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Ignore whitespace Rev 2701 → Rev 2703

1,5 → 1,5
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Jakub Jermar
# Copyright (c) 2008 Jakub Jermar
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Martin Decky
# All rights reserved.
45,8 → 45,8
.global unmapped_ap_boot
# This piece of code is real-mode and is meant to be alligned at 4K boundary.
# The requirement for such an alignment comes from MP Specification's STARTUP IPI
# requirements.
# The requirement for such an alignment comes from MP Specification's STARTUP
# IPI requirements.
.align 4096
59,7 → 59,7
movl %cr0, %eax
orl $1, %eax
movl %eax, %cr0 # switch to protected mode
movl %eax, %cr0 # switch to protected mode
jmpl $gdtselector(KTEXT32_DES), $jump_to_kernel - BOOT_OFFSET + AP_BOOT_OFFSET
82,10 → 82,10
movl %eax, %cr3
# Enable long mode
movl $EFER_MSR_NUM, %ecx # EFER MSR number
rdmsr # Read EFER
btsl $AMD_LME_FLAG, %eax # Set LME=1
wrmsr # Write EFER
movl $EFER_MSR_NUM, %ecx # EFER MSR number
rdmsr # Read EFER
btsl $AMD_LME_FLAG, %eax # Set LME=1
wrmsr # Write EFER
# Enable paging to activate long mode (set CR0.PG=1)
movl %cr0, %eax
107,7 → 107,6
.global unmapped_ap_gdtr
.word 0
.long 0
1,6 → 1,7
# Copyright (c) 2005 Ondrej Palkovsky
# Copyright (c) 2006 Martin Decky
# Copyright (c) 2008 Jakub Jermar
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
54,7 → 55,7
movl $START_STACK, %esp # initialize stack pointer
lgdt bootstrap_gdtr # initialize Global Descriptor Table register
lgdtl bootstrap_gdtr # initialize Global Descriptor Table register
movw $gdtselector(KDATA_DES), %cx
movw %cx, %es
69,7 → 70,7
jmpl $gdtselector(KTEXT32_DES), $multiboot_meeting_point
movl %eax, grub_eax # save parameters from GRUB
movl %eax, grub_eax # save parameters from GRUB
movl %ebx, grub_ebx
# Protected 32-bit. We want to reuse the code-seg descriptor,
156,9 → 157,9
# Enable long mode
movl $EFER_MSR_NUM, %ecx # EFER MSR number
movl $EFER_MSR_NUM, %ecx # EFER MSR number
rdmsr # Read EFER
btsl $AMD_LME_FLAG, %eax # Set LME = 1
btsl $AMD_LME_FLAG, %eax # Set LME = 1
wrmsr # Write EFER
# Enable paging to activate long mode (set CR0.PG = 1)
177,10 → 178,10
movl grub_eax, %eax
movl grub_ebx, %ebx
cmpl $MULTIBOOT_LOADER_MAGIC, %eax # compare GRUB signature
cmpl $MULTIBOOT_LOADER_MAGIC, %eax # compare GRUB signature
je valid_boot
xorl %ecx, %ecx # no memory size or map available
xorl %ecx, %ecx # no memory size or map available
movl %ecx, e801memorysize
movl %ecx, e820counter
188,9 → 189,9
movl (%ebx), %eax # ebx = physical address of struct multiboot_info
movl (%ebx), %eax # ebx = physical address of struct multiboot_info
bt $0, %eax # mbi->flags[0] (mem_lower, mem_upper valid)
bt $0, %eax # mbi->flags[0] (mem_lower, mem_upper valid)
jc mem_valid
xorl %ecx, %ecx
197,13 → 198,13
jmp mem_invalid
movl 4(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mem_lower
addl 8(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mem_upper
movl 4(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mem_lower
addl 8(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mem_upper
movl %ecx, e801memorysize
bt $3, %eax # mbi->flags[3] (mods_count, mods_addr valid)
bt $3, %eax # mbi->flags[3] (mods_count, mods_addr valid)
jc mods_valid
xorq %rcx, %rcx
213,19 → 214,19
xorq %rcx, %rcx
movl 20(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mods_count
movl 20(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mods_count
movq %rcx, init
cmpl $0, %ecx
je mods_end
movl 24(%ebx), %esi # mbi->mods_addr
movl 24(%ebx), %esi # mbi->mods_addr
movq $init, %rdi
xorq %rdx, %rdx
movl 0(%esi), %edx # mods->mod_start
movl 0(%esi), %edx # mods->mod_start
movq $0xffff800000000000, %r10
addq %r10, %rdx
movq %rdx, 8(%rdi)
232,7 → 233,7
xorq %rdx, %rdx
movl 4(%esi), %edx
subl 0(%esi), %edx # mods->mod_end - mods->mod_start
subl 0(%esi), %edx # mods->mod_end - mods->mod_start
movq %rdx, 16(%rdi)
addl $16, %esi
242,7 → 243,7
bt $6, %eax # mbi->flags[6] (mmap_length, mmap_addr valid)
bt $6, %eax # mbi->flags[6] (mmap_length, mmap_addr valid)
jc mmap_valid
xorl %edx, %edx
249,8 → 250,8
jmp mmap_invalid
movl 44(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mmap_length
movl 48(%ebx), %esi # mbi->mmap_addr
movl 44(%ebx), %ecx # mbi->mmap_length
movl 48(%ebx), %esi # mbi->mmap_addr
movq $e820table, %rdi
xorl %edx, %edx
258,22 → 259,22
cmpl $0, %ecx
jle mmap_end
movl 4(%esi), %eax # mmap->base_addr_low
movl 4(%esi), %eax # mmap->base_addr_low
movl %eax, (%rdi)
movl 8(%esi), %eax # mmap->base_addr_high
movl 8(%esi), %eax # mmap->base_addr_high
movl %eax, 4(%rdi)
movl 12(%esi), %eax # mmap->length_low
movl 12(%esi), %eax # mmap->length_low
movl %eax, 8(%rdi)
movl 16(%esi), %eax # mmap->length_high
movl 16(%esi), %eax # mmap->length_high
movl %eax, 12(%rdi)
movl 20(%esi), %eax # mmap->type
movl 20(%esi), %eax # mmap->type
movl %eax, 16(%rdi)
movl (%esi), %eax # mmap->size
movl (%esi), %eax # mmap->size
addl $0x4, %eax
addl %eax, %esi
subl %eax, %ecx
431,7 → 432,7
mov $vga323 - vesa_init, %di
mov $0x100, %ecx
bt $5, %ax # Test if VGA compatible registers are present
bt $5, %ax # Test if VGA compatible registers are present
jnc vga_compat
# Try VESA routine to set palette
447,15 → 448,15
# Try VGA registers to set palette
movw $0x3c6, %dx # Set palette mask
movw $0x3c6, %dx # Set palette mask
movb $0xff, %al
outb %al, %dx
movw $0x3c8, %dx # First index to set
movw $0x3c8, %dx # First index to set
xor %al, %al
outb %al, %dx
movw $0x3c9, %dx # Data port
movw $0x3c9, %dx # Data port
movb %es:2(%di), %al
outb %al, %dx
512,7 → 513,7
mov $0x0003, %ax
int $0x10
mov $0xffffffff, %edi # EGA text mode used, because of problems with VESA
mov $0xffffffff, %edi # EGA text mode used, because of problems with VESA
xor %ax, %ax
jz 8b # Force relative jump
523,7 → 524,7
movw $gdtselector(KDATA_DES), %cx
movw %cx, %es
movw %cx, %ds # kernel data + stack
movw %cx, %ds # kernel data + stack
movw %cx, %ss
# Simics seems to remove hidden part of GS on entering user mode
# when _visible_ part of GS does not point to user-mode segment
531,7 → 532,7
movw %cx, %fs
movw %cx, %gs
movl $START_STACK, %esp # initialize stack pointer
movl $START_STACK, %esp # initialize stack pointer
jmpl $gdtselector(KTEXT32_DES), $vesa_meeting_point
541,10 → 542,10
# Print string from %esi to EGA display (in red) and halt
movl $0xb8000, %edi # base of EGA text mode memory
movl $0xb8000, %edi # base of EGA text mode memory
xorl %eax, %eax
movw $0x3d4, %dx # read bits 8 - 15 of the cursor address
movw $0x3d4, %dx # read bits 8 - 15 of the cursor address
movb $0xe, %al
outb %al, %dx
552,7 → 553,7
inb %dx, %al
shl $8, %ax
movw $0x3d4, %dx # read bits 0 - 7 of the cursor address
movw $0x3d4, %dx # read bits 0 - 7 of the cursor address
movb $0xf, %al
outb %al, %dx
561,7 → 562,7
cmp $1920, %ax
jbe cursor_ok
movw $1920, %ax # sanity check for the cursor on the last line
movw $1920, %ax # sanity check for the cursor on the last line
movw %ax, %bx
568,7 → 569,7
shl $1, %eax
addl %eax, %edi
movw $0x0c00, %ax # black background, light red foreground
movw $0x0c00, %ax # black background, light red foreground
580,7 → 581,7
jmp ploop
movw $0x3d4, %dx # write bits 8 - 15 of the cursor address
movw $0x3d4, %dx # write bits 8 - 15 of the cursor address
movb $0xe, %al
outb %al, %dx
588,7 → 589,7
movb %bh, %al
outb %al, %dx
movw $0x3d4, %dx # write bits 0 - 7 of the cursor address
movw $0x3d4, %dx # write bits 0 - 7 of the cursor address
movb $0xf, %al
outb %al, %dx
599,52 → 600,64
.section K_DATA_START, "aw", @progbits
.section K_INI_PTLS, "aw", @progbits
# Macro for generating initial page table contents.
# @param cnt Number of entries to generat. Must be multiple of 8.
# @param g Number of GB that will be added to the mapping.
.macro ptl2gen cnt g
.if \cnt
ptl2gen "\cnt - 8" \g
.quad ((\cnt - 8) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 7) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 6) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 5) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 4) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 3) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 2) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad ((\cnt - 1) * 0x200000) + (\g * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
# Page table for pages in the first gigabyte.
.align 4096
.global ptl_2_0g
ptl2gen 512 0
# Identical mapping of first 64MB and the same of -2GB -> 0
.global ptl_2
.quad 0x200000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x400000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x600000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x800000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0xa00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0xc00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0xe00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1000000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1200000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1400000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1600000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1800000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1a00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1c00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x1e00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2000000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2200000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2400000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2600000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2800000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2a00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2c00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x2e00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3000000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3200000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3400000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3600000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3800000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3a00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3c00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
.quad 0x3e00000 | (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT | PTL_2MB_PAGE)
# Page table for pages in the second gigabyte.
.align 4096
.global ptl_2_1g
ptl2gen 512 1
# Page table for pages in the third gigabyte.
.align 4096
.global ptl_2_2g
ptl2gen 512 2
# Page table for pages in the fourth gigabyte.
.align 4096
.global ptl_2_3g
ptl2gen 512 3
.align 4096
.global ptl_1
.quad ptl_2 + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.fill 509,8,0
.quad ptl_2 + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.fill 1,8,0
# Identity mapping for [0; 4G)
.quad ptl_2_0g + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.quad ptl_2_1g + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.quad ptl_2_2g + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.quad ptl_2_3g + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.fill 506, 8, 0
# Mapping of [0; 1G) at -2G
.quad ptl_2_0g + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.fill 1, 8, 0
.align 4096
.global ptl_0
655,6 → 668,8
.fill 254,8,0
.quad ptl_1 + (PTL_WRITABLE | PTL_PRESENT)
.section K_DATA_START, "aw", @progbits
.global bootstrap_gdtr
.word gdtselector(GDT_ITEMS)