Subversion Repositories HelenOS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 4327 → Rev 4332

282,8 → 282,8
free( proto );
return index;
printf( "New protocol added:\n\tdevice id\t= %d\n\tproto\t= %d", device_id, protocol );
printf( "Cache of the existing device %d cleaned\n", device->device_id );
index = hardware_map( service );
if( ! index ) return ENOENT;
350,7 → 350,7
free( device );
return ERROR_CODE;
printf( "New device registered:\n\tid\t= %d\n\ttype\t= 0x%x\n\tservice\t= %d\n", device->device_id, device->hardware, device->service );
printf( "New device registered:\n\tid\t= %d\n\ttype\t= 0x%x\n\tservice\t= %d\n\tproto\t= %d\n", device->device_id, device->hardware, device->service, protocol );
rwlock_write_unlock( & arp_globals.lock );
return EOK;
432,7 → 432,7
memcpy( hw_source->value, src_hw, hw_source->length );
// is my protocol address?
if( proto->addr->length != CONVERT_SIZE( uint8_t, char, header->hardware_length )){
if( proto->addr->length != CONVERT_SIZE( uint8_t, char, header->protocol_length )){
return EINVAL;
if( ! str_lcmp( proto->addr->value, ( char * ) des_proto, proto->addr->length )){
446,7 → 446,7
header->operation = htons( ARPOP_REPLY );
memcpy( des_proto, src_proto, header->protocol_length );
memcpy( src_proto, proto->addr->value, header->protocol_length );
memcpy( src_hw, des_hw, header->hardware_length );
memcpy( src_hw, device->addr->value, device->addr_len );
memcpy( des_hw, hw_source->value, header->hardware_length );
packet_set_addr( packet, src_hw, des_hw, header->hardware_length );
nil_send_msg( device->phone, device_id, packet, SERVICE_ARP );
113,7 → 113,7
ip_netif->ipv = DEFAULT_IPV;
ip_netif->dhcp = ! str_lcmp( configuration[ 1 ].value, "dhcp", 4 );
ip_netif->dhcp = ! str_lcmp( configuration[ 1 ].value, "dhcp", configuration[ 1 ].length );
if( ip_netif->dhcp ){
// TODO dhcp
net_free_settings( configuration, data );
240,19 → 240,19
int ip_device_state_msg( int il_phone, device_id_t device_id, device_state_t state ){
ip_netif_ref netif;
measured_string_t address;
/* measured_string_t address;
measured_string_ref translation;
char * data;
netif = ip_netifs_find( & ip_globals.netifs, device_id );
if( ! netif ) return ENOENT;
// TODO state
printf( "ip - device %d changed state to %d\n\n", device_id, state );
if( netif->arp ){
/* if( netif->arp ){
address.value = ( char * ) & netif->gateway;
address.length = CONVERT_SIZE( in_addr_t, char, 1 );
if( ERROR_OCCURRED( arp_translate_req( netif->arp->phone, netif->device_id, SERVICE_IP, & address, & translation, & data ))){
263,7 → 263,7
free( translation );
free( data );
return EOK;
*/ return EOK;
int ip_bind_service( services_t service, services_t me, async_client_conn_t receiver ){