will
reference the share info structure. */
struct mem_backend *backend; /**< Memory backend backing this address space area. */
/** Containing address space. */
as_t *as;
/** Flags related to the memory represented by the address space area. */
int flags;
/** Attributes related to the address space area itself. */
int attributes;
/** Size of this area in multiples of PAGE_SIZE. */
count_t pages;
/** Base address of this area. */
uintptr_t base;
/** Map of used space. */
btree_t used_space;
* If the address space area has been shared, this pointer will reference
* the share info structure.
share_info_t *sh_info;
/** Memory backend backing this address space area. */
struct mem_backend *backend;
/** Data to be used by the backend. */
mem_backend_data_t backend_data;
} as_area_t;
146,11 → 208,12
extern as_t *as_create(int flags);
extern void as_destroy(as_t *as);
extern void as_switch(as_t *old, as_t *replace);
extern void as_switch(as_t *old_as, as_t *new_as);
extern int as_page_fault(uintptr_t page, pf_access_t access, istate_t *istate);
extern as_area_t *as_area_create(as_t *as, int flags, size_t size, uintptr_t base, int attrs,
mem_backend_t *backend, mem_backend_data_t *backend_data);
extern as_area_t *as_area_create(as_t *as, int flags, size_t size,
uintptr_t base, int attrs, mem_backend_t *backend,
mem_backend_data_t *backend_data);
extern int as_area_destroy(as_t *as, uintptr_t address);
extern int as_area_resize(as_t *as, uintptr_t address, size_t size, int flags);
int as_area_share(as_t *src_as, uintptr_t src_base, size_t acc_size,
44,11 → 44,15
/** Buddy system operations to be implemented by each implementation. */
typedef struct {
/** Return pointer to left-side or right-side buddy for block passed as
* argument. */
* Return pointer to left-side or right-side buddy for block passed as
* argument.
link_t *(* find_buddy)(struct buddy_system *, link_t *);
/** Bisect the block passed as argument and return pointer to the new
* right-side buddy. */
* Bisect the block passed as argument and return pointer to the new
* right-side buddy.
link_t *(* bisect)(struct buddy_system *, link_t *);
/** Coalesce two buddies into a bigger block. */
link_t *(* coalesce)(struct buddy_system *, link_t *, link_t *);
49,11 → 49,13
unative_t sys_ipc_answer_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t retval,
unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2);
unative_t sys_ipc_answer(unative_t callid, ipc_data_t *data);
unative_t sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, uint32_t usec, int nonblocking);
unative_t sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, uint32_t usec,
int nonblocking);
unative_t sys_ipc_forward_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t phoneid,
unative_t method, unative_t arg1);
unative_t sys_ipc_hangup(int phoneid);
unative_t sys_ipc_register_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno, unative_t method, irq_code_t *ucode);
unative_t sys_ipc_register_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno, unative_t method,
irq_code_t *ucode);
unative_t sys_ipc_unregister_irq(inr_t inr, devno_t devno);
47,18 → 47,27
/* Flags for calls */
#define IPC_CALL_ANSWERED (1<<0) /**< This is answer to a call */
#define IPC_CALL_STATIC_ALLOC (1<<1) /**< This call will not be freed on error */
#define IPC_CALL_DISCARD_ANSWER (1<<2) /**< Answer will not be passed to userspace, will be discarded */
#define IPC_CALL_FORWARDED (1<<3) /**< Call was forwarded */
#define IPC_CALL_CONN_ME_TO (1<<4) /**< Identify connect_me_to answer */
#define IPC_CALL_NOTIF (1<<5) /**< Interrupt notification */
/** This is answer to a call */
#define IPC_CALL_ANSWERED (1 << 0)
/** This call will not be freed on error */
#define IPC_CALL_STATIC_ALLOC (1 << 1)
/** Answer will not be passed to userspace, will be discarded */
#define IPC_CALL_DISCARD_ANSWER (1 << 2)
/** Call was forwarded */
#define IPC_CALL_FORWARDED (1 << 3)
/** Identify connect_me_to answer */
#define IPC_CALL_CONN_ME_TO (1 << 4)
/** Interrupt notification */
#define IPC_CALL_NOTIF (1 << 5)
/* Flags of callid (the addresses are aligned at least to 4,
* that is why we can use bottom 2 bits of the call address
#define IPC_CALLID_ANSWERED 1 /**< Type of this msg is 'answer' */
#define IPC_CALLID_NOTIFICATION 2 /**< Type of this msg is 'notification' */
/** Type of this msg is 'answer' */
/** Type of this msg is 'notification' */
/* Return values from IPC_ASYNC */
166,11 → 175,16
struct task;
typedef enum {
IPC_PHONE_FREE = 0, /**< Phone is free and can be allocated */
IPC_PHONE_CONNECTING, /**< Phone is connecting somewhere */
IPC_PHONE_CONNECTED, /**< Phone is connected */
IPC_PHONE_HUNGUP, /**< Phone is hung up, waiting for answers to come */
IPC_PHONE_SLAMMED /**< Phone was hungup from server */
/** Phone is free and can be allocated */
/** Phone is connecting somewhere */
/** Phone is connected */
/** Phone is hung up, waiting for answers to come */
/** Phone was hungup from server */
} ipc_phone_state_t;
/** Structure identifying phone (in TASK structure) */
189,15 → 203,20
waitq_t wq;
link_t connected_phones; /**< Phones connected to this answerbox */
link_t calls; /**< Received calls */
/** Phones connected to this answerbox */
link_t connected_phones;
/** Received calls */
link_t calls;
link_t dispatched_calls; /* Should be hash table in the future */
link_t answers; /**< Answered calls */
/** Answered calls */
link_t answers;
link_t irq_notifs; /**< Notifications from IRQ handlers */
link_t irq_head; /**< IRQs with notifications to this answerbox. */
/** Notifications from IRQ handlers */
link_t irq_notifs;
/** IRQs with notifications to this answerbox. */
link_t irq_head;
} answerbox_t;
typedef struct {
217,9 → 236,11
answerbox_t *callerbox;
unative_t priv; /**< Private data to internal IPC */
/** Private data to internal IPC */
unative_t priv;
ipc_data_t data; /**< Data passed from/to userspace */
/** Data passed from/to userspace */
ipc_data_t data;
} call_t;
extern void ipc_init(void);
43,8 → 43,8
#include <arch/types.h>
#include <adt/list.h>
extern int ipc_irq_register(answerbox_t *box, inr_t inr, devno_t devno, unative_t method,
irq_code_t *ucode);
extern int ipc_irq_register(answerbox_t *box, inr_t inr, devno_t devno,
unative_t method, irq_code_t *ucode);
extern void ipc_irq_send_notif(irq_t *irq);
extern void ipc_irq_send_msg(irq_t *irq, unative_t a1, unative_t a2, unative_t a3);
extern void ipc_irq_unregister(answerbox_t *box, inr_t inr, devno_t devno);
168,7 → 168,7
as->refcount = 0;
as->cpu_refcount = 0;
as->page_table = page_table_create(flags);
as->genarch.page_table = page_table_create(flags);
220,7 → 220,7
863,7 → 863,7
* @param old Old address space or NULL.
* @param new New address space.
void as_switch(as_t *old, as_t *replace)
void as_switch(as_t *old_as, as_t *new_as)
ipl_t ipl;
bool needs_asid = false;
874,10 → 874,10
* First, take care of the old address space.
if (old) {
if((--old->cpu_refcount == 0) && (old != AS_KERNEL)) {
if (old_as) {
if((--old_as->cpu_refcount == 0) && (old_as != AS_KERNEL)) {
* The old address space is no longer active on
* any processor. It can be appended to the
884,35 → 884,37
* list of inactive address spaces with assigned
ASSERT(old->asid != ASID_INVALID);
ASSERT(old_as->asid != ASID_INVALID);
* Perform architecture-specific tasks when the address space
* is being removed from the CPU.
* Second, prepare the new address space.
if ((replace->cpu_refcount++ == 0) && (replace != AS_KERNEL)) {
if (replace->asid != ASID_INVALID) {
if ((new_as->cpu_refcount++ == 0) && (new_as != AS_KERNEL)) {
if (new_as->asid != ASID_INVALID) {
} else {
* Defer call to asid_get() until replace->lock is released.
* Defer call to asid_get() until new_as->lock is released.
needs_asid = true;
if (needs_asid) {
922,9 → 924,9
asid_t asid;
asid = asid_get();
replace->asid = asid;
new_as->asid = asid;
933,9 → 935,9
* Perform architecture-specific steps.
* (e.g. write ASID to hardware register etc.)
AS = replace;
AS = new_as;
/** Convert address space area flags to page flags.