Subversion Repositories HelenOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 4731 → Rev 4730

228,18 → 228,10
* Sets the message type and code and computes the checksum.
* Error messages are sent only if allowed in the configuration.
* Releases the packet on errors.
* @param type The message type. Input parameter.
* @param code The message code. Input parameter.
* @param packet The message packet to be sent. Input parameter.
* @param header The ICMP header. Input parameter.
* @param error The error service to be announced. Should be SERVICE_ICMP or zero (0). Input parametr.
* @param ttl The time to live. Input parameter.
* @param tos The type of service. Input parameter.
* @param dont_fragment The value indicating whether the datagram must not be fragmented. Is used as a MTU discovery. Input parameter.
* @returns EOK on success.
* @returns EPERM if the error message is not allowed.
int icmp_send_packet( icmp_type_t type, icmp_code_t code, packet_t packet, icmp_header_ref header, services_t error, ip_ttl_t ttl, ip_tos_t tos, int dont_fragment );
int icmp_send_packet( icmp_type_t type, icmp_code_t code, packet_t packet, icmp_header_ref header, services_t error );
/** Tries to set the pending reply result as the received message type.
* If the reply data are still present, the reply timeouted and the parent fibril is awaken.
412,7 → 404,7
fibril_rwlock_write_unlock( & icmp_globals.lock );
// send the request
icmp_send_packet( ICMP_ECHO, 0, packet, header, 0, ttl, tos, dont_fragment );
icmp_send_packet( ICMP_ECHO, 0, packet, header, 0 );
// wait for a reply
fibril_condvar_wait( & reply->condvar, & reply->mutex );
436,7 → 428,7
if( mtu ){
header->un.frag.mtu = mtu;
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP, 0, 0, 0 );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP );
int icmp_source_quench_msg( int icmp_phone, packet_t packet ){
446,7 → 438,7
if( ! header ){
return icmp_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH, 0, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP, 0, 0, 0 );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH, 0, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP );
int icmp_time_exceeded_msg( int icmp_phone, icmp_code_t code, packet_t packet ){
456,7 → 448,7
if( ! header ){
return icmp_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP, 0, 0, 0 );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP );
int icmp_parameter_problem_msg( int icmp_phone, icmp_code_t code, icmp_param_t pointer, packet_t packet ){
467,7 → 459,7
return icmp_release_and_return( packet, ENOMEM );
header->un.param.pointer = pointer;
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_PARAMETERPROB, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP, 0, 0, 0 );
return icmp_send_packet( ICMP_PARAMETERPROB, code, packet, header, SERVICE_ICMP );
icmp_header_ref icmp_prepare_packet( packet_t packet ){
490,7 → 482,7
return header;
int icmp_send_packet( icmp_type_t type, icmp_code_t code, packet_t packet, icmp_header_ref header, services_t error, ip_ttl_t ttl, ip_tos_t tos, int dont_fragment ){
int icmp_send_packet( icmp_type_t type, icmp_code_t code, packet_t packet, icmp_header_ref header, services_t error ){
// do not send an error if disabled
501,7 → 493,7
header->code = code;
header->checksum = 0;
header->checksum = ICMP_CHECKSUM( header, packet_get_data_length( packet ));
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_client_prepare_packet( packet, IPPROTO_ICMP, ttl, tos, dont_fragment, 0 ))){
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( ip_client_prepare_packet( packet, IPPROTO_ICMP, 0, 0, 0, 0 ))){
return icmp_release_and_return( packet, ERROR_CODE );
return ip_send_msg( icmp_globals.ip_phone, -1, packet, SERVICE_ICMP, error );
595,6 → 587,8
result = icmp_client_process_packet( packet, & type, & code, NULL, NULL );
if( result < 0 ) return result;
length = ( size_t ) result;
// TODO remove debug dump
printf( "ICMP error %d (%d) in packet %d\n", type, code, packet_get_id( packet ) );
// remove the error header
ERROR_PROPAGATE( packet_trim( packet, length, 0 ));
645,7 → 639,7
// set both addresses to the source one (avoids the source address deletion before setting the destination one)
&& ( packet_set_addr( packet, src, src, ( size_t ) addrlen ) == EOK )){
// send the reply
icmp_send_packet( ICMP_ECHOREPLY, 0, packet, header, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
icmp_send_packet( ICMP_ECHOREPLY, 0, packet, header, 0 );
return EOK;
return EINVAL;