Subversion Repositories HelenOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1779 → Rev 1780

46,7 → 46,7
extern size_t strlen(const char *str);
extern int strncmp(const char *src, const char *dst, size_t len);
extern void strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len);
extern __native atoi(const char *text);
extern unative_t atoi(const char *text);
45,12 → 45,12
typedef struct va_list {
int pos;
__u8 *last;
uint8_t *last;
} va_list;
#define va_start(ap, lst) \
(ap).pos = sizeof(lst); \
(ap).last = (__u8 *) &(lst)
(ap).last = (uint8_t *) &(lst)
#define va_arg(ap, type) \
(*((type *)((ap).last + ((ap).pos += sizeof(type) ) - sizeof(type))))
35,7 → 35,7
#ifndef __BYTEORDER_H__
#define __BYTEORDER_H__
static inline __u64 __u64_byteorder_swap(__u64 n)
static inline uint64_t uint64_t_byteorder_swap(uint64_t n)
return ((n & 0xff) << 56) |
((n & 0xff00) << 40) |
47,7 → 47,7
((n & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56);
static inline __u32 __u32_byteorder_swap(__u32 n)
static inline uint32_t uint32_t_byteorder_swap(uint32_t n)
return ((n & 0xff) << 24) |
((n & 0xff00) << 8) |
40,12 → 40,12
#define MAX_SYMBOL_NAME 64
struct symtab_entry {
__u64 address_le;
uint64_t address_le;
char symbol_name[MAX_SYMBOL_NAME];
extern char * get_symtab_entry(__native addr);
extern __address get_symbol_addr(const char *name);
extern char * get_symtab_entry(unative_t addr);
extern uintptr_t get_symbol_addr(const char *name);
extern void symtab_print_search(const char *name);
extern int symtab_compl(char *name);
36,7 → 36,7
typedef union sysinfo_item_val
__native val;
unative_t val;
void *fn;
45,7 → 45,7
char *name;
__native val;
unative_t val;
void *fn;
69,16 → 69,16
typedef __native (*sysinfo_val_fn_t)(sysinfo_item_t *root);
typedef __native (*sysinfo_subinfo_fn_t)(const char *subname);
typedef unative_t (*sysinfo_val_fn_t)(sysinfo_item_t *root);
typedef unative_t (*sysinfo_subinfo_fn_t)(const char *subname);
typedef struct sysinfo_rettype
__native val;
__native valid;
unative_t val;
unative_t valid;
void sysinfo_set_item_val(const char *name,sysinfo_item_t **root,__native val);
void sysinfo_set_item_val(const char *name,sysinfo_item_t **root,unative_t val);
void sysinfo_dump(sysinfo_item_t **root,int depth);
void sysinfo_set_item_function(const char *name,sysinfo_item_t **root,sysinfo_val_fn_t fn);
void sysinfo_set_item_undefined(const char *name,sysinfo_item_t **root);
85,8 → 85,8
sysinfo_rettype_t sysinfo_get_val(const char *name,sysinfo_item_t **root);
__native sys_sysinfo_valid(__native ptr,__native len);
__native sys_sysinfo_value(__native ptr,__native len);
unative_t sys_sysinfo_valid(unative_t ptr,unative_t len);
unative_t sys_sysinfo_value(unative_t ptr,unative_t len);
46,7 → 46,7
typedef struct {
__address addr;
uintptr_t addr;
size_t size;
} init_task_t;
59,7 → 59,7
count_t cpu_count; /**< Number of processors detected. */
volatile count_t cpu_active; /**< Number of processors that are up and running. */
__address base;
uintptr_t base;
size_t memory_size; /**< Size of detected memory in bytes. */
size_t kernel_size; /**< Size of memory in bytes taken by kernel and stack */
} config_t;
193,11 → 193,11
* ELF object file specifications. They are the only types used
* in ELF header.
typedef __u64 elf_xword;
typedef __s64 elf_sxword;
typedef __u32 elf_word;
typedef __s32 elf_sword;
typedef __u16 elf_half;
typedef uint64_t elf_xword;
typedef int64_t elf_sxword;
typedef uint32_t elf_word;
typedef int32_t elf_sword;
typedef uint16_t elf_half;
* 32-bit ELF data types.
204,8 → 204,8
* These types are specific for 32-bit format.
typedef __u32 elf32_addr;
typedef __u32 elf32_off;
typedef uint32_t elf32_addr;
typedef uint32_t elf32_off;
* 64-bit ELF data types.
212,12 → 212,12
* These types are specific for 64-bit format.
typedef __u64 elf64_addr;
typedef __u64 elf64_off;
typedef uint64_t elf64_addr;
typedef uint64_t elf64_off;
/** ELF header */
struct elf32_header {
__u8 e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
uint8_t e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
elf_half e_type;
elf_half e_machine;
elf_word e_version;
233,7 → 233,7
elf_half e_shstrndx;
struct elf64_header {
__u8 e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
uint8_t e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
elf_half e_type;
elf_half e_machine;
elf_word e_version;
309,14 → 309,14
elf_word st_name;
elf32_addr st_value;
elf_word st_size;
__u8 st_info;
__u8 st_other;
uint8_t st_info;
uint8_t st_other;
elf_half st_shndx;
struct elf64_symbol {
elf_word st_name;
__u8 st_info;
__u8 st_other;
uint8_t st_info;
uint8_t st_other;
elf_half st_shndx;
elf64_addr st_value;
elf_xword st_size;
37,7 → 37,7
#include <arch/types.h>
extern void delay(__u32 microseconds);
extern void delay(uint32_t microseconds);
40,7 → 40,7
#include <synch/spinlock.h>
#include <adt/list.h>
#define us2ticks(us) ((__u64)(((__u32) (us)/(1000000/HZ))))
#define us2ticks(us) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) (us)/(1000000/HZ))))
typedef void (* timeout_handler_t)(void *arg);
49,7 → 49,7
link_t link; /**< Link to the list of active timeouts on THE->cpu */
__u64 ticks; /**< Timeout will be activated in this amount of clock() ticks. */
uint64_t ticks; /**< Timeout will be activated in this amount of clock() ticks. */
timeout_handler_t handler; /**< Function that will be called on timeout activation. */
void *arg; /**< Argument to be passed to handler() function. */
60,7 → 60,7
extern void timeout_init(void);
extern void timeout_initialize(timeout_t *t);
extern void timeout_reinitialize(timeout_t *t);
extern void timeout_register(timeout_t *t, __u64 usec, timeout_handler_t f, void *arg);
extern void timeout_register(timeout_t *t, uint64_t usec, timeout_handler_t f, void *arg);
extern bool timeout_unregister(timeout_t *t);
102,7 → 102,7
extern void task_destroy_arch(task_t *t);
extern __native sys_task_get_id(task_id_t *uspace_task_id);
extern unative_t sys_task_get_id(task_id_t *uspace_task_id);
142,14 → 142,14
cpu_t *cpu; /**< Thread's CPU. */
task_t *task; /**< Containing task. */
__u64 ticks; /**< Ticks before preemption. */
uint64_t ticks; /**< Ticks before preemption. */
int priority; /**< Thread's priority. Implemented as index to CPU->rq */
__u32 tid; /**< Thread ID. */
uint32_t tid; /**< Thread ID. */
thread_arch_t arch; /**< Architecture-specific data. */
__u8 *kstack; /**< Thread's kernel stack. */
uint8_t *kstack; /**< Thread's kernel stack. */
/** Thread list lock.
171,11 → 171,11
extern void thread_create_arch(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_sleep(__u32 sec);
extern void thread_usleep(__u32 usec);
extern void thread_sleep(uint32_t sec);
extern void thread_usleep(uint32_t usec);
#define thread_join(t) thread_join_timeout((t), SYNCH_NO_TIMEOUT, SYNCH_FLAGS_NONE)
extern int thread_join_timeout(thread_t *t, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int thread_join_timeout(thread_t *t, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void thread_detach(thread_t *t);
extern void thread_register_call_me(void (* call_me)(void *), void *call_me_with);
187,8 → 187,8
extern slab_cache_t *fpu_context_slab;
/** Thread syscall prototypes. */
__native sys_thread_create(uspace_arg_t *uspace_uarg, char *uspace_name);
__native sys_thread_exit(int uspace_status);
unative_t sys_thread_create(uspace_arg_t *uspace_uarg, char *uspace_name);
unative_t sys_thread_exit(int uspace_status);
38,11 → 38,11
#include <panic.h>
#include <arch/debug.h>
#define CALLER ((__address)__builtin_return_address(0))
#define CALLER ((uintptr_t)__builtin_return_address(0))
#ifndef HERE
/** Current Instruction Pointer address */
# define HERE ((__address *)0)
# define HERE ((uintptr_t *)0)
/** Debugging ASSERT macro
55,7 → 55,7
# define ASSERT(expr) if (!(expr)) { panic("assertion failed (%s), caller=%.*p\n", #expr, sizeof(__address) * 2, CALLER); }
# define ASSERT(expr) if (!(expr)) { panic("assertion failed (%s), caller=%.*p\n", #expr, sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2, CALLER); }
# define ASSERT(expr)
80,8 → 80,8
int active;
int tlb_active;
__u16 frequency_mhz;
__u32 delay_loop_const;
uint16_t frequency_mhz;
uint32_t delay_loop_const;
cpu_arch_t arch;
90,7 → 90,7
* Stack used by scheduler when there is no running thread.
__u8 *stack;
uint8_t *stack;
extern cpu_t *cpus;
26,7 → 26,7
/** @addtogroup sync
/** @addtogroup sync
* @{
/** @file
43,7 → 43,7
/** Kernel-side futex structure. */
struct futex {
__address paddr; /**< Physical address of the status variable. */
uintptr_t paddr; /**< Physical address of the status variable. */
waitq_t wq; /**< Wait queue for threads waiting for futex availability. */
link_t ht_link; /**< Futex hash table link. */
count_t refcount; /**< Number of tasks that reference this futex. */
50,13 → 50,13
extern void futex_init(void);
extern __native sys_futex_sleep_timeout(__address uaddr, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern __native sys_futex_wakeup(__address uaddr);
extern unative_t sys_futex_sleep_timeout(uintptr_t uaddr, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern unative_t sys_futex_wakeup(uintptr_t uaddr);
extern void futex_cleanup(void);
/** @}
/** @}
52,7 → 52,7
extern void condvar_initialize(condvar_t *cv);
extern void condvar_signal(condvar_t *cv);
extern void condvar_broadcast(condvar_t *cv);
extern int _condvar_wait_timeout(condvar_t *cv, mutex_t *mtx, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int _condvar_wait_timeout(condvar_t *cv, mutex_t *mtx, uint32_t usec, int flags);
69,8 → 69,8
extern void rwlock_initialize(rwlock_t *rwl);
extern void rwlock_read_unlock(rwlock_t *rwl);
extern void rwlock_write_unlock(rwlock_t *rwl);
extern int _rwlock_read_lock_timeout(rwlock_t *rwl, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int _rwlock_write_lock_timeout(rwlock_t *rwl, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int _rwlock_read_lock_timeout(rwlock_t *rwl, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern int _rwlock_write_lock_timeout(rwlock_t *rwl, uint32_t usec, int flags);
54,7 → 54,7
while (mutex_trylock((mtx)) != ESYNCH_OK_ATOMIC)
extern void mutex_initialize(mutex_t *mtx);
extern int _mutex_lock_timeout(mutex_t *mtx, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int _mutex_lock_timeout(mutex_t *mtx, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void mutex_unlock(mutex_t *mtx);
53,7 → 53,7
extern void semaphore_initialize(semaphore_t *s, int val);
extern int _semaphore_down_timeout(semaphore_t *s, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int _semaphore_down_timeout(semaphore_t *s, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void semaphore_up(semaphore_t *s);
61,9 → 61,9
extern void waitq_initialize(waitq_t *wq);
extern int waitq_sleep_timeout(waitq_t *wq, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int waitq_sleep_timeout(waitq_t *wq, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern ipl_t waitq_sleep_prepare(waitq_t *wq);
extern int waitq_sleep_timeout_unsafe(waitq_t *wq, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern int waitq_sleep_timeout_unsafe(waitq_t *wq, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void waitq_sleep_finish(waitq_t *wq, int rc, ipl_t ipl);
extern void waitq_wakeup(waitq_t *wq, bool all);
extern void _waitq_wakeup_unsafe(waitq_t *wq, bool all);
42,7 → 42,7
* If number is zero, it returns 0
static inline int fnzb32(__u32 arg)
static inline int fnzb32(uint32_t arg)
int n = 0;
54,12 → 54,12
return n;
static inline int fnzb64(__u64 arg)
static inline int fnzb64(uint64_t arg)
int n = 0;
if (arg >> 32) { arg >>= 32;n += 32;}
return n + fnzb32((__u32) arg);
return n + fnzb32((uint32_t) arg);
#define fnzb(x) fnzb32(x)
43,8 → 43,8
* Architecture independent variants.
extern void *_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t cnt);
extern void _memsetb(__address dst, size_t cnt, __u8 x);
extern void _memsetw(__address dst, size_t cnt, __u16 x);
extern void _memsetb(uintptr_t dst, size_t cnt, uint8_t x);
extern void _memsetw(uintptr_t dst, size_t cnt, uint16_t x);
39,15 → 39,15
#include <arch/types.h>
#include <typedefs.h>
__native sys_physmem_map(__native phys_base, __native virt_base, __native pages,
__native flags);
extern __native sys_iospace_enable(ddi_ioarg_t *uspace_io_arg);
extern __native sys_preempt_control(int enable);
unative_t sys_physmem_map(unative_t phys_base, unative_t virt_base, unative_t pages,
unative_t flags);
extern unative_t sys_iospace_enable(ddi_ioarg_t *uspace_io_arg);
extern unative_t sys_preempt_control(int enable);
* Interface to be implemented by all architectures.
extern int ddi_iospace_enable_arch(task_t *task, __address ioaddr, size_t size);
extern int ddi_iospace_enable_arch(task_t *task, uintptr_t ioaddr, size_t size);
59,7 → 59,7
waitq_t wq;
SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock); /**< Protects everything below. */
__u8 buffer[CHARDEV_BUFLEN];
uint8_t buffer[CHARDEV_BUFLEN];
count_t counter;
chardev_operations_t *op; /**< Implementation of chardev operations. */
index_t index;
69,7 → 69,7
extern void chardev_initialize(char *name,
chardev_t *chardev,
chardev_operations_t *op);
extern void chardev_push_character(chardev_t *chardev, __u8 ch);
extern void chardev_push_character(chardev_t *chardev, uint8_t ch);
#endif /* __CHARDEV_H__ */
54,7 → 54,7
cmd_arg_type_t type; /**< Type descriptor. */
void *buffer; /**< Buffer where to store data. */
size_t len; /**< Size of the buffer. */
__native intval; /**< Integer value */
unative_t intval; /**< Integer value */
cmd_arg_type_t vartype; /**< Resulting type of variable arg */
41,8 → 41,8
extern chardev_t *stdin;
extern chardev_t *stdout;
extern __u8 getc(chardev_t *chardev);
__u8 _getc(chardev_t *chardev);
extern uint8_t getc(chardev_t *chardev);
uint8_t _getc(chardev_t *chardev);
extern count_t gets(chardev_t *chardev, char *buf, size_t buflen);
extern void putchar(char c);
79,13 → 79,13
#define CAP_IRQ_REG (1<<4)
typedef __u32 cap_t;
typedef uint32_t cap_t;
extern void cap_set(task_t *t, cap_t caps);
extern cap_t cap_get(task_t *t);
extern __native sys_cap_grant(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps);
extern __native sys_cap_revoke(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps);
extern unative_t sys_cap_grant(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps);
extern unative_t sys_cap_revoke(sysarg64_t *uspace_taskid_arg, cap_t caps);
55,7 → 55,7
* @return Index into hash table.
index_t (* hash)(__native key[]);
index_t (* hash)(unative_t key[]);
/** Hash table item comparison function.
63,7 → 63,7
* @return true if the keys match, false otherwise.
bool (*compare)(__native key[], count_t keys, link_t *item);
bool (*compare)(unative_t key[], count_t keys, link_t *item);
/** Hash table item removal callback.
75,9 → 75,9
#define hash_table_get_instance(item, type, member) list_get_instance((item), type, member)
extern void hash_table_create(hash_table_t *h, count_t m, count_t max_keys, hash_table_operations_t *op);
extern void hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *h, __native key[], link_t *item);
extern link_t *hash_table_find(hash_table_t *h, __native key[]);
extern void hash_table_remove(hash_table_t *h, __native key[], count_t keys);
extern void hash_table_insert(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[], link_t *item);
extern link_t *hash_table_find(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[]);
extern void hash_table_remove(hash_table_t *h, unative_t key[], count_t keys);
175,7 → 175,7
headless_list_split_or_concat(part1, part2);
#define list_get_instance(link,type,member) (type *)(((__u8*)(link))-((__u8*)&(((type *)NULL)->member)))
#define list_get_instance(link,type,member) (type *)(((uint8_t*)(link))-((uint8_t*)&(((type *)NULL)->member)))
extern bool list_member(const link_t *link, const link_t *head);
extern void list_concat(link_t *head1, link_t *head2);
41,11 → 41,11
#define BITS2BYTES(bits) (bits ? ((((bits)-1)>>3)+1) : 0)
typedef struct {
__u8 *map;
uint8_t *map;
count_t bits;
} bitmap_t;
extern void bitmap_initialize(bitmap_t *bitmap, __u8 *map, count_t bits);
extern void bitmap_initialize(bitmap_t *bitmap, uint8_t *map, count_t bits);
extern void bitmap_set_range(bitmap_t *bitmap, index_t start, count_t bits);
extern void bitmap_clear_range(bitmap_t *bitmap, index_t start, count_t bits);
extern void bitmap_copy(bitmap_t *dst, bitmap_t *src, count_t bits);
42,7 → 42,7
#define BTREE_M 5
#define BTREE_MAX_KEYS (BTREE_M - 1)
typedef __u64 btree_key_t;
typedef uint64_t btree_key_t;
/** B-tree node structure. */
struct btree_node {
65,12 → 65,12
#define FRAME_NO_MEMORY 1 /* frame_alloc return status */
#define FRAME_ERROR 2 /* frame_alloc return status */
static inline __address PFN2ADDR(pfn_t frame)
static inline uintptr_t PFN2ADDR(pfn_t frame)
return (__address)(frame << FRAME_WIDTH);
return (uintptr_t)(frame << FRAME_WIDTH);
static inline pfn_t ADDR2PFN(__address addr)
static inline pfn_t ADDR2PFN(uintptr_t addr)
return (pfn_t)(addr >> FRAME_WIDTH);
82,7 → 82,7
return (count_t)((size-1) >> FRAME_WIDTH)+1;
#define IS_BUDDY_ORDER_OK(index, order) ((~(((__native) -1) << (order)) & (index)) == 0)
#define IS_BUDDY_ORDER_OK(index, order) ((~(((unative_t) -1) << (order)) & (index)) == 0)
#define IS_BUDDY_LEFT_BLOCK(zone, frame) (((frame_index((zone), (frame)) >> (frame)->buddy_order) & 0x1) == 0)
#define IS_BUDDY_RIGHT_BLOCK(zone, frame) (((frame_index((zone), (frame)) >> (frame)->buddy_order) & 0x1) == 1)
#define IS_BUDDY_LEFT_BLOCK_ABS(zone, frame) (((frame_index_abs((zone), (frame)) >> (frame)->buddy_order) & 0x1) == 0)
91,8 → 91,8
#define frame_alloc(order, flags) frame_alloc_generic(order, flags, NULL)
extern void frame_init(void);
extern void * frame_alloc_generic(__u8 order, int flags, int *pzone);
extern void frame_free(__address frame);
extern void * frame_alloc_generic(uint8_t order, int flags, int *pzone);
extern void frame_free(uintptr_t frame);
extern void frame_reference_add(pfn_t pfn);
extern int zone_create(pfn_t start, count_t count, pfn_t confframe, int flags);
99,7 → 99,7
void * frame_get_parent(pfn_t frame, int hint);
void frame_set_parent(pfn_t frame, void *data, int hint);
void frame_mark_unavailable(pfn_t start, count_t count);
__address zone_conf_size(count_t count);
uintptr_t zone_conf_size(count_t count);
void zone_merge(int z1, int z2);
void zone_merge_all(void);
76,9 → 76,9
/** Operations to manipulate page mappings. */
struct page_mapping_operations {
void (* mapping_insert)(as_t *as, __address page, __address frame, int flags);
void (* mapping_remove)(as_t *as, __address page);
pte_t *(* mapping_find)(as_t *as, __address page);
void (* mapping_insert)(as_t *as, uintptr_t page, uintptr_t frame, int flags);
void (* mapping_remove)(as_t *as, uintptr_t page);
pte_t *(* mapping_find)(as_t *as, uintptr_t page);
typedef struct page_mapping_operations page_mapping_operations_t;
87,13 → 87,13
extern void page_init(void);
extern void page_table_lock(as_t *as, bool lock);
extern void page_table_unlock(as_t *as, bool unlock);
extern void page_mapping_insert(as_t *as, __address page, __address frame, int flags);
extern void page_mapping_remove(as_t *as, __address page);
extern pte_t *page_mapping_find(as_t *as, __address page);
extern void page_mapping_insert(as_t *as, uintptr_t page, uintptr_t frame, int flags);
extern void page_mapping_remove(as_t *as, uintptr_t page);
extern pte_t *page_mapping_find(as_t *as, uintptr_t page);
extern pte_t *page_table_create(int flags);
extern void page_table_destroy(pte_t *page_table);
extern void map_structure(__address s, size_t size);
extern __address hw_map(__address physaddr, size_t size);
extern void map_structure(uintptr_t s, size_t size);
extern uintptr_t hw_map(uintptr_t physaddr, size_t size);
90,7 → 90,7
int flags; /**< Flags changing behaviour of cache */
/* Computed values */
__u8 order; /**< Order of frames to be allocated */
uint8_t order; /**< Order of frames to be allocated */
int objects; /**< Number of objects that fit in */
/* Statistics */
58,7 → 58,7
struct tlb_shootdown_msg {
tlb_invalidate_type_t type; /**< Message type. */
asid_t asid; /**< Address space identifier. */
__address page; /**< Page address. */
uintptr_t page; /**< Page address. */
count_t count; /**< Number of pages to invalidate. */
typedef struct tlb_shootdown_msg tlb_shootdown_msg_t;
66,7 → 66,7
extern void tlb_init(void);
extern void tlb_shootdown_start(tlb_invalidate_type_t type, asid_t asid, __address page, count_t count);
extern void tlb_shootdown_start(tlb_invalidate_type_t type, asid_t asid, uintptr_t page, count_t count);
extern void tlb_shootdown_finalize(void);
extern void tlb_shootdown_ipi_recv(void);
83,7 → 83,7
extern void tlb_invalidate_all(void);
extern void tlb_invalidate_asid(asid_t asid);
extern void tlb_invalidate_pages(asid_t asid, __address page, count_t cnt);
extern void tlb_invalidate_pages(asid_t asid, uintptr_t page, count_t cnt);
/** @}
123,8 → 123,8
/** Address space area backend structure. */
typedef struct {
int (* page_fault)(as_area_t *area, __address addr, pf_access_t access);
void (* frame_free)(as_area_t *area, __address page, __address frame);
int (* page_fault)(as_area_t *area, uintptr_t addr, pf_access_t access);
void (* frame_free)(as_area_t *area, uintptr_t page, uintptr_t frame);
void (* share)(as_area_t *area);
} mem_backend_t;
135,7 → 135,7
elf_segment_header_t *segment;
struct { /**< phys_backend members */
__address base;
uintptr_t base;
count_t frames;
} mem_backend_data_t;
151,7 → 151,7
int flags; /**< Flags related to the memory represented by the address space area. */
int attributes; /**< Attributes related to the address space area itself. */
count_t pages; /**< Size of this area in multiples of PAGE_SIZE. */
__address base; /**< Base address of this area. */
uintptr_t base; /**< Base address of this area. */
btree_t used_space; /**< Map of used space. */
share_info_t *sh_info; /**< If the address space area has been shared, this pointer will
reference the share info structure. */
172,20 → 172,20
extern as_t *as_create(int flags);
extern void as_destroy(as_t *as);
extern void as_switch(as_t *old, as_t *new);
extern int as_page_fault(__address page, pf_access_t access, istate_t *istate);
extern int as_page_fault(uintptr_t page, pf_access_t access, istate_t *istate);
extern as_area_t *as_area_create(as_t *as, int flags, size_t size, __address base, int attrs,
extern as_area_t *as_area_create(as_t *as, int flags, size_t size, uintptr_t base, int attrs,
mem_backend_t *backend, mem_backend_data_t *backend_data);
extern int as_area_destroy(as_t *as, __address address);
extern int as_area_resize(as_t *as, __address address, size_t size, int flags);
int as_area_share(as_t *src_as, __address src_base, size_t acc_size,
as_t *dst_as, __address dst_base, int dst_flags_mask);
extern int as_area_destroy(as_t *as, uintptr_t address);
extern int as_area_resize(as_t *as, uintptr_t address, size_t size, int flags);
int as_area_share(as_t *src_as, uintptr_t src_base, size_t acc_size,
as_t *dst_as, uintptr_t dst_base, int dst_flags_mask);
extern int as_area_get_flags(as_area_t *area);
extern bool as_area_check_access(as_area_t *area, pf_access_t access);
extern size_t as_get_size(__address base);
extern int used_space_insert(as_area_t *a, __address page, count_t count);
extern int used_space_remove(as_area_t *a, __address page, count_t count);
extern size_t as_get_size(uintptr_t base);
extern int used_space_insert(as_area_t *a, uintptr_t page, count_t count);
extern int used_space_remove(as_area_t *a, uintptr_t page, count_t count);
/* Interface to be implemented by architectures. */
#ifndef as_install_arch
198,9 → 198,9
extern mem_backend_t phys_backend;
/* Address space area related syscalls. */
extern __native sys_as_area_create(__address address, size_t size, int flags);
extern __native sys_as_area_resize(__address address, size_t size, int flags);
extern __native sys_as_area_destroy(__address address);
extern unative_t sys_as_area_create(uintptr_t address, size_t size, int flags);
extern unative_t sys_as_area_resize(uintptr_t address, size_t size, int flags);
extern unative_t sys_as_area_destroy(uintptr_t address);
#endif /* KERNEL */
45,17 → 45,17
link_t *(* find_buddy)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Return pointer to left-side or right-side buddy for block passed as argument. */
link_t *(* bisect)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Bisect the block passed as argument and return pointer to the new right-side buddy. */
link_t *(* coalesce)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *, link_t *); /**< Coalesce two buddies into a bigger block. */
void (*set_order)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *, __u8); /**< Set order of block passed as argument. */
__u8 (*get_order)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Return order of block passed as argument. */
void (*set_order)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *, uint8_t); /**< Set order of block passed as argument. */
uint8_t (*get_order)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Return order of block passed as argument. */
void (*mark_busy)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Mark block as busy. */
void (*mark_available)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *); /**< Mark block as available. */
/** Find parent of block that has given order */
link_t *(* find_block)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *, __u8);
link_t *(* find_block)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *, uint8_t);
void (* print_id)(buddy_system_t *, link_t *);
struct buddy_system {
__u8 max_order; /**< Maximal order of block which can be stored by buddy system. */
uint8_t max_order; /**< Maximal order of block which can be stored by buddy system. */
link_t *order;
buddy_system_operations_t *op;
void *data; /**< Pointer to be used by the implementation. */
62,10 → 62,10
extern void buddy_system_create(buddy_system_t *b,
__u8 max_order,
uint8_t max_order,
buddy_system_operations_t *op, void *data);
extern link_t *buddy_system_alloc(buddy_system_t *b, __u8 i);
extern bool buddy_system_can_alloc(buddy_system_t *b, __u8 order);
extern link_t *buddy_system_alloc(buddy_system_t *b, uint8_t i);
extern bool buddy_system_can_alloc(buddy_system_t *b, uint8_t order);
extern void buddy_system_free(buddy_system_t *b, link_t *block);
extern void buddy_system_structure_print(buddy_system_t *b, size_t elem_size);
extern size_t buddy_conf_size(int max_order);
46,10 → 46,10
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
/** Return true if the interlvals overlap. */
static inline int overlaps(__address s1, size_t sz1, __address s2, size_t sz2)
static inline int overlaps(uintptr_t s1, size_t sz1, uintptr_t s2, size_t sz2)
__address e1 = s1+sz1;
__address e2 = s2+sz2;
uintptr_t e1 = s1+sz1;
uintptr_t e2 = s2+sz2;
return s1 < e2 && s2 < e1;
42,8 → 42,8
#ifndef context_set
#define context_set(c, _pc, stack, size) \
(c)->pc = (__address) (_pc); \
(c)->sp = ((__address) (stack)) + (size) - SP_DELTA;
(c)->pc = (uintptr_t) (_pc); \
(c)->sp = ((uintptr_t) (stack)) + (size) - SP_DELTA;
#endif /* context_set */
extern int context_save_arch(context_t *c);
73,12 → 73,12
#include <arch/types.h>
#include <typedefs.h>
typedef __native (*syshandler_t)();
typedef unative_t (*syshandler_t)();
extern syshandler_t syscall_table[SYSCALL_END];
extern __native syscall_handler(__native a1, __native a2, __native a3,
__native a4, __native id);
extern __native sys_tls_set(__native addr);
extern unative_t syscall_handler(unative_t a1, unative_t a2, unative_t a3,
unative_t a4, unative_t id);
extern unative_t sys_tls_set(unative_t addr);
39,22 → 39,22
#include <ipc/irq.h>
#include <arch/types.h>
__native sys_ipc_call_sync_fast(__native phoneid, __native method,
__native arg1, ipc_data_t *data);
__native sys_ipc_call_sync(__native phoneid, ipc_data_t *question,
unative_t sys_ipc_call_sync_fast(unative_t phoneid, unative_t method,
unative_t arg1, ipc_data_t *data);
unative_t sys_ipc_call_sync(unative_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *question,
ipc_data_t *reply);
__native sys_ipc_call_async_fast(__native phoneid, __native method,
__native arg1, __native arg2);
__native sys_ipc_call_async(__native phoneid, ipc_data_t *data);
__native sys_ipc_answer_fast(__native callid, __native retval,
__native arg1, __native arg2);
__native sys_ipc_answer(__native callid, ipc_data_t *data);
__native sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, __u32 usec, int nonblocking);
__native sys_ipc_forward_fast(__native callid, __native phoneid,
__native method, __native arg1);
__native sys_ipc_hangup(int phoneid);
__native sys_ipc_register_irq(int irq, irq_code_t *ucode);
__native sys_ipc_unregister_irq(int irq);
unative_t sys_ipc_call_async_fast(unative_t phoneid, unative_t method,
unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2);
unative_t sys_ipc_call_async(unative_t phoneid, ipc_data_t *data);
unative_t sys_ipc_answer_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t retval,
unative_t arg1, unative_t arg2);
unative_t sys_ipc_answer(unative_t callid, ipc_data_t *data);
unative_t sys_ipc_wait_for_call(ipc_data_t *calldata, uint32_t usec, int nonblocking);
unative_t sys_ipc_forward_fast(unative_t callid, unative_t phoneid,
unative_t method, unative_t arg1);
unative_t sys_ipc_hangup(int phoneid);
unative_t sys_ipc_register_irq(int irq, irq_code_t *ucode);
unative_t sys_ipc_unregister_irq(int irq);
164,7 → 164,7
typedef struct answerbox_s answerbox_t;
typedef struct phone_s phone_t;
typedef struct {
__native args[IPC_CALL_LEN];
unative_t args[IPC_CALL_LEN];
phone_t *phone;
214,13 → 214,13
answerbox_t *callerbox;
__native private; /**< Private data to internal IPC */
unative_t private; /**< Private data to internal IPC */
ipc_data_t data; /**< Data passed from/to userspace */
extern void ipc_init(void);
extern call_t * ipc_wait_for_call(answerbox_t *box, __u32 usec, int flags);
extern call_t * ipc_wait_for_call(answerbox_t *box, uint32_t usec, int flags);
extern void ipc_answer(answerbox_t *box, call_t *request);
extern int ipc_call(phone_t *phone, call_t *call);
extern void ipc_call_sync(phone_t *phone, call_t *request);
234,7 → 234,7
extern int ipc_forward(call_t *call, phone_t *newphone, answerbox_t *oldbox);
void ipc_cleanup(void);
int ipc_phone_hangup(phone_t *phone);
extern void ipc_backsend_err(phone_t *phone, call_t *call, __native err);
extern void ipc_backsend_err(phone_t *phone, call_t *call, unative_t err);
extern void ipc_print_task(task_id_t taskid);
extern answerbox_t *ipc_phone_0;
79,9 → 79,9
extern void ipc_irq_make_table(int irqcount);
extern int ipc_irq_register(answerbox_t *box, int irq, irq_code_t *ucode);
extern void ipc_irq_send_notif(int irq);
extern void ipc_irq_send_msg(int irq, __native a1, __native a2, __native a3);
extern void ipc_irq_send_msg(int irq, unative_t a1, unative_t a2, unative_t a3);
extern void ipc_irq_unregister(answerbox_t *box, int irq);
extern void irq_ipc_bind_arch(__native irq);
extern void irq_ipc_bind_arch(unative_t irq);
extern void ipc_irq_cleanup(answerbox_t *box);
35,7 → 35,7
#ifndef __IPCRSC_H__
#define __IPCRSC_H__
call_t * get_call(__native callid);
call_t * get_call(unative_t callid);
int phone_alloc(void);
void phone_connect(int phoneid, answerbox_t *box);
void phone_dealloc(int phoneid);
47,9 → 47,9
* default sorting comparators
extern int int_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int __u32_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int __u16_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int __u8_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int uint32_t_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int uint16_t_cmp(void * a, void * b);
extern int uint8_t_cmp(void * a, void * b);