Subversion Repositories HelenOS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2926 → Rev 2927

0,0 → 1,1207
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
ADDCMD setmode.c 170;" d file:
ALIASINUSE alias.h 41;" d
ALIGN machdep.h 52;" d
ALL error.c 223;" d file:
ARB exec.c 88;" d file:
ARITH_ADD arith.c /^ ARITH_ADD = 275,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_ADD arith.c 114;" d file:
ARITH_ADD arith.h /^ ARITH_ADD = 275,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_ADD arith.h 87;" d
ARITH_AND arith.c /^ ARITH_AND = 262,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_AND arith.c 101;" d file:
ARITH_AND arith.h /^ ARITH_AND = 262,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_AND arith.h 74;" d
ARITH_BAND arith.c /^ ARITH_BAND = 265,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_BAND arith.c 104;" d file:
ARITH_BAND arith.h /^ ARITH_BAND = 265,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_BAND arith.h 77;" d
ARITH_BNOT arith.c /^ ARITH_BNOT = 279,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_BNOT arith.c 118;" d file:
ARITH_BNOT arith.h /^ ARITH_BNOT = 279,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_BNOT arith.h 91;" d
ARITH_BOR arith.c /^ ARITH_BOR = 263,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_BOR arith.c 102;" d file:
ARITH_BOR arith.h /^ ARITH_BOR = 263,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_BOR arith.h 75;" d
ARITH_BXOR arith.c /^ ARITH_BXOR = 264,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_BXOR arith.c 103;" d file:
ARITH_BXOR arith.h /^ ARITH_BXOR = 264,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_BXOR arith.h 76;" d
ARITH_DIV arith.c /^ ARITH_DIV = 277,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_DIV arith.c 116;" d file:
ARITH_DIV arith.h /^ ARITH_DIV = 277,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_DIV arith.h 89;" d
ARITH_EQ arith.c /^ ARITH_EQ = 267,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_EQ arith.c 106;" d file:
ARITH_EQ arith.h /^ ARITH_EQ = 267,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_EQ arith.h 79;" d
ARITH_GE arith.c /^ ARITH_GE = 269,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_GE arith.c 108;" d file:
ARITH_GE arith.h /^ ARITH_GE = 269,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_GE arith.h 81;" d
ARITH_GT arith.c /^ ARITH_GT = 270,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_GT arith.c 109;" d file:
ARITH_GT arith.h /^ ARITH_GT = 270,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_GT arith.h 82;" d
ARITH_LE arith.c /^ ARITH_LE = 268,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_LE arith.c 107;" d file:
ARITH_LE arith.h /^ ARITH_LE = 268,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_LE arith.h 80;" d
ARITH_LPAREN arith.c /^ ARITH_LPAREN = 259,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_LPAREN arith.c 98;" d file:
ARITH_LPAREN arith.h /^ ARITH_LPAREN = 259,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_LPAREN arith.h 71;" d
ARITH_LSHIFT arith.c /^ ARITH_LSHIFT = 273,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_LSHIFT arith.c 112;" d file:
ARITH_LSHIFT arith.h /^ ARITH_LSHIFT = 273,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_LSHIFT arith.h 85;" d
ARITH_LT arith.c /^ ARITH_LT = 271,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_LT arith.c 110;" d file:
ARITH_LT arith.h /^ ARITH_LT = 271,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_LT arith.h 83;" d
ARITH_MUL arith.c /^ ARITH_MUL = 278,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_MUL arith.c 117;" d file:
ARITH_MUL arith.h /^ ARITH_MUL = 278,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_MUL arith.h 90;" d
ARITH_NE arith.c /^ ARITH_NE = 266,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_NE arith.c 105;" d file:
ARITH_NE arith.h /^ ARITH_NE = 266,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_NE arith.h 78;" d
ARITH_NOT arith.c /^ ARITH_NOT = 280,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_NOT arith.c 119;" d file:
ARITH_NOT arith.h /^ ARITH_NOT = 280,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_NOT arith.h 92;" d
ARITH_NUM arith.c /^ ARITH_NUM = 258,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_NUM arith.c 97;" d file:
ARITH_NUM arith.h /^ ARITH_NUM = 258,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_NUM arith.h 70;" d
ARITH_OR arith.c /^ ARITH_OR = 261,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_OR arith.c 100;" d file:
ARITH_OR arith.h /^ ARITH_OR = 261,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_OR arith.h 73;" d
ARITH_REM arith.c /^ ARITH_REM = 276,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_REM arith.c 115;" d file:
ARITH_REM arith.h /^ ARITH_REM = 276,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_REM arith.h 88;" d
ARITH_RPAREN arith.c /^ ARITH_RPAREN = 260,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_RPAREN arith.c 99;" d file:
ARITH_RPAREN arith.h /^ ARITH_RPAREN = 260,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_RPAREN arith.h 72;" d
ARITH_RSHIFT arith.c /^ ARITH_RSHIFT = 272,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_RSHIFT arith.c 111;" d file:
ARITH_RSHIFT arith.h /^ ARITH_RSHIFT = 272,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_RSHIFT arith.h 84;" d
ARITH_SUB arith.c /^ ARITH_SUB = 274,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_SUB arith.c 113;" d file:
ARITH_SUB arith.h /^ ARITH_SUB = 274,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_SUB arith.h 86;" d
ARITH_UNARYMINUS arith.c /^ ARITH_UNARYMINUS = 282$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_UNARYMINUS arith.c 121;" d file:
ARITH_UNARYMINUS arith.h /^ ARITH_UNARYMINUS = 282$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_UNARYMINUS arith.h 94;" d
ARITH_UNARYPLUS arith.c /^ ARITH_UNARYPLUS = 281,$/;" e enum:yytokentype file:
ARITH_UNARYPLUS arith.c 120;" d file:
ARITH_UNARYPLUS arith.h /^ ARITH_UNARYPLUS = 281,$/;" e enum:yytokentype
ARITH_UNARYPLUS arith.h 93;" d
ATABSIZE alias.c 58;" d file:
BAND bltin/test.c /^ BAND,$/;" e enum:token file:
BBINOP bltin/test.c /^ BBINOP,$/;" e enum:token_types file:
BINOP bltin/test.c /^ BINOP,$/;" e enum:token_types file:
BITCMD setmode.c /^} BITCMD;$/;" t file:
BLOCKSIZE mkinit.c 90;" d file:
BLOCK_OUT output.c 81;" d file:
BOR bltin/test.c /^ BOR,$/;" e enum:token file:
BSD shell.h 57;" d
BUFLEN mknodes.c 71;" d file:
BUNOP bltin/test.c /^ BUNOP,$/;" e enum:token_types file:
CEOF jobs.c 70;" d file:
CEOF output.c 69;" d file:
CHECKEND parser.c 839;" d file:
CHECKSTRSPACE memalloc.h 73;" d
CLEAR_PENDING_INT error.h 90;" d
CMD2_CLR setmode.c 80;" d file:
CMD2_GBITS setmode.c 82;" d file:
CMD2_OBITS setmode.c 83;" d file:
CMD2_SET setmode.c 81;" d file:
CMD2_UBITS setmode.c 84;" d file:
CMDBUILTIN exec.h 44;" d
CMDFUNCTION exec.h 45;" d
CMDNORMAL exec.h 43;" d
CMDTABLESIZE exec.c 87;" d file:
CMDUNKNOWN exec.h 42;" d
CTLARI parser.h 48;" d
CTLBACKQ parser.h 45;" d
CTLENDARI parser.h 49;" d
CTLENDVAR parser.h 44;" d
CTLESC parser.h 42;" d
CTLQUOTE parser.h 46;" d
CTLQUOTEMARK parser.h 50;" d
CTLVAR parser.h 43;" d
Cflag options.h 62;" d
DEFEDITOR histedit.c 70;" d file:
DEFINE_OPTIONS options.c 53;" d file:
DEFINE_OPTIONS options.c 55;" d file:
DEL hetio.c 49;" d file:
DO_ABS exec.h 58;" d
DO_BRUTE exec.h 60;" d
DO_ERR exec.h 57;" d
DO_NOFUN exec.h 59;" d
EMPTY redir.c 73;" d file:
EOFMARKLEN parser.c 73;" d file:
EOF_NLEFT input.c 77;" d file:
EOI bltin/test.c /^ EOI,$/;" e enum:token file:
ESC hetio.c 48;" d file:
EV_BACKCMD eval.c 84;" d file:
EV_EXIT eval.c 82;" d file:
EV_TESTED eval.c 83;" d file:
EXERROR error.h 71;" d
EXEXEC error.h 73;" d
EXINT error.h 70;" d
EXP_CASE expand.h 59;" d
EXP_FULL expand.h 55;" d
EXP_RECORD expand.h 60;" d
EXP_REDIR expand.h 58;" d
EXP_TILDE expand.h 56;" d
EXP_VARTILDE expand.h 57;" d
EXSHELLPROC error.h 72;" d
E_CREAT error.h 46;" d
E_EXEC error.h 47;" d
E_OPEN error.h 45;" d
Eflag options.h 61;" d
FILBDEV bltin/test.c /^ FILBDEV,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILCDEV bltin/test.c /^ FILCDEV,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILDIR bltin/test.c /^ FILDIR,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILEQ bltin/test.c /^ FILEQ,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILEX bltin/test.c /^ FILEX,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILEXIST bltin/test.c /^ FILEXIST,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILFIFO bltin/test.c /^ FILFIFO,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILGID bltin/test.c /^ FILGID,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILGZ bltin/test.c /^ FILGZ,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILNT bltin/test.c /^ FILNT,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILOT bltin/test.c /^ FILOT,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILRD bltin/test.c /^ FILRD,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILREG bltin/test.c /^ FILREG,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILSGID bltin/test.c /^ FILSGID,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILSOCK bltin/test.c /^ FILSOCK,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILSTCK bltin/test.c /^ FILSTCK,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILSUID bltin/test.c /^ FILSUID,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILSYM bltin/test.c /^ FILSYM,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILTT bltin/test.c /^ FILTT,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILUID bltin/test.c /^ FILUID,$/;" e enum:token file:
FILWR bltin/test.c /^ FILWR,$/;" e enum:token file:
FORCEINTON error.h 89;" d
FORK_BG jobs.h 43;" d
FORK_FG jobs.h 42;" d
FORK_NOJOB jobs.h 44;" d
GENHEADERS Makefile /^GENHEADERS = \\$/;" m
GENSRCS Makefile /^GENSRCS = builtins.c \\$/;" m
HAVE_VASPRINTF output.c 359;" d file:
INITARGS bltin/bltin.h 67;" d
INITARGS bltin/bltin.h 73;" d
INIT_DEPS Makefile /^INIT_DEPS = alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \\$/;" m
INTEQ bltin/test.c /^ INTEQ,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTGE bltin/test.c /^ INTGE,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTGT bltin/test.c /^ INTGT,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTLE bltin/test.c /^ INTLE,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTLT bltin/test.c /^ INTLT,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTNE bltin/test.c /^ INTNE,$/;" e enum:token file:
INTOFF error.h 87;" d
INTON error.h 88;" d
Iflag options.h 53;" d
JOBDONE jobs.h 63;" d
JOBS shell.h 55;" d
JOBSTOPPED jobs.h 62;" d
LIBC_PREFIX Makefile /^LIBC_PREFIX = ..\/..\/lib\/libc$/;" m
LIBS Makefile /^LIBS = $(LIBC_PREFIX)\/libc.a$/;" m
LPAREN bltin/test.c /^ LPAREN,$/;" e enum:token file:
MAXCMDTEXT jobs.c 1073;" d file:
MAXFIELDS mknodes.c 70;" d file:
MAXHISTLOOPS histedit.c 69;" d file:
MAXMBOXES mail.c 64;" d file:
MAXPWD cd.c 299;" d file:
MAXTYPES mknodes.c 69;" d file:
MAX_HISTORY hetio.c 46;" d file:
MEM_OUT output.c 82;" d file:
MINSIZE memalloc.c 118;" d file:
MKINIT shell.h 72;" d
NEOF parser.h 76;" d
NEWARGS exec.c 217;" d file:
NOPTS options.h 68;" d
NSIG mksignames.c 28;" d file:
NULL bltin/bltin.h 70;" d
NULL shell.h 63;" d
NULL shell.h 68;" d
OBJECTS Makefile /^OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(SOURCES)))$/;" m
OPERAND bltin/test.c /^ OPERAND$/;" e enum:token file:
OUTBUFSIZ output.c 80;" d file:
OUTFILE mkinit.c 78;" d file:
OUTPUT Makefile /^OUTPUT = sh$/;" m
OUTPUT_ERR output.c 83;" d file:
OUTPUT_INCL output.h 109;" d
OUTTEMP mkinit.c 79;" d file:
PAREN bltin/test.c /^ PAREN$/;" e enum:token_types file:
PARSEARITH parser.c 844;" d file:
PARSEBACKQNEW parser.c 843;" d file:
PARSEBACKQOLD parser.c 842;" d file:
PARSEREDIR parser.c 840;" d file:
PARSESUB parser.c 841;" d file:
PIPESIZE redir.c 75;" d file:
PIPESIZE redir.c 77;" d file:
PROFILE main.c 86;" d file:
REDIR_BACKQ redir.h 43;" d
REDIR_PUSH redir.h 42;" d
RETURN parser.c 754;" d file:
RETURN parser.c 822;" d file:
RPAREN bltin/test.c /^ RPAREN,$/;" e enum:token file:
RTLEN mksignames.c 36;" d file:
RTLIM mksignames.c 37;" d file:
SET_LEN setmode.c 71;" d file:
SET_LEN_INCR setmode.c 72;" d file:
SHSRCS Makefile /^SHSRCS = alias.c \\$/;" m
SIGSSIZE main.c 217;" d file:
SKIPBREAK eval.h 72;" d
SKIPCONT eval.h 73;" d
SKIPFILE eval.h 75;" d
SKIPFUNC eval.h 74;" d
SOFTINT_PREFIX Makefile /^SOFTINT_PREFIX = ..\/..\/lib\/softint$/;" m
STACKSTRNUL memalloc.h 75;" d
STADJUST memalloc.h 78;" d
STANDARD_BITS setmode.c 186;" d file:
STARTSTACKSTR memalloc.h 71;" d
STATIC shell.h 71;" d
STPUTC memalloc.h 72;" d
STREQ bltin/test.c /^ STREQ,$/;" e enum:token file:
STREZ bltin/test.c /^ STREZ,$/;" e enum:token file:
STRGT bltin/test.c /^ STRGT,$/;" e enum:token file:
STRLT bltin/test.c /^ STRLT,$/;" e enum:token file:
STRNE bltin/test.c /^ STRNE,$/;" e enum:token file:
STRNZ bltin/test.c /^ STRNZ,$/;" e enum:token file:
STTOPC memalloc.h 77;" d
STUNPUTC memalloc.h 76;" d
S_CATCH trap.c 78;" d file:
S_DFL trap.c 77;" d file:
S_HARD_IGN trap.c 80;" d file:
S_IGN trap.c 79;" d file:
S_ISTXT setmode.c 68;" d file:
S_RESET trap.c 81;" d file:
TEMPSIZE output.c 354;" d file:
TRACE shell.h 80;" d
TRACE shell.h 82;" d
T_INT mknodes.c 77;" d file:
T_NODE mknodes.c 74;" d file:
T_NODELIST mknodes.c 75;" d file:
T_OTHER mknodes.c 78;" d file:
T_STRING mknodes.c 76;" d file:
T_TEMP mknodes.c 79;" d file:
UNOP bltin/test.c /^ UNOP,$/;" e enum:token_types file:
UNOT bltin/test.c /^ UNOT,$/;" e enum:token file:
USTPUTC memalloc.h 74;" d
VEXPORT var.h 46;" d
VNOFUNC var.h 52;" d
VREADONLY var.h 47;" d
VSASSIGN parser.h 62;" d
VSLENGTH parser.h 67;" d
VSMINUS parser.h 59;" d
VSNORMAL parser.h 58;" d
VSNUL parser.h 54;" d
VSPLUS parser.h 60;" d
VSQUESTION parser.h 61;" d
VSQUOTE parser.h 55;" d
VSTACK var.h 50;" d
VSTRFIXED var.h 48;" d
VSTRIMLEFT parser.h 63;" d
VSTRIMLEFTMAX parser.h 64;" d
VSTRIMRIGHT parser.h 65;" d
VSTRIMRIGHTMAX parser.h 66;" d
VSTYPE parser.h 53;" d
VTABSIZE var.c 75;" d file:
VTEXTFIXED var.h 49;" d
VUNSET var.h 51;" d
Vflag options.h 60;" d
YYABORT arith.c 744;" d file:
YYACCEPT arith.c 743;" d file:
YYBACKUP arith.c 756;" d file:
YYBISON arith.c 47;" d file:
YYBISON_VERSION arith.c 50;" d file:
YYCOPY arith.c 477;" d file:
YYCOPY arith.c 480;" d file:
YYDEBUG arith.c 268;" d file:
YYDPRINTF arith.c 836;" d file:
YYDPRINTF arith.c 982;" d file:
YYEMPTY arith.c 740;" d file:
YYEOF arith.c 741;" d file:
YYERRCODE arith.c 775;" d file:
YYERROR arith.c 745;" d file:
YYERROR_VERBOSE arith.c 273;" d file:
YYERROR_VERBOSE arith.c 274;" d file:
YYERROR_VERBOSE arith.c 276;" d file:
YYFAIL arith.c 752;" d file:
YYFINAL arith.c 510;" d file:
YYFPRINTF arith.c 833;" d file:
YYFREE arith.c 443;" d file:
YYID arith.c /^YYID (i)$/;" f file:
YYID arith.c 367;" d file:
YYINITDEPTH arith.c 991;" d file:
YYLAST arith.c 512;" d file:
YYLEX arith.c 823;" d file:
YYLEX arith.c 825;" d file:
YYLLOC_DEFAULT arith.c 784;" d file:
YYLSP_NEEDED arith.c 59;" d file:
YYMALLOC arith.c 436;" d file:
YYMAXDEPTH arith.c 1002;" d file:
YYMAXUTOK arith.c 525;" d file:
YYNNTS arith.c 517;" d file:
YYNRULES arith.c 519;" d file:
YYNSTATES arith.c 521;" d file:
YYNTOKENS arith.c 515;" d file:
YYPACT_NINF arith.c 660;" d file:
YYPOPSTACK arith.c 1340;" d file:
YYPURE arith.c 56;" d file:
YYRECOVERING arith.c 754;" d file:
YYRHSLOC arith.c 782;" d file:
YYSIZE_MAXIMUM arith.c 344;" d file:
YYSIZE_T arith.c 332;" d file:
YYSIZE_T arith.c 334;" d file:
YYSIZE_T arith.c 338;" d file:
YYSIZE_T arith.c 340;" d file:
YYSKELETON_NAME arith.c 53;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC arith.c 390;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC arith.c 394;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC arith.c 399;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC arith.c 422;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM arith.c 419;" d file:
YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM arith.c 425;" d file:
YYSTACK_BYTES arith.c 469;" d file:
YYSTACK_FREE arith.c 413;" d file:
YYSTACK_FREE arith.c 423;" d file:
YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM arith.c 465;" d file:
YYSTACK_RELOCATE arith.c 1428;" d file:
YYSTACK_RELOCATE arith.c 496;" d file:
YYSTYPE arith.c /^typedef int YYSTYPE;$/;" t file:
YYSTYPE arith.h /^typedef int YYSTYPE;$/;" t
YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED arith.c 287;" d file:
YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED arith.h 102;" d
YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL arith.c 288;" d file:
YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL arith.h 103;" d
YYTABLE_NINF arith.c 681;" d file:
YYTERROR arith.c 774;" d file:
YYTOKENTYPE arith.c 65;" d file:
YYTOKENTYPE arith.h 38;" d
YYTOKEN_TABLE arith.c 281;" d file:
YYTRANSLATE arith.c 527;" d file:
YYUNDEFTOK arith.c 524;" d file:
YYUSE arith.c 360;" d file:
YYUSE arith.c 362;" d file:
YY_ arith.c 350;" d file:
YY_ arith.c 354;" d file:
YY_LOCATION_PRINT arith.c 810;" d file:
YY_LOCATION_PRINT arith.c 815;" d file:
YY_REDUCE_PRINT arith.c 972;" d file:
YY_REDUCE_PRINT arith.c 985;" d file:
YY_STACK_PRINT arith.c 934;" d file:
YY_STACK_PRINT arith.c 984;" d file:
YY_SYMBOL_PRINT arith.c 842;" d file:
YY_SYMBOL_PRINT arith.c 983;" d file:
_STDLIB_H arith.c 404;" d file:
_STDLIB_H arith.c 432;" d file:
_rmescapes expand.c /^_rmescapes(str, flag)$/;" f
action error.c /^ short action; \/* operation which encountered the error *\/$/;" m struct:errname file:
add mksyntax.c /^add(p, type)$/;" f file:
addchar mkinit.c /^addchar(c, text)$/;" f
addcmd setmode.c /^addcmd(set, op, who, oparg, mask)$/;" f file:
addcmdentry exec.c /^addcmdentry(name, entry)$/;" f
addfname expand.c /^addfname(name)$/;" f
addglob expand.c /^addglob(pglob)$/;" f
addstr mkinit.c /^addstr(s, text)$/;" f
aexpr bltin/test.c /^aexpr(n)$/;" f file:
aflag options.h 63;" d
alias alias.h /^struct alias {$/;" s
aliascmd alias.c /^aliascmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
align machdep.h /^union align {$/;" u
alloca arith.c 397;" d file:
amiddecls mkinit.c /^int amiddecls; \/* for formatting *\/$/;" v
andor parser.c /^andor() {$/;" f
ap input.c /^ struct alias *ap; \/* if push was associated with an alias *\/$/;" m struct:strpush file:
arg0 options.c /^char *arg0; \/* value of $0 *\/$/;" v
argbackq expand.c /^struct nodelist *argbackq; \/* list of back quote expressions *\/$/;" v
arglist expand.h /^struct arglist {$/;" s
argptr options.c /^char **argptr; \/* argument list for builtin commands *\/$/;" v
argstr expand.c /^argstr(p, flag)$/;" f
arith arith.c /^arith(s)$/;" f
arith_buf arith.c /^const char *arith_buf, *arith_startbuf;$/;" v
arith_startbuf arith.c /^const char *arith_buf, *arith_startbuf;$/;" v
atab alias.c /^struct alias *atab[ATABSIZE];$/;" v
attyset var.h 110;" d
backcmd eval.h /^struct backcmd { \/* result of evalbackcmd *\/$/;" s
backgndpid jobs.c /^MKINIT short backgndpid = -1; \/* pid of last background process *\/$/;" v
backquotelist parser.c /^struct nodelist *backquotelist;$/;" v
base mksyntax.c /^static int base;$/;" v file:
basebuf input.c /^char basebuf[BUFSIZ]; \/* buffer for top level input file *\/$/;" v
basepf input.c /^MKINIT struct parsefile basepf; \/* top level input file *\/$/;" v
basestrpush input.c /^ struct strpush basestrpush; \/* so pushing one is fast *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
bash_group_member bltin/test.c /^bash_group_member (gid)$/;" f file:
begoff expand.c /^ int begoff; \/* offset of start of region *\/$/;" m struct:ifsregion file:
bflag options.h 64;" d
bgcmd jobs.c /^bgcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
binop bltin/test.c /^binop()$/;" f file:
bitcmd setmode.c /^typedef struct bitcmd {$/;" s file:
bits setmode.c /^ mode_t bits;$/;" m struct:bitcmd file:
block mkinit.c /^struct block {$/;" s file:
bltincmd eval.c /^bltincmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
bltinlookup var.c /^bltinlookup(name, doall)$/;" f
breakcmd eval.c /^breakcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
buf eval.h /^ char *buf; \/* buffer *\/$/;" m struct:backcmd
buf input.c /^ char *buf; \/* input buffer *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
buf output.h /^ char *buf;$/;" m struct:output
bufsize output.h /^ int bufsize;$/;" m struct:output
builtinloc exec.c /^STATIC int builtinloc = -1; \/* index in path of %builtin, or -1 *\/$/;" v
casematch expand.c /^casematch(pattern, val)$/;" f
cdcmd cd.c /^cdcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
cdcomppath cd.c /^STATIC char *cdcomppath;$/;" v
cfile mksyntax.c /^static FILE *cfile;$/;" v file:
changed jobs.h /^ char changed; \/* true if status has changed *\/$/;" m struct:job
changepath exec.c /^changepath(newval)$/;" f
checkkwd parser.c /^MKINIT int checkkwd; \/* 1 == check for kwds, 2 == also eat newlines *\/$/;" v
chkmail mail.c /^chkmail(silent)$/;" f
ckfopen mkinit.c /^ckfopen(file, mode)$/;" f
ckfree memalloc.h 81;" d
ckmalloc memalloc.c /^ckmalloc(nbytes)$/;" f
ckmalloc mkinit.c /^ckmalloc(nbytes)$/;" f
ckrealloc memalloc.c /^ckrealloc(p, nbytes)$/;" f
clear_traps trap.c /^clear_traps() {$/;" f
clearcmdentry exec.c /^clearcmdentry(firstchange)$/;" f
clearredir redir.c /^clearredir() {$/;" f
closememout output.c /^closememout() {$/;" f
closescript input.c /^closescript() {$/;" f
cmd jobs.h /^ char *cmd; \/* text of command being run *\/$/;" m struct:procstat
cmd miscbltin.c /^ int cmd;$/;" m struct:limits file:
cmd setmode.c /^ char cmd;$/;" m struct:bitcmd file:
cmd2 setmode.c /^ char cmd2;$/;" m struct:bitcmd file:
cmdentry exec.h /^struct cmdentry {$/;" s
cmdenviron eval.c /^struct strlist *cmdenviron;$/;" v
cmdlookup exec.c /^cmdlookup(name, add)$/;" f
cmdloop main.c /^cmdloop(top)$/;" f
cmdname exec.c /^ char cmdname[ARB]; \/* name of command *\/$/;" m struct:tblentry file:
cmdnextc jobs.c /^STATIC char *cmdnextc;$/;" v
cmdnleft jobs.c /^STATIC int cmdnleft;$/;" v
cmdputs jobs.c /^cmdputs(s)$/;" f
cmdtable exec.c /^STATIC struct tblentry *cmdtable[CMDTABLESIZE];$/;" v
cmdtxt jobs.c /^cmdtxt(n)$/;" f
cmdtype exec.c /^ short cmdtype; \/* index identifying command *\/$/;" m struct:tblentry file:
cmdtype exec.h /^ int cmdtype;$/;" m struct:cmdentry
code mkinit.c /^ struct text code; \/* code for handling event *\/$/;" m struct:event file:
command parser.c /^command() {$/;" f
commandcmd exec.c /^commandcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
commandname error.c /^char *commandname;$/;" v
commandname eval.c /^char *commandname;$/;" v
commandtext jobs.c /^commandtext(n)$/;" f
comment mkinit.c /^ char *comment; \/* comment describing routine *\/$/;" m struct:event file:
comment mksyntax.c /^ char *comment;$/;" m struct:synclass file:
compress_mode setmode.c /^compress_mode(set)$/;" f file:
copyfd redir.c /^copyfd(from, to)$/;" f
copyright mkinit.c /^static const char copyright[] =$/;" v file:
copyright mknodes.c /^static const char copyright[] =$/;" v file:
copyright mksyntax.c /^static const char copyright[] =$/;" v file:
cp machdep.h /^ char *cp;$/;" m union:align
curcmd main.c /^STATIC union node *curcmd;$/;" v
curdir cd.c /^char *curdir = NULL; \/* current working directory *\/$/;" v
curfile mkinit.c /^char *curfile; \/* current file *\/$/;" v
curjob jobs.c /^short curjob; \/* current job *\/$/;" v
curstr mknodes.c /^static struct str *curstr; \/* current structure *\/$/;" v file:
cvtnum expand.c /^cvtnum(num, buf)$/;" f
debug show.c /^int debug = 0;$/;" v
debug show.c /^int debug = 1;$/;" v
decl mknodes.c /^ char *decl; \/* declaration of field *\/$/;" m struct:field file:
decls mkinit.c /^struct text decls; \/* declarations *\/$/;" v
decode_signal trap.c /^int decode_signal(const char *string)$/;" f
defines mkinit.c /^struct text defines; \/* #define statements *\/$/;" v
defun exec.c /^defun(name, func)$/;" f
delete_cmd_entry exec.c /^delete_cmd_entry() {$/;" f
deletefuncs exec.c /^deletefuncs() {$/;" f
describe_command exec.c /^describe_command(command, verbose)$/;" f
digit output.c /^static const char digit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";$/;" v file:
digit_contig mksyntax.c /^static int digit_contig;\/* true if digits are contiguous *\/$/;" v file:
digit_convert mksyntax.c /^digit_convert()$/;" f file:
displayhist histedit.c /^int displayhist;$/;" v
docd cd.c /^docd(dest, print)$/;" f
dodecl mkinit.c /^dodecl(line1, fp)$/;" f
doevent mkinit.c /^doevent(ep, fp, fname)$/;" f
doformat output.c /^doformat(dest, f, ap)$/;" f
doformat output.h 100;" d
doinclude mkinit.c /^doinclude(line)$/;" f
done mknodes.c /^ int done; \/* set if fully parsed *\/$/;" m struct:str file:
doprompt parser.c /^int doprompt; \/* if set, prompt the user *\/$/;" v
dotcmd main.c /^dotcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
dotrap trap.c /^dotrap() {$/;" f
dowait jobs.c /^dowait(block, job)$/;" f
dprintf output.c /^dprintf(const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
dumpmode setmode.c /^dumpmode(set)$/;" f file:
dupredirect redir.c /^dupredirect(redir, f, memory)$/;" f
editing histedit.c 87;" d file:
eflag options.h 51;" d
el histedit.c /^EditLine *el; \/* editline cookie *\/$/;" v
el input.c /^EditLine *el; \/* cookie for editline package *\/$/;" v
el_in histedit.c /^static FILE *el_in, *el_out;$/;" v file:
el_out histedit.c /^static FILE *el_in, *el_out;$/;" v file:
emptyoutbuf output.c /^emptyoutbuf(dest)$/;" f
endoff expand.c /^ int endoff; \/* offset of end of region *\/$/;" m struct:ifsregion file:
environment var.c /^environment() {$/;" f
eofmark parser.c /^ char *eofmark; \/* string indicating end of input *\/$/;" m struct:heredoc file:
equal mkinit.c 172;" d file:
equal mystring.h 48;" d
equalf bltin/test.c /^equalf (f1, f2)$/;" f file:
errcode error.c /^ short errcode; \/* error number *\/$/;" m struct:errname file:
errmsg error.c /^errmsg(e, action)$/;" f
errname error.c /^struct errname {$/;" s file:
error arith.c /^error(s)$/;" f
error bltin/test.c /^error(const char *msg, ...)$/;" f file:
error error.c /^error(const char *msg, ...)$/;" f
error mkinit.c /^error(msg)$/;" f
error mknodes.c /^error(const char *msg, ...)$/;" f file:
errormsg error.c /^STATIC const struct errname errormsg[] = {$/;" v
errout output.c /^struct output errout = {NULL, 0, NULL, 100, 2, 0};$/;" v
errout output.c /^struct output errout = {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 2, 0};$/;" v
evalbackcmd eval.c /^evalbackcmd(n, result)$/;" f
evalcase eval.c /^evalcase(n, flags)$/;" f
evalcmd eval.c /^evalcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
evalcommand eval.c /^evalcommand(cmd, flags, backcmd)$/;" f
evalfor eval.c /^evalfor(n, flags)$/;" f
evalloop eval.c /^evalloop(n, flags)$/;" f
evalpipe eval.c /^evalpipe(n)$/;" f
evalskip eval.c /^MKINIT int evalskip; \/* set if we are skipping commands *\/$/;" v
evalstring eval.c /^evalstring(s, flag)$/;" f
evalsubshell eval.c /^evalsubshell(n, flags)$/;" f
evaltree eval.c /^evaltree(n, flags)$/;" f
evalvar expand.c /^evalvar(p, flag)$/;" f
event mkinit.c /^struct event event[] = {$/;" v
event mkinit.c /^struct event {$/;" s file:
exception error.c /^int exception;$/;" v
execcmd eval.c /^execcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
execinterp exec.c /^execinterp(argv, envp)$/;" f
exerrno exec.c /^int exerrno = 0; \/* Last exec error *\/$/;" v
exerror error.c /^exerror(int cond, const char *msg, ...)$/;" f
exitcmd main.c /^exitcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
exitshell trap.c /^exitshell(status)$/;" f
exitstatus eval.c /^int exitstatus; \/* exit status of last command *\/$/;" v
exp arith.y /^exp: expr {$/;" l
expandarg expand.c /^expandarg(arg, arglist, flag)$/;" f
expandhere expand.c /^expandhere(arg, fd)$/;" f
expandmeta expand.c /^expandmeta(str, flag)$/;" f
exparg expand.c /^struct arglist exparg; \/* holds expanded arg list *\/$/;" v
expari expand.c /^expari(flag)$/;" f
expbackq expand.c /^expbackq(cmd, quoted, flag)$/;" f
expcmd arith.c /^expcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
expdest expand.c /^char *expdest; \/* output of current string *\/$/;" v
expdir expand.c /^char *expdir;$/;" v
expmeta expand.c /^expmeta(enddir, name)$/;" f
exportcmd var.c /^exportcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
expr arith.y /^expr: ARITH_LPAREN expr ARITH_RPAREN { $$ = $2; }$/;" l
expredir eval.c /^expredir(n)$/;" f
expsort expand.c /^expsort(str)$/;" f
exptilde expand.c /^exptilde(p, flag)$/;" f
exraise error.c /^exraise(e)$/;" f
exverror error.c /^exverror(cond, msg, ap)$/;" f file:
factor miscbltin.c /^ int factor; \/* multiply by to get rlim_{cur,max} values *\/$/;" m struct:limits file:
falsecmd eval.c /^falsecmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
fc_replace histedit.c /^fc_replace(s, p, r)$/;" f
fd eval.h /^ int fd; \/* file descriptor to read from *\/$/;" m struct:backcmd
fd input.c /^ int fd; \/* file descriptor (or -1 if string) *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
fd output.h /^ int fd;$/;" m struct:output
fd0_redirected redir.c /^int fd0_redirected = 0;$/;" v
fd0_redirected_p redir.c /^fd0_redirected_p () {$/;" f
fd2 redir.c /^int fd2 = 2;$/;" v
fflag options.h 52;" d
fflush bltin/bltin.h 60;" d
fgcmd jobs.c /^fgcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
field mknodes.c /^ struct field field[MAXFIELDS]; \/* the fields of the structure *\/$/;" m struct:str file:
field mknodes.c /^struct field { \/* a structure field *\/$/;" s file:
filltable mksyntax.c /^filltable(dftval)$/;" f file:
filstat bltin/test.c /^filstat(nm, mode)$/;" f file:
find_builtin exec.c /^find_builtin(name)$/;" f
find_command exec.c /^find_command(name, entry, act, path)$/;" f
find_dot_file main.c /^find_dot_file(basename)$/;" f
fixredir parser.c /^void fixredir(union node *n, const char *text, int err)$/;" f
flag alias.h /^ int flag;$/;" m struct:alias
flags output.h /^ short flags;$/;" m struct:output
flags var.c /^ int flags;$/;" m struct:varinit file:
flags var.h /^ int flags; \/* flags are defined above *\/$/;" m struct:var
flags var.h /^ int flags; \/* saved flags *\/$/;" m struct:localvar
flushall output.c /^flushall() {$/;" f
flushout output.c /^flushout(dest)$/;" f
flushout output.h 99;" d
fmtstr output.c /^fmtstr(char *outbuf, size_t length, const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
forkshell jobs.c /^forkshell(jp, n, mode)$/;" f
fprintf bltin/bltin.h 58;" d
fputs bltin/bltin.h 59;" d
freejob jobs.c /^freejob(jp)$/;" f
freeparam options.c /^freeparam(param)$/;" f
freestdout output.c /^freestdout() {$/;" f
func exec.h /^ union node *func;$/;" m union:cmdentry::param
func var.c /^ void (*func) __P((const char *));$/;" m struct:varinit file:
func var.h /^ void (*func) __P((const char *));$/;" m struct:var
funcnest eval.c /^int funcnest; \/* depth of function calls *\/$/;" v
get_standard_path eval.c /^get_standard_path()$/;" f
getcmdentry exec.c /^getcmdentry(name, entry)$/;" f
getcomponent cd.c /^getcomponent() {$/;" f
getjob jobs.c /^getjob(name)$/;" f
getmode setmode.c /^getmode(bbox, omode)$/;" f
getn bltin/test.c /^getn(s)$/;" f file:
getopts options.c /^getopts(optstr, optvar, optfirst, optind, optoff)$/;" f
getoptscmd options.c /^getoptscmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
getoptsreset options.c /^getoptsreset(value)$/;" f
getprompt parser.c /^getprompt(void *unused)$/;" f
getpwd cd.c /^getpwd()$/;" f
gooddefine mkinit.c /^gooddefine(line)$/;" f
goodname parser.c /^goodname(char *name)$/;" f
gotsig trap.c /^char gotsig[NSIG]; \/* indicates specified signal received *\/$/;" v
gotsigchild jobs.c /^STATIC int gotsigchild;$/;" v
grabstackblock memalloc.c /^grabstackblock(len)$/;" f
grabstackstr memalloc.h 79;" d
group_array bltin/test.c /^static gid_t *group_array = NULL;$/;" v file:
growstackblock memalloc.c /^growstackblock() {$/;" f
growstackstr memalloc.c /^growstackstr() {$/;" f
handler error.c /^struct jmploc *handler;$/;" v
hashalias alias.c /^hashalias(p)$/;" f
hashcd exec.c /^hashcd() {$/;" f
hashcmd exec.c /^hashcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
hashvar var.c /^hashvar(p)$/;" f
header_files mkinit.c /^char *header_files[200]; \/* list of header files *\/$/;" v
here parser.c /^ union node *here; \/* redirection node *\/$/;" m struct:heredoc file:
heredoc parser.c /^struct heredoc *heredoc;$/;" v
heredoc parser.c /^struct heredoc {$/;" s file:
heredoclist parser.c /^struct heredoc *heredoclist; \/* list of here documents to read *\/$/;" v
herefd memalloc.c /^int herefd = -1;$/;" v
hetio_init hetio.c /^void hetio_init(void)$/;" f
hetio_inter hetio.c /^int hetio_inter = 0;$/;" v
hetio_read_input hetio.c /^int hetio_read_input(int fd)$/;" f
hetio_reset_term hetio.c /^void hetio_reset_term(void)$/;" f
hfile mksyntax.c /^static FILE *hfile;$/;" v file:
his_end hetio.c /^static struct history *his_end = NULL; \/* Last element in command line list *\/$/;" v file:
his_front hetio.c /^static struct history *his_front = NULL; \/* First element in command line list *\/$/;" v file:
hist histedit.c /^History *hist; \/* history cookie *\/$/;" v
histcmd histedit.c /^histcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
histedit histedit.c /^histedit()$/;" f
history hetio.c /^struct history$/;" s file:
history_counter hetio.c /^static int history_counter = 0; \/* Number of commands in history list *\/$/;" v file:
histsizeval var.h 105;" d
i machdep.h /^ int i;$/;" m union:align
iflag options.h 54;" d
ifsbreakup expand.c /^ifsbreakup(string, arglist)$/;" f
ifsfirst expand.c /^struct ifsregion ifsfirst; \/* first struct in list of ifs regions *\/$/;" v
ifsfree expand.c /^ifsfree()$/;" f
ifslastp expand.c /^struct ifsregion *ifslastp; \/* last struct in list *\/$/;" v
ifsregion expand.c /^struct ifsregion {$/;" s file:
ifsset var.h 97;" d
ifsval var.h 96;" d
ignoresig trap.c /^ignoresig(signo)$/;" f
in_function eval.h 67;" d
indent mknodes.c /^indent(amount, fp)$/;" f file:
indent show.c /^indent(amount, pfx, fp)$/;" f file:
index exec.h /^ int index;$/;" m union:cmdentry::param
infp mknodes.c /^static FILE *infp;$/;" v file:
init mkinit.c /^char init[] = "\\$/;" v
init mksyntax.c /^init()$/;" f file:
init_editline input.c /^int init_editline = 0; \/* editline library initialized? *\/$/;" v
initialize_group_array bltin/test.c /^initialize_group_array ()$/;" f file:
initialize_signames mksignames.c /^initialize_signames ()$/;" f
initialpgrp jobs.c /^int initialpgrp; \/* pgrp of shell on invocation *\/$/;" v
initstreams output.c /^void initstreams() {$/;" f
initvar var.c /^initvar() {$/;" f
input_backspace hetio.c /^input_backspace(int *cursor, int *len)$/;" f
input_delete hetio.c /^void input_delete(int cursor)$/;" f
input_end hetio.c /^void input_end(int *cursor, int len)$/;" f
input_home hetio.c /^void input_home(int *cursor) \/* Command line input routines *\/$/;" f
int_pending error.h 91;" d
intpending error.c /^volatile int intpending;$/;" v
intreceived jobs.c /^STATIC int intreceived;$/;" v
is_assignment_builtin eval.c /^is_assignment_builtin (command)$/;" f
is_entry mksyntax.c /^struct synclass is_entry[] = {$/;" v
is_number mystring.c /^is_number(p)$/;" f
is_regular_builtin exec.c /^is_regular_builtin(name)$/;" f
is_special_builtin eval.c /^is_special_builtin(name)$/;" f
isoperand bltin/test.c /^isoperand()$/;" f file:
jmploc error.h /^struct jmploc {$/;" s
job jobs.h /^struct job {$/;" s
job_warning jobs.c /^int job_warning = 0;$/;" v
jobctl jobs.c /^MKINIT int jobctl;$/;" v
jobctl jobs.h /^ char jobctl; \/* job running under job control *\/$/;" m struct:job
jobidcmd jobs.c /^jobidcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
jobscmd jobs.c /^jobscmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
jobtab jobs.c /^struct job *jobtab; \/* array of jobs *\/$/;" v
jp eval.h /^ struct job *jp; \/* job structure for command *\/$/;" m struct:backcmd
killcmd jobs.c /^killcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
last mkinit.c /^ struct block *last;$/;" m struct:text file:
lastcmdentry exec.c /^struct tblentry **lastcmdentry;$/;" v
lastp expand.h /^ struct strlist **lastp;$/;" m struct:arglist
lasttoken parser.c /^int lasttoken; \/* last token read *\/$/;" v
letter options.h /^ const char letter;$/;" m struct:optent
limits miscbltin.c /^static const struct limits limits[] = {$/;" v file:
limits miscbltin.c /^struct limits {$/;" s file:
line mknodes.c /^static char line[1024];$/;" v file:
linep mknodes.c /^static char *linep;$/;" v file:
linno input.c /^ int linno; \/* current line *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
linno mkinit.c /^int linno; \/* current line *\/$/;" v
linno mknodes.c /^static int linno;$/;" v file:
list expand.h /^ struct strlist *list;$/;" m struct:arglist
list parser.c /^list(nlflag)$/;" f
listsetvar var.c /^listsetvar(list)$/;" f
lleft input.c /^ int lleft; \/* number of chars left in this buffer *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
loc error.h /^ jmp_buf loc;$/;" m struct:jmploc
localcmd var.c /^localcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
localvar var.h /^struct localvar {$/;" s
localvars var.h /^struct localvar *localvars;$/;" v
longjmp error.h 107;" d
lookupalias alias.c /^lookupalias(name, check)$/;" f
lookupvar var.c /^lookupvar(name)$/;" f
loopnest eval.c /^MKINIT int loopnest; \/* current loop nesting level *\/$/;" v
macro mksyntax.c /^static char *macro[] = {$/;" v file:
mailtime mail.c /^STATIC time_t mailtime[MAXMBOXES]; \/* times of mailboxes *\/$/;" v
mailval var.h 98;" d
main arith.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
main bltin/bltin.h 72;" d
main bltin/echo.c /^main(argc, argv) char **argv; {$/;" f
main bltin/echo.c 45;" d file:
main bltin/times.c /^int main() {$/;" f
main bltin/times.c 12;" d file:
main main.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
main mkinit.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
main mknodes.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
main mksignames.c /^main (argc, argv)$/;" f
main mksyntax.c /^main(argc, argv)$/;" f
makejob jobs.c /^makejob(node, nprocs)$/;" f
makename parser.c /^makename() {$/;" f
makestrspace memalloc.c /^makestrspace() {$/;" f
malloc options.h /^ unsigned char malloc; \/* if parameter list dynamically allocated *\/$/;" m struct:shparam
marknext memalloc.h /^ struct stackmark *marknext;$/;" m struct:stackmark
markp memalloc.c /^struct stackmark *markp;$/;" v
match mkinit.c /^match(name, line)$/;" f
memout output.c /^struct output memout = {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, MEM_OUT, 0};$/;" v
memout output.c /^struct output memout = {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, MEM_OUT, 0};$/;" v
mflag options.h 55;" d
minus_o options.c /^minus_o(name, val)$/;" f
minusc options.c /^char *minusc; \/* argument to -c option *\/$/;" v
mklocal var.c /^mklocal(name)$/;" f
mpathset var.h 112;" d
mpathval var.h 99;" d
msg error.c /^ const char *msg; \/* text describing the error *\/$/;" m struct:errname file:
msort expand.c /^msort(list, len)$/;" f
n hetio.c /^ struct history *n;$/;" m struct:history file:
name alias.h /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:alias
name miscbltin.c /^ const char *name;$/;" m struct:limits file:
name mkinit.c /^ char *name; \/* name of event (e.g. INIT) *\/$/;" m struct:event file:
name mknodes.c /^ char *name; \/* name of field *\/$/;" m struct:field file:
name mksyntax.c /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:synclass file:
name options.h /^ const char *name;$/;" m struct:optent
nbits mksyntax.c /^static int nbits; \/* number of bits in a character *\/$/;" v file:
needprompt parser.c /^int needprompt; \/* true if interactive and at start of line *\/$/;" v
new_term hetio.c /^static struct termios old_term, new_term; \/* Current termio and the previous termio before starting ash *\/$/;" v file:
newerf bltin/test.c /^newerf (f1, f2)$/;" f file:
nexpr bltin/test.c /^nexpr(n)$/;" f file:
next alias.h /^ struct alias *next;$/;" m struct:alias
next exec.c /^ struct tblentry *next; \/* next entry in hash chain *\/$/;" m struct:tblentry file:
next expand.c /^ struct ifsregion *next; \/* next region in list *\/$/;" m struct:ifsregion file:
next expand.h /^ struct strlist *next;$/;" m struct:strlist
next mkinit.c /^ struct block *next;$/;" m struct:block file:
next parser.c /^ struct heredoc *next; \/* next here document in list *\/$/;" m struct:heredoc file:
next redir.c /^ struct redirtab *next;$/;" m struct:redirtab file:
next var.h /^ struct localvar *next; \/* next local variable in list *\/$/;" m struct:localvar
next var.h /^ struct var *next; \/* next entry in hash list *\/$/;" m struct:var
nextc input.c /^ char *nextc; \/* next char in buffer *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
nextc mkinit.c /^ char *nextc;$/;" m struct:text file:
nextc output.h /^ char *nextc;$/;" m struct:output
nextfield mknodes.c /^nextfield(buf)$/;" f file:
nextopt options.c /^nextopt(optstring)$/;" f
nfields mknodes.c /^ int nfields; \/* number of fields in the structure *\/$/;" m struct:str file:
nflag options.h 56;" d
ngroups bltin/test.c /^static int ngroups;$/;" v file:
njobs jobs.c /^int njobs; \/* size of array *\/$/;" v
nleft eval.h /^ int nleft; \/* number of chars in buffer *\/$/;" m struct:backcmd
nleft input.c /^ int nleft; \/* number of chars left in this line *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
nleft mkinit.c /^ int nleft;$/;" m struct:text file:
nleft output.h /^ int nleft;$/;" m struct:output
nmboxes mail.c /^STATIC int nmboxes; \/* number of mailboxes *\/$/;" v
noclobberopen redir.c /^noclobberopen(fname)$/;" f
nodename mknodes.c /^static char *nodename[MAXTYPES]; \/* names of the nodes *\/$/;" v file:
nodestr mknodes.c /^static struct str *nodestr[MAXTYPES]; \/* type of structure used by the node *\/$/;" v file:
noexpand parser.c /^noexpand(text)$/;" f
not_fcnumber histedit.c /^not_fcnumber(s)$/;" f
nparam options.h /^ int nparam; \/* # of positional parameters (without $0) *\/$/;" m struct:shparam
nprocs jobs.h /^ short nprocs; \/* number of processes *\/$/;" m struct:job
nstr mknodes.c /^static int nstr; \/* number of structures *\/$/;" v file:
ntypes mknodes.c /^static int ntypes; \/* number of node types *\/$/;" v file:
nullstr mystring.c /^char nullstr[1]; \/* zero length string *\/$/;" v
nulonly expand.c /^ int nulonly; \/* search for nul bytes only *\/$/;" m struct:ifsregion file:
number mystring.c /^number(s)$/;" f
oexitstatus eval.c /^int oexitstatus; \/* saved exit status *\/$/;" v
oexpr bltin/test.c /^oexpr(n)$/;" f file:
old_term hetio.c /^static struct termios old_term, new_term; \/* Current termio and the previous termio before starting ash *\/$/;" v file:
olderf bltin/test.c /^olderf (f1, f2)$/;" f file:
onint error.c /^onint() {$/;" f
onsig trap.c /^onsig(signo)$/;" f
onsigchild jobs.c /^STATIC int onsigchild() {$/;" f
op_num bltin/test.c /^ short op_num, op_type;$/;" m struct:t_op file:
op_text bltin/test.c /^ const char *op_text;$/;" m struct:t_op file:
op_type bltin/test.c /^ short op_num, op_type;$/;" m struct:t_op file:
open_mem output.c /^open_mem(block, length, file)$/;" f
openhere redir.c /^openhere(redir)$/;" f
openmemout output.c /^openmemout() {$/;" f
openredirect redir.c /^openredirect(redir)$/;" f
opentrace show.c /^opentrace() {$/;" f
ops bltin/test.c /^} const ops [] = {$/;" v file:
optarg options.c /^char *optarg; \/* set by nextopt (like getopt) *\/$/;" v
optent options.h /^struct optent {$/;" s
optind options.h /^ int optind; \/* next parameter to be processed by getopts *\/$/;" m struct:shparam
optindval var.h 103;" d
option miscbltin.c /^ char option;$/;" m struct:limits file:
options options.c /^options(cmdline)$/;" f
optlist options.h /^struct optent optlist[NOPTS] = {$/;" v
optoff options.h /^ int optoff; \/* used by getopts *\/$/;" m struct:shparam
optptr options.c /^char *optptr; \/* used by nextopt *\/$/;" v
optschanged options.c /^optschanged()$/;" f
out1 output.c /^struct output *out1 = &output;$/;" v
out1c output.h 104;" d
out1fmt output.c /^out1fmt(const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
out1str output.h 106;" d
out2 output.c /^struct output *out2 = &errout;$/;" v
out2c output.h 105;" d
out2str output.h 107;" d
out_junk output.c /^char out_junk[16];$/;" v
outc output.h 102;" d
outc output.h 98;" d
outfmt output.c /^outfmt(struct output *file, const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
outfunc mknodes.c /^outfunc(cfile, calcsize)$/;" f file:
output mkinit.c /^output() {$/;" f
output mknodes.c /^output(file)$/;" f file:
output output.c /^struct output output = {NULL, 0, NULL, OUTBUFSIZ, 1, 0};$/;" v
output output.c /^struct output output = {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 1, 0};$/;" v
output output.h /^struct output {$/;" s
output_type_macros mksyntax.c /^output_type_macros()$/;" f file:
outsizes mknodes.c /^outsizes(cfile)$/;" f file:
outstr output.c /^outstr(p, file)$/;" f
p hetio.c /^ struct history *p;$/;" m struct:history file:
p options.h /^ char **p; \/* parameter list *\/$/;" m struct:shparam
padvance exec.c /^padvance(path, name)$/;" f
param exec.c /^ union param param; \/* definition of builtin function *\/$/;" m struct:tblentry file:
param exec.h /^ union param {$/;" u struct:cmdentry
parsebackquote parser.c /^int parsebackquote; \/* nonzero if we are inside backquotes *\/$/;" v
parsecmd parser.c /^parsecmd(int interact)$/;" f
parsefield mknodes.c /^parsefield()$/;" f file:
parsefile input.c /^struct parsefile *parsefile = &basepf; \/* current input file *\/$/;" v
parsefile input.c /^struct parsefile {$/;" s file:
parsefname parser.c /^parsefname() {$/;" f
parseheredoc parser.c /^parseheredoc() {$/;" f
parselleft input.c /^MKINIT int parselleft; \/* copy of parsefile->lleft *\/$/;" v
parsenextc input.c /^char *parsenextc; \/* copy of parsefile->nextc *\/$/;" v
parsenleft input.c /^MKINIT int parsenleft; \/* copy of parsefile->nleft *\/$/;" v
parsenode mknodes.c /^parsenode()$/;" f file:
path_change exec.c /^path_change(newval, bltin)$/;" f
pathopt exec.c /^const char *pathopt;$/;" v
pathval var.h 100;" d
patmatch expand.c /^patmatch(pattern, string, squoted)$/;" f
patmatch2 expand.c /^patmatch2(pattern, string, squoted)$/;" f
patmatch2 expand.c 131;" d file:
peektoken parser.c /^peektoken() {$/;" f
pendingsigs trap.c /^int pendingsigs; \/* indicates some signal received *\/$/;" v
pfgets input.c /^pfgets(line, len)$/;" f
pgetc input.c /^pgetc()$/;" f
pgetc_macro input.h 66;" d
pgrp jobs.h /^ short pgrp; \/* process group of this job *\/$/;" m struct:job
pid jobs.h /^ pid_t pid; \/* process id *\/$/;" m struct:procstat
pipeline parser.c /^pipeline() {$/;" f
plinno input.c /^int plinno = 1; \/* input line number *\/$/;" v
pmatch expand.c /^pmatch(pattern, string, squoted)$/;" f
pointer shell.h /^typedef char *pointer;$/;" t
pointer shell.h /^typedef void *pointer;$/;" t
popallfiles input.c /^popallfiles() {$/;" f
popfile input.c /^popfile() {$/;" f
poplocalvars var.c /^poplocalvars() {$/;" f
popredir redir.c /^popredir() {$/;" f
popstackmark memalloc.c /^popstackmark(mark)$/;" f
popstring input.c /^popstring()$/;" f
preadbuffer input.c /^preadbuffer()$/;" f
preadfd input.c /^preadfd()$/;" f file:
prefix mystring.c /^prefix(pfx, string)$/;" f
preglob expand.c /^preglob(str)$/;" f
prehash eval.c /^prehash(n)$/;" f
prev input.c /^ struct parsefile *prev; \/* preceding file on stack *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
prev input.c /^ struct strpush *prev; \/* preceding string on stack *\/$/;" m struct:strpush file:
prev memalloc.c /^ struct stack_block *prev;$/;" m struct:stack_block file:
prevcmd main.c /^STATIC union node *prevcmd;$/;" v
prevdir cd.c /^char *prevdir; \/* previous working directory *\/$/;" v
prevlleft input.c /^ int prevlleft;$/;" m struct:strpush file:
prevnleft input.c /^ int prevnleft;$/;" m struct:strpush file:
prevstring input.c /^ char *prevstring;$/;" m struct:strpush file:
primary bltin/test.c /^primary(n)$/;" f file:
print mksyntax.c /^print(name)$/;" f file:
printentry exec.c /^printentry(cmdp, verbose)$/;" f
printf bltin/bltin.h 55;" d
procargs options.c /^procargs(argc, argv)$/;" f
procstat jobs.h /^struct procstat {$/;" s
profile_buf main.c /^short profile_buf[16384];$/;" v
progname mksignames.c /^char *progname;$/;" v
ps jobs.h /^ struct procstat *ps; \/* status or processes when more than one *\/$/;" m struct:job
ps0 jobs.h /^ struct procstat ps0; \/* status of process *\/$/;" m struct:job
ps1val var.h 101;" d
ps2val var.h 102;" d
pungetc input.c /^pungetc() {$/;" f
pushfile input.c /^pushfile() {$/;" f
pushstring input.c /^pushstring(s, len, ap)$/;" f
putc bltin/bltin.h 56;" d
putchar bltin/bltin.h 57;" d
pwdcmd cd.c /^pwdcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
qflag options.h 66;" d
quoteflag parser.c /^int quoteflag; \/* set if (part of) last token was quoted *\/$/;" v
rcsid mkinit.c /^static const char rcsid[] =$/;" v file:
rcsid mknodes.c /^static const char rcsid[] =$/;" v file:
rcsid mksyntax.c /^static const char rcsid[] =$/;" v file:
read_profile main.c /^read_profile(name)$/;" f
readcmd miscbltin.c /^readcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
readcmdfile main.c /^readcmdfile(name)$/;" f
readfile mkinit.c /^readfile(fname)$/;" f
readline mknodes.c /^readline()$/;" f file:
readtoken parser.c /^readtoken() {$/;" f
readtoken1 parser.c /^readtoken1(firstc, syntax, eofmark, striptabs)$/;" f
recordregion expand.c /^recordregion(start, end, nulonly)$/;" f
redirect redir.c /^redirect(redir, flags)$/;" f
redirlist redir.c /^MKINIT struct redirtab *redirlist;$/;" v
redirnode parser.c /^union node *redirnode;$/;" v
redirtab redir.c /^struct redirtab {$/;" s file:
rehash exec.c /^ char rehash; \/* if set, cd done since entry created *\/$/;" m struct:tblentry file:
removerecordregions expand.c /^removerecordregions(endoff)$/;" f
renamed redir.c /^ short renamed[10];$/;" m struct:redirtab file:
reset mkinit.c /^char reset[] = "\\$/;" v
reset_term hetio.c /^static int reset_term = 0; \/* Set to true if the terminal needs to be reset upon exit *\/$/;" v file:
restartjob jobs.c /^restartjob(jp)$/;" f
returncmd eval.c /^returncmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
rflag miscbltin.c 71;" d file:
rlim_t miscbltin.c /^typedef enum __rlimit_resource rlim_t;$/;" t file:
rmaliases alias.c /^rmaliases() {$/;" f
rmescapes expand.c /^rmescapes(str)$/;" f
rootpid main.c /^int rootpid;$/;" v
rootshell main.c /^int rootshell;$/;" v
routine mkinit.c /^ char *routine; \/* name of routine called on event *\/$/;" m struct:event file:
s hetio.c /^ char *s;$/;" m struct:history file:
savestr memalloc.c /^savestr(s)$/;" f
savestr mkinit.c /^savestr(s)$/;" f
savestr mknodes.c /^savestr(s)$/;" f file:
sccsid arith.c /^static char sccsid[] = "@(#)arith.y 8.3 (Berkeley) 5\/4\/95";$/;" v file:
scopy mystring.h 49;" d
scopyn mystring.c /^scopyn(from, to, size)$/;" f
setIO hetio.c /^void setIO(struct termios *new, struct termios *old) \/* Set terminal IO to canonical mode, and save old term settings. *\/$/;" f
setalias alias.c /^setalias(name, val)$/;" f
setcmd options.c /^setcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
sethistsize histedit.c /^sethistsize(hs)$/;" f
setinputfd input.c /^setinputfd(fd, push)$/;" f
setinputfile input.c /^setinputfile(fname, push)$/;" f
setinputstring input.c /^setinputstring(string, push)$/;" f
setinteractive trap.c /^setinteractive(on)$/;" f
setjmp error.h 106;" d
setjobctl jobs.c /^setjobctl(on)$/;" f
setjobctl jobs.h 97;" d
setmode setmode.c /^setmode(p)$/;" f
setoption options.c /^setoption(flag, val)$/;" f
setparam options.c /^setparam(argv)$/;" f
setprompt parser.c /^setprompt(which)$/;" f
setsignal trap.c /^setsignal(signo)$/;" f
setstackmark memalloc.c /^setstackmark(mark)$/;" f
setterm histedit.c /^setterm(term)$/;" f
setvar var.c /^setvar(name, val, flags)$/;" f
setvarcmd var.c /^setvarcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
setvareq var.c /^setvareq(s, flags)$/;" f
setvarsafe var.c /^setvarsafe(name, val, flags)$/;" f
sflag options.h 57;" d
sharg show.c /^sharg(arg, fp)$/;" f file:
shcmd show.c /^shcmd(cmd, fp)$/;" f file:
shellexec exec.c /^shellexec(argv, envp, path, idx)$/;" f
shellparam options.c /^struct shparam shellparam; \/* current positional parameters *\/$/;" v
shellproc mkinit.c /^char shellproc[] = "\\$/;" v
shiftcmd options.c /^shiftcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
short arith.c 300;" d file:
showjobs jobs.c /^showjobs(change)$/;" f
showtree show.c /^showtree(n)$/;" f
showvarscmd var.c /^showvarscmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
shparam options.h /^struct shparam {$/;" s
shprocvar var.c /^shprocvar() {$/;" f
shtree show.c /^shtree(n, ind, pfx, fp)$/;" f file:
sigmode trap.c /^MKINIT char sigmode[NSIG]; \/* current value of signal *\/$/;" v
signal_names mksignames.c /^char *signal_names[2 * NSIG];$/;" v
simplecmd parser.c /^simplecmd(rpp, redir)$/;" f
size mksyntax.c /^static int size; \/* number of values which a char variable can have *\/$/;" v file:
skipbl mknodes.c /^skipbl()$/;" f file:
skipcount eval.c /^STATIC int skipcount; \/* number of levels to skip *\/$/;" v
space memalloc.c /^ char space[MINSIZE];$/;" m struct:stack_block file:
sstrnleft memalloc.c /^int sstrnleft;$/;" v
stack_block memalloc.c /^struct stack_block {$/;" s file:
stackbase memalloc.c /^struct stack_block stackbase;$/;" v
stackblock memalloc.h 69;" d
stackblocksize memalloc.h 70;" d
stackmark memalloc.h /^struct stackmark {$/;" s
stacknleft memalloc.c /^int stacknleft = MINSIZE;$/;" v
stacknleft memalloc.h /^ int stacknleft;$/;" m struct:stackmark
stacknxt memalloc.c /^char *stacknxt =;$/;" v
stacknxt memalloc.h /^ char *stacknxt;$/;" m struct:stackmark
stackp memalloc.c /^struct stack_block *stackp = &stackbase;$/;" v
stackp memalloc.h /^ struct stack_block *stackp;$/;" m struct:stackmark
stalloc memalloc.c /^stalloc(nbytes)$/;" f
start mkinit.c /^ struct block *start;$/;" m struct:text file:
startlinno parser.c /^int startlinno; \/* line # where last token started *\/$/;" v
state jobs.h /^ char state; \/* true if job is finished *\/$/;" m struct:job
status jobs.h /^ int status; \/* status flags (defined above) *\/$/;" m struct:procstat
stderr bltin/bltin.h 54;" d
stdout bltin/bltin.h 53;" d
stoppedjobs jobs.c /^stoppedjobs()$/;" f
str mknodes.c /^static struct str str[MAXTYPES]; \/* the structures *\/$/;" v file:
str mknodes.c /^struct str { \/* struct representing a node structure *\/$/;" s file:
str_to_event histedit.c /^str_to_event(str, last)$/;" f
stream output.h /^ FILE *stream;$/;" m struct:output
striptabs parser.c /^ int striptabs; \/* if set, strip leading tabs *\/$/;" m struct:heredoc file:
strlist expand.h /^struct strlist {$/;" s
strpush input.c /^ struct strpush *strpush; \/* for pushing strings at this level *\/$/;" m struct:parsefile file:
strpush input.c /^struct strpush {$/;" s file:
strtodest expand.c /^strtodest(p, quoted, allow_split)$/;" f
stunalloc memalloc.c /^stunalloc(p)$/;" f
subevalvar expand.c /^subevalvar(p, str, strloc, subtype, startloc, varflags)$/;" f
suppressint error.c /^volatile int suppressint;$/;" v
synclass mksyntax.c /^struct synclass synclass[] = {$/;" v
synclass mksyntax.c /^struct synclass {$/;" s file:
synerror parser.c /^synerror(msg)$/;" f
synexpect parser.c /^synexpect(token)$/;" f
syntax bltin/test.c /^syntax(op, msg)$/;" f file:
syntax mksyntax.c /^static char *syntax[513];$/;" v file:
t_lex bltin/test.c /^t_lex(s)$/;" f file:
t_op bltin/test.c /^static struct t_op {$/;" s file:
t_wp bltin/test.c /^static char **t_wp;$/;" v file:
t_wp_op bltin/test.c /^static struct t_op const *t_wp_op;$/;" v file:
tag mknodes.c /^ char *tag; \/* structure tag *\/$/;" m struct:str file:
tblentry exec.c /^struct tblentry {$/;" s file:
termval var.h 106;" d
test_eaccess bltin/test.c /^test_eaccess (path, mode)$/;" f file:
testcmd bltin/test.c /^testcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
text expand.h /^ char *text;$/;" m struct:strlist
text mkinit.c /^ char text[BLOCKSIZE];$/;" m struct:block file:
text mkinit.c /^struct text {$/;" s file:
text var.c /^ const char *text;$/;" m struct:varinit file:
text var.h /^ char *text; \/* name=value *\/$/;" m struct:var
text var.h /^ char *text; \/* saved text *\/$/;" m struct:localvar
token bltin/test.c /^enum token {$/;" g file:
token_types bltin/test.c /^enum token_types {$/;" g file:
tokpushback parser.c /^MKINIT int tokpushback; \/* last token pushed back *\/$/;" v
trace show.c /^trace(const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f
tracefile show.c /^FILE *tracefile;$/;" v
trap trap.c /^char *trap[NSIG+1]; \/* trap handler commands *\/$/;" v
trapcmd trap.c /^trapcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
trargs show.c /^trargs(ap)$/;" f
trputc show.c /^trputc(c)$/;" f
trputs show.c /^trputs(s)$/;" f
trstring show.c /^trstring(s)$/;" f file:
truecmd eval.c /^truecmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
tryexec exec.c /^tryexec(cmd, argv, envp)$/;" f
type mknodes.c /^ int type; \/* type of field *\/$/;" m struct:field file:
typecmd exec.c /^typecmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
u exec.h /^ } u;$/;" m struct:cmdentry
uflag options.h 65;" d
ulimitcmd miscbltin.c /^ulimitcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
umaskcmd miscbltin.c /^umaskcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
unalias alias.c /^unalias(name)$/;" f
unaliascmd alias.c /^unaliascmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
ungrabstackstr memalloc.c /^ungrabstackstr(s, p)$/;" f
unsetcmd var.c /^unsetcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
unsetfunc exec.c /^unsetfunc(name)$/;" f
unsetvar var.c /^unsetvar(s)$/;" f
updatepwd cd.c /^updatepwd(dir)$/;" f
used jobs.h /^ char used; \/* true if this entry is in used *\/$/;" m struct:job
val alias.h /^ char *val;$/;" m struct:alias
val options.h /^ char val;$/;" m struct:optent
var var.c /^ struct var *var;$/;" m struct:varinit file:
var var.h /^struct var {$/;" s
varequal var.c /^varequal(p, q)$/;" f
varinit var.c /^const struct varinit varinit[] = {$/;" v
varinit var.c /^struct varinit {$/;" s file:
varisset expand.c /^varisset(name, nulok)$/;" f
vartab var.c /^struct var *vartab[VTABSIZE];$/;" v
varvalue expand.c /^varvalue(name, quoted, allow_split)$/;" f
vatty var.c /^struct var vatty;$/;" v
vflag options.h 59;" d
vhistsize var.c /^struct var vhistsize;$/;" v
vifs var.c /^struct var vifs;$/;" v
vmail var.c /^struct var vmail;$/;" v
vmpath var.c /^struct var vmpath;$/;" v
voptind var.c /^struct var voptind;$/;" v
vp var.h /^ struct var *vp; \/* the variable that was made local *\/$/;" m struct:localvar
vpath var.c /^struct var vpath;$/;" v
vps1 var.c /^struct var vps1;$/;" v
vps2 var.c /^struct var vps2;$/;" v
vterm var.c /^struct var vterm;$/;" v
vvers var.c /^struct var vvers;$/;" v
waitcmd jobs.c /^waitcmd(argc, argv)$/;" f
waitforjob jobs.c /^waitforjob(jp)$/;" f
waitonint jobs.c /^STATIC void waitonint(int sig) {$/;" f
waitproc jobs.c /^waitproc(block, status)$/;" f
warnx bltin/bltin.h 61;" d
whichprompt input.c /^int whichprompt; \/* 1 == PS1, 2 == PS2 *\/$/;" v
wordtext parser.c /^char *wordtext; \/* text of last word returned by readtoken *\/$/;" v
write_signames mksignames.c /^write_signames (stream)$/;" f
writer mkinit.c /^char writer[] = "\\$/;" v
writer mknodes.c /^char writer[] = "\\$/;" v
writer mksyntax.c /^static char writer[] = "\\$/;" v file:
writetext mkinit.c /^writetext(text, fp)$/;" f
xflag options.h 58;" d
xioctl output.c /^xioctl(fd, request, arg)$/;" f
xwrite output.c /^xwrite(fd, buf, nbytes)$/;" f
xxreadtoken parser.c /^xxreadtoken() {$/;" f
yy_reduce_print arith.c /^yy_reduce_print (yyvsp, yyrule)$/;" f file:
yy_stack_print arith.c /^yy_stack_print (bottom, top)$/;" f file:
yy_symbol_print arith.c /^yy_symbol_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep)$/;" f file:
yy_symbol_value_print arith.c /^yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep)$/;" f file:
yyalloc arith.c /^union yyalloc$/;" u file:
yychar arith.c /^int yychar;$/;" v
yycheck arith.c /^static const yytype_int8 yycheck[] =$/;" v file:
yyclearin arith.c 739;" d file:
yydebug arith.c /^int yydebug;$/;" v
yydefact arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yydefact[] =$/;" v file:
yydefgoto arith.c /^static const yytype_int8 yydefgoto[] =$/;" v file:
yydestruct arith.c /^yydestruct (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep)$/;" f file:
yyerrok arith.c 738;" d file:
yyerror arith.c /^yyerror(s)$/;" f
yylval arith.c /^YYSTYPE yylval;$/;" v
yynerrs arith.c /^int yynerrs;$/;" v
yypact arith.c /^static const yytype_int16 yypact[] =$/;" v file:
yypgoto arith.c /^static const yytype_int8 yypgoto[] =$/;" v file:
yyprhs arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yyprhs[] =$/;" v file:
yyr1 arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yyr1[] =$/;" v file:
yyr2 arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] =$/;" v file:
yyrhs arith.c /^static const yytype_int8 yyrhs[] =$/;" v file:
yyrline arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yyrline[] =$/;" v file:
yyss arith.c /^ yytype_int16 yyss;$/;" m union:yyalloc file:
yystos arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yystos[] =$/;" v file:
yystpcpy arith.c /^yystpcpy (yydest, yysrc)$/;" f file:
yystpcpy arith.c 1034;" d file:
yystrlen arith.c /^yystrlen (yystr)$/;" f file:
yystrlen arith.c 1011;" d file:
yystype arith.c 286;" d file:
yystype arith.h 101;" d
yysyntax_error arith.c /^yysyntax_error (char *yyresult, int yystate, int yychar)$/;" f file:
yytable arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yytable[] =$/;" v file:
yytname arith.c /^static const char *const yytname[] =$/;" v file:
yytnamerr arith.c /^yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr)$/;" f file:
yytokentype arith.c /^ enum yytokentype {$/;" g file:
yytokentype arith.h /^ enum yytokentype {$/;" g
yytoknum arith.c /^static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] =$/;" v file:
yytranslate arith.c /^static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] =$/;" v file:
yytype_int16 arith.c /^typedef YYTYPE_INT16 yytype_int16;$/;" t file:
yytype_int16 arith.c /^typedef short int yytype_int16;$/;" t file:
yytype_int8 arith.c /^typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8;$/;" t file:
yytype_int8 arith.c /^typedef short int yytype_int8;$/;" t file:
yytype_int8 arith.c /^typedef signed char yytype_int8;$/;" t file:
yytype_uint16 arith.c /^typedef YYTYPE_UINT16 yytype_uint16;$/;" t file:
yytype_uint16 arith.c /^typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16;$/;" t file:
yytype_uint8 arith.c /^typedef YYTYPE_UINT8 yytype_uint8;$/;" t file:
yytype_uint8 arith.c /^typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8;$/;" t file:
yyvs arith.c /^ YYSTYPE yyvs;$/;" m union:yyalloc file: